Each morning at 7:50 am, the Brooklet Elementary School (BES) seven member News Team delivers a live morning newscast to start the day at the school. I was honored to be invited in to meet the team and take a look at their work. To say I was impressed, would definitely be an understatement.
The newscast includes important and timely daily news like what is for lunch, shout outs to every student and staff member on their birthday and important school announcements.
In addition, they have feature stories incorporated in the news cast.
Remarkably this daily newscast is written, directed and produced by a team of fifth graders who volunteer their time to put the show together every morning. BES teachers Joey Harvey and Lisa Sherrod coordinate the program.
The team members include:
- Jaxon Rowell
- Amelia Peterson
- Emma Claire Janney
- Shelby Bartels
- Tess Rogers
- Margo Oliver
- Trace Todd
This phenomenal team has more technology in their studio, which is set up in the corner of a classroom, than we have in Grice Connects studio. They have cameras, lights, teleprompter and green screen. They also use a pretty complicated software to control the cameras and stream the news cast.
"This was a goal of mine when I became the principle here. I wanted to create as many opportunities for children as possible," said Mike Yawn, BES Principal. "With this they are learning and succeeding in an area of cutting edge technology, but they are also learning important life skills. I am proud of them for what what they have accomplished personally and for the school. We look forward to this every morning."
The students apply to become a member of the BES News Team and go through a selection process. The entire news team will be moving to middle school next year, creating a great opportunity for a new crop of reporters.
I predict you will be seeing more of this team in the future, maybe even on Grice Connect from time to time.
Meeting these talented and inspiring students was certainly the highlight of my week. They are smart, committed and eager to learn more about how they can improve their work.
I am sending out a huge GRICE GOOD to Jaxon, Amelia, Emma, Shelby, Tess, Margo, Trace and also Mrs. Sherrod, Mrs. Harvey and Mr. Yawn. Keep making a difference!!