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Fifth annual Declare Your Major Day takes place March 24

Georgia Southern University will host its fifth annual Declare Your Major Day on March 24, where approximately 73 sophomore student-athletes will formally declare their majors in a special ceremony at the Nessmith-Lane Center.
The 5th Annual Declare Your Major Day

Georgia Southern sophomore student-athletes will declare their major in a formal ceremony on Declare Your Major Day in the PAC Auditorium in the Nessmith-Lane Center on March 24, from 7-8:30 p.m.

Approximately 73 student-athletes will walk across the stage, declare their major aloud and then participate in an individual signing ceremony.

The Voice of the Eagles, Danny Reed, will serve as emcee of the event, which will include four guest speakers: Georgia Southern Director of Athletics Chris Davis; Commercial Banking Officer of Morris Bank, Brannen Smithi; Alex Suk, president of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) and Annaliese Riley, Georgia Southern Rifle Alumni Student Athlete and Class of 2023 Graduate. Deans of each of the following colleges represented will be in attendance. 

Allen E. Paulson College and Engineering and Computing
College of Arts and Humanities
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
College of Science and Mathematics
Institute for Innovative and Integrated Studies
Parker College of Business
Waters College of Health Professions

"We are proud to welcome all Eagles for the fifth year of our Declare Your Major Day," said Gleen Hart, Senior Associate Athletics Director for Student-Athlete Development/APEX. "This is a very special day for our sophomore student-athletes as they declare their majors and begin their journey down their future career path." 

Declare Your Major Day is part of the school's APEX (Athletes Preparing for Employment Experiences) program. The APEX program is designed to help prepare Georgia Southern student-athletes for the ultimate challenge after their playing careers- life.