The Statesboro Service League (SSL), a local non-profit organization in Bulloch County, hosted their 49th Annual Attic Sale on October 1, at the Kiwanis Ogeechee Fairgrounds. This years’ sale faced the challenge of Hurricane Ian barreling down toward Statesboro.

"Our amazing League of ladies managed to put together a working website in 24 hours..."
Karen Brazell
The Statesboro Service League Ladies were proactive despite the uncertainty of Hurricane Ian and managed to pull off one of the most successful Attic Sales in the League’s history. Karen Brazell, Attic Sale Co-Chair said, “our amazing League of ladies managed to put together a working website in 24 hours to list and sell items from the Attic Sale.” She said, “we faced a pivot because of the hurricane coming, and for the very first time, all our furniture was sold online prior to the sale!” Karen went on to say, “this years’ Attic Sale brought in over 700 people from our community. This is the thing that I love most about Bulloch County. Our community always shows up in support of our annual sale!”

Advances in technology allowed the Statesboro Service League to expand to reach more people through social media, and host online an online auction through South Auction. The attic sale offered many ways to show support. Members of the community were able to get great deals on everything from holiday decorations to electronics, toys, clothing, furniture and more.
$61,000 Raised
The Annual Attic Sale is the only fundraiser of the Statesboro Service League, and it is planned by the 121 Ladies working together to make it happen. This year, the Attic Sale rose a whopping $61,100! All funds raised go directly back into the community to support other worthy causes throughout the next year, and you would not believe the number of projects, programs, and events the SSL contributes too!
Focus on Wellness Support

The League supports multiple Wellness programs and events that support the health and wellness of the community. The ladies of the SSL work with multiple Done in a Day projects that supply an immediate impact to the community such as the First Methodist Soup Kitchen.
The Statesboro Service League also supplies vision and hearing screening to all Bulloch County 3rd and 5th graders in both public and private schools. They work with Safe Havens transitional living program for domestic abuse survivors. The League works with the Kid’s Kloset and Fostering Bulloch to supply articles of clothing to children in need. They also work to give planning & supporting activities for children in Foster Care.
One might think this is enough, but the ladies of the League do not stop there. They have a program called Camp Gateway that fully funds a week filled with fun activities for rising 4th grade girls in the Summer, and then they have the Gateway Girls program that contributes activities for the girls each month.
In an earlier article from Grice Connect, Ashley Sheffield, President of the Statesboro Service League told, “the Statesboro Service League is honored to be able to support and aid multiple non-profits in our community with the money raised with the Attic Sale events. These events allow us to financially contribute to different groups and organizations who need our help.”
"We are so grateful to the Statesboro Kiwanis Club for allowing us to host our event at the fairgrounds each year."
Karen Brazell
The ladies of the Statesboro Service League worked several hours in advance to get everything ready for the sale. Karen Brazell said, “we are so grateful to the Statesboro Kiwanis Club for allowing us to host our event at the fairgrounds each year.”
2023 is the Attic Sales 50th Anniversary
Next year is a big year for the Statesboro Service League. It will be the 50th year that the Attic Sale will be hosted! Kim Sharpe, Attic Sale Co-Chair also said, “we are looking forward to celebrating our 50th anniversary during 2023 and are working hard to get all plans in place for another amazing sale in the fall. We will have our date and theme announced in the Spring of 2023. We plan to open our online Statesboro Service League Attic Sale Marketplace on Facebook back up before the holidays!”
Grateful for Business Support

Each year local businesses contribute to the success of the Attic Sale Fundraiser by becoming a sponsor. The Statesboro Service League is very thankful to the community for the outpouring of support, and they know that SSL would not be successful without kind donations of items and corporate sponsorships received each year.
How to help
If you would like to contribute to the Statesboro Service League, simply visit boroserviceleague.com and click on the contact us button. One of the members will contact you right away. They welcome your suggestions and contributions, and they are so excited to begin work on the 50th Annual Attic Sale!