The cold temps did not dampen the Christmas spirit for hundreds of citizens who came out for the annual Brooklet Christmas tree lighting that kicks of the Christmas season on Wednesday, November 29, 2023.
Downtown Brooklet looked like any scene from your favorite Hallmark Channel Christmas movie minus the snow.

The nearly two hour ceremonial tree lighting festivals was hosted by the Brooklet Community Development Association (BCDA) at the gazebo on Parker Avenue in Downtown Brooklet, GA.
Ellen Perkins, Chair of the BCDA served as the Master of Ceremonies.
Brooklet Mayor Joe Grooms opened with a welcome and shared how wonderful it is to live in a town small enough you can close the Main street and host a Christmas celebration. He opened the ceremony with prayer.
There was performances by:
- Little Bethel Baptist Church
- Southern Dance Academy
- Brooklet Elementary School Chorus
- Brooklet United Methodist Church Children’s Choir
- Landmark Holiness Church
- Southeast Bulloch High School Band
- Southeast Bulloch Middle School Chorus
- Brooklet First Baptist Church
- Brooklet Primitive Baptist
Santa Claus arrived by Brooklet Police escort on his festive golf cart sleigh.

Brooklet United Methodist Church provided free chili on the lawn of the church and Morris Bank employees gave away free apple cider, cookies and hot chocolate.

Live stream of the ceremony
Special thanks to Bulloch Solutions for providing super fast internet access to live stream the event.
CLICK HERE to watch the Grice Connect Facebook Live Stream
This coverage is made possible thanks to the generous support of one of Bulloch County's newest industries, SECO ECOPLASTIC, as part of their partnership in supporting strong local journalism through Grice Connect.