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Statesboro youth flourish after completing Youth Career Commission program

Youth in Statesboro, Georgia gained valuable life and career skills after completing a program at the Youth Career Commission. The YCC graduation ceremony highlighted the program's success in empowering young people and fostering a supportive community.
2024 YCC summer camp participants in front of the White House in Washington, DC

The Statesboro Youth Career Commission (YCC) celebrated the graduation of its latest class Saturday morning, June 29, 2024. The program, designed to bridge the gap for underserved youth, equips participants with a two-week intensive training program in life and career skills.

Reverend Wayne Williams, YCC Director, underscored the program's philosophy of building well-rounded young adults. They not only gain practical skills in household tasks, financial literacy, graphic design, drone operation, interview techniques, and resume preparation, but also develop the confidence to utilize them effectively.

YCC goes beyond just skill-building, according to Williams. It fosters a long-term support system for the youth through caring community members who act as mentors and guides.

This year, the 11 participants embarked on a trip to Washington D.C. from June 12th to June 15th. They visited an industry leader and a prestigious educational institution, gaining valuable exposure to potential career paths and educational opportunities.

While there, they also enjoyed some fun activities, fostering a sense of camaraderie and teamwork.

This years class included:

  • Anndriya Adams
  • Melodie Anderson
  • Taylor Cone
  • Noah Geiger
  • Jayden Johnson
  • Paul Johnson
  • Trinity Joyce
  • Mia Roberts
  • Qs'Tyra Thomas
  • Ashlyn Thompson
  • Brayden Wilkey

Empowering Young Voices

The ceremony featured a touching exchange between Reverend Williams and the graduates. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the parents for entrusting the YCC with their children, acknowledging the leap of faith it represented. He then invited the graduates to share their experiences and the impact of the program on their lives.

One graduate, Melodie Anderson, spoke about the program's transformative influence. Initially apprehensive about the program's intensity, she found the experience both challenging and rewarding. She expressed her appreciation to the instructors and volunteers who pushed her outside her comfort zone and helped her develop the confidence to speak up and advocate for herself. This newfound confidence, she explained, would be invaluable as she embarked on her college career.

The event was filled with testimonies from parents and participants, highlighting the profound impact of YCC on their lives.

One parent expressed gratitude, saying, "My child has become more confident and responsible, stepping up at home and in the community." Another graduate shared, "I learned about graphic design, developed entrepreneurship skills, and gained confidence to speak in public. This program has prepared me for the real world."

Reverend Wayne Williams (L) and Khristina Smith (R) speaking to the graduates and their families. DeWayne Grice

Building a Brighter Future

Several other graduates echoed Melodie's sentiments, highlighting the diverse skills they learned, from graphic design and entrepreneurship to public speaking and teamwork. The sense of community fostered by the program was another key takeaway. Many graduates spoke about the friendships they formed with their peers, transforming a group of strangers into a supportive network.

DeWayne Grice, Grice Connect Founder and Publisher, was among those recognized for his contributions. Grice Connect played a vital role in facilitating the Washington D.C. trip, providing logistical support and ensuring a smooth and enriching experience for the graduates.

Other significant supporters included Senator Billy Hickman, Ray Hendley, David Ball, City of Statesboro, Don Poe, Feed the Boro, Chris Yaughn, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), Piney Grove MBC and Georgia Southern University. Their financial contributions and volunteer time were essential to the program's success. 

Reverend Williams also recognized and thanked Khristina Smith and Lisa Sampson for helping lead this years program.

The ceremony concluded with Reverend Williams emphasizing the importance of the YCC's mission. Investing in youth, he argued, is an investment in the future. The graduates' success stories serve as a beacon of hope, demonstrating the positive impact that mentorship, opportunity, and a supportive community can have on young lives. Williams closed by encouraging the graduates to stay connected, leverage the skills they learned, and give back to their community as they move forward on their chosen paths.

Support YCC

For more information on how you can support YCC, visit or contact Reverend Wayne Williams at (912) 217-3549 or [email protected]

Youth Career Commission Inc. (YCCI) is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) tax exempt, Youth & Young Adult Development organization. We believe that failure to invest in youth today is a failure to invest in our future. For us, youth development is not a task or a job, it is our purpose.