Statesboro residents are preparing to observe Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of the Lenten season, with numerous services planned across the city on March 5th. This solemn day of reflection and repentance will be observed by various denominations, offering multiple opportunities for community members to participate.
For those seeking a traditional service, Pittman Park United Methodist Church, located at 1102 Fair Road, will host a “Service of Ashes” at 6 p.m. in their sanctuary. The service will focus on repentance and the symbolic imposition of ashes.
First Presbyterian Church, at 1215 Fair Rd, will also hold their Ash Wednesday service at 6:30 p.m.
Trinity Episcopal Church, at 4401 Country Club Rd, is offering multiple service times, catering to various schedules. Services will be held at 7 a.m., noon, and 6 p.m.
St. Matthew’s Catholic Church, located at 221 John Paul Ave, will offer Mass at 7:00 AM, 12:10 PM and 6 PM. The 6 PM Mass will be followed by a community soup supper. Attendees are invited to bring a meatless soup to share.
Additionally St. Matthews will host an Ash Wednesday Mass at the Russell Union Theater, 85 Georgia Avenue, Statesboro, from 12 pm to 1 pm.
For those on the go, “Ashes to Go” will be available outside Cool Beanz, at 19 South Main, from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM, offering a convenient way to receive ashes. This is sponsored by the Statesboro Ministerial Association.
Statesboro First United Methodist Church, at 101 South Main, will hold its Ash Wednesday Service at 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary. This service, lasting approximately 45 minutes, will emphasize worship and reflection, with the imposition of ashes as a central element. Children are welcome to stay in the sanctuary, and nursery care will be provided for those aged four and under.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of a 40-day period of reflection, prayer, and fasting leading up to Easter Sunday.
Residents are encouraged to participate in services that resonate with them as they begin this spiritual journey.
If you know of additional Ash Wednesday services please include them in the comments on social media or email us at [email protected].