When news in July of the sudden death of Kathryn Mullins, a 20 year old Georgia Student and native of Gwinnett, Georgia, it left two communities in shock. According to the Gwinnett Daily Post, Kathryn Mullins was with friends on Lake Murray in Columbia, South Carolina when the pontoon boat she was riding in lost power as it was docking and floated into a dead tree. The tree fell on the boat striking Mullins. She died a few days later due to injuries sustained in the freak accident.
Kathryn was such a gifted young lady who had a heart for people and loved Jesus and the arts. She was active in the Georgia Southern Community and Connection and Compassion Churches, college outreach programs.

Love of Art and Jesus
It was the common interest in art and Jesus that ignited an instant friendship with Statesboro native and fellow Georgia Southern student Edie Grace Grice. They become fast friends. Kathryn joined Edie Grace's lifegroup she hosted at her apartment which broadened their friendship.
Kathryn also operated an online store selling art she had made. She loved stickers and was in the process of creating a sticker which was a self portrait when she died suddenly.

"I still have her handwritten prayer requests hanging on the prayer board in my house and I am so at peace seeing that obvious reminder of Kathryn’s heart for her Father. Truly to know Kathryn is to love her and to be loved by her was such a great joy that I will treasure forever", said Edie Grace Grice.
"I am so grateful the Lord entrusted me with the responsibility of spiritual leadership of His beloved daughter Kathryn. She lead me to Christ as much as I lead her and I truly am so thankful for our relationship on this side of Heaven."
Kathryn's Sticker Project Launched
Edie Grace wanted to do something to keep her sweet spirit and memory alive. That was what led her to finish the work Kathryn had began on her sticker project.
This sticker is a completion of a drawing Kathryn shared a preview of days before she passed on her social media. Edie Grace partnered with Kathryn's friends and family to make sure that this sticker reflects her and her art style as if she made it herself.

"Kathryn is the kindest soul and truly was a ray of sunshine in the lives of all that knew her. Truly to know Kathryn is to love her", said Edie Grace. "My heart for this sticker is for it to remind friends of them many talents of Kathryn and introduce those that didn't to this special friend."
This sticker is available until January and they are $5 each.
Click Below to Open Order Form

Proceeds Use Art to Inspire Others to Know Jesus
As requested by her family, the proceeds will be donated in Kathryn's honor to the youth group at North Metro First Baptist. North Metro was her church that she grew up in. Edie Grace's hope is to raise enough funds to allow North Metro to use proceeds from Kathryn's fund to use art to reach and inspire others to follow Jesus.
Edie Grace began selling the stickers a few weeks ago and has been overwhelmed by the response.
"I am so grateful for the positive response so far and eager to see what the next few months hold. With each sticker, I am writing a card unique to the responses given in the order form", said Edie Grace.
"I am happy I get to take time to write things I loved about Kathryn in these letters as a way to encourage those who love her so much."

How Your Business, Church or Civic Group can Help
You can reach Edie Grace Grice by emailing her at [email protected] to learn more about how you may help them fulfill Kathryn's dream with this sticker project.
Edie Grace would also love to share more about Kathryn and this project with your business, church or civic organization. She is available for Zoom meetings and in person speaking engagements on a limited basis, due to COVID.