The November Food Drop Feed the Boro (FTB) Food Drop in partnership with Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia is sponsored by the Statesboro Kiwanis Club. The Statesboro Kiwanis Club has offered to host this drop at the Kiwanis Ogeechee Fairgrounds located at 16942 Ga Hwy 67.
The food drop is scheduled for this Saturday, November 19th beginning at 8 am and ending at 10 am unless the food supply runs out earlier. FTB volunteers will be joined by Statesboro Kiwanis Club members in distributing enough food to feed 1,000 families for one week.
Testing Fairgrounds as distribution location
Due to the increasingly high demand for food, citizens have began lining up for food hours before the food drop distribution lines opened. The vehicles have backed up all the way to Northside Drive and West Main Street creating traffic issues in the area.
Because of this, the FTB team has been looking for alternative sites to manage the food distribution. The Statesboro Kiwanis Club has generously offered to allow FTB to test doing the distribution in the parking lot of the fairgrounds.
This is not a permanent change, but a test to see if this is a viable option for the future. FTB asks citizens needing food to get in line early and to be patient with the volunteers as they adjust to this new distribution plan. Once the maximum number cars are lined up in the fairgrounds parking lot, volunteers will cut the drop off for additional vehicles. This may occur before the food drop lines open at 8 am. This will ensure everyone in line gets food and no one waits in line only to learn the food is out.
Over one million meals
FTB is partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank as they continue to host family food drops for upcoming dates in 2022. The Feed the Boro team is proud of the accomplishment of providing over one million meals to our community since conducting the Family Food Drops in 2020.
“Our mission is to show our community hope through food, love through volunteerism and compassion through giving the least of these another day to fight,” said Don Poe, FTB Chair. “All people deserve regular, nutritious meals and that is what Feed the Boro is all about.”
ANYONE in Bulloch County who needs food is encouraged to participate, but again, you are encouraged to get in line early.
Volunteers will end the distribution at 10 am or earlier if the food supply runs out.
FTB volunteers will be following strict COVID protocols in making this a contactless delivery. When citizens reach the distribution area, they will need to have their trunk open and cleaned out. SUV’s will need the rear to be accessible and cleaned out also.
Volunteers will not be allowed to touch nor move items around in your vehicle. If it is not cleaned out, they will only place what is possible in the space available. You WILL NOT receive the full distribution if there is not space to put the food items.
Cars will slowly roll through food stations without stopping. Having your trunk cleaned out is imperative to prevent slowing the distribution down for others in line.
Bulloch High Poverty Rate
Bulloch County has a 29% poverty rate, which means that close to 1 out of 3 people may go to bed hungry tonight. Even with help from other local sources, this is still a shocking figure. Feed the Boro has been asked to continue our food drops that supply a family of four, two meals a day for a week and to do so, they need the help of our community.
How you can help
We invite you to volunteer and join in the efforts to feed the less fortunate.
Although volunteer spots may be filled, there is another way you can help. FTB encourages you to sponsor a meal for an individual or a family. For a contribution of $15 you can sponsor a family of three. $25 – family of five, $100 – 20 people, etc.
Thanks to our generous sponsors, it only costs around $5 per person to provide groceries for a week.
Feed the Boro continues to raise funds to help with this and other FTB projects. Two easy ways to give is through a check made payable to: Feed the Boro P.O. Box. 2736, Statesboro, 30459 and also online at
FTB thanks our community for their continued willingness to serve families in need!