Keeping up with the times is something Edith Hutchison knows a lot about. Staying active mentally and physically has been a key to her success in living a long and productive life. Saturday, May 21, 2022, she will celebrate her 98th birthday.
Edith is a retired Postmaster. In fact, she has been retired longer than she actually worked for the postal service. This, combined with being a farmer's daughter and a farmer's wife, instilled the value of hard work and the importance of staying active.
She begins her day reading the latest news on Grice Connect on her ipad. She loves to keep up with family, friends and the community and enjoys the interactiveness of the website. Having easy, timely access to the obituaries and keeping up with community events are important, even at 98.

More importantly, she proves daily that you are NEVER to old to learn new things. She is always learning. It has been a lifelong mission of hers.
You will see her keeping up with her garden and yard early in the day. Then she reads books she checks out at the Statesboro Regional Library. When she tires of reading, Edith moves on to a puzzle. She always has one in progress.
Edith still drives and attends her home church, Old Fellowship Baptist Church in Stilson, often.
Edith is very special to us, as she is my wife Lori's grandmother and our daughter, Edie Grace's namesake great grandmother. She is an incredible lady, with such a sweet spirit. As the matriarch of the family, it is a role that fits her perfectly. Edith is steady as a rock and always up for a new adventure or challenge. She keeps us all on our toes for sure.
Join us in wishing Edith a very happy 98th birthday!
Events Edith Hutchison has lived through:
- 1923: Insulin treatment for diabetes is mass produced
- 1924: Hoover named head of Bureau of Investigation
- 1928: Mickey Mouse debuts in Steamboat Willie
- 1929: The Wall Street Crash
- 1930: The Great Depression
- 1935: Social Security Act established
- 1939: World War II begins
- 1950: U.S. enters Korean conflict
- 1952: World's first commercial jet takes off
- 1955: Disneyland opens in California
- 1957: Civil Rights Act extends voting rights to all
- 1959: Alaska, Hawaii become states
- 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis brings world to brink of war
- 1963: President John F. Kennedy assassinated
- 1965: U.S. enters combat in Vietnam War
- 1967: First Super Bowl ends in Packers blowout
- 1968: Martin Luther King Jr., Robert F. Kennedy assassinated
- 1969: America lands first man on the moon
- 1972: The Watergate scandal
- 1977: Personal computer industry is born
- 1981: Sandra Day O'Connor named first female justice
- 1986: Space shuttle Challenger explodes
- 1989: Berlin Wall falls
- 1990: Iraq invades Kuwait; Operation Desert Shield launched
- 1995: Oklahoma City bombing
- 1997: Princess Diana dies in car crash
- 1999: Columbine High School massacre
- 2001: 9/11
- 2005: Hurricane Katrina slams Gulf Coast
- 2007: Apple iPhone introduced
- 2012: Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School
- 2020: COVID-19 pandemic