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Water refill stations opening in Bulloch County

Citizens should prepare to be without power for several days. One of the main requests we are receiving is for drinking water. Bulloch County VOAD is working on options for water and has begun opening water refill stations for drinking water. We will update this list as more stations become available.

We are working to open water refill stations around the community.  With the mass amount of power outages, we have been limited to where we have water available. Bulloch County VOAD has made request for large quanties of bottled water as well.   

Currently available water stations:

Bring your own containers!

  • Pittman Park Church - City drinking water available along with showers, recharge stations for your mobile devices and AC. Saturday, September 28, 2024 from 11 am to 6 pm. Pittman Park UMC is located at 1102 Fair Road, Statesboro, GA.
  • City of Statesboro - City drinking water is available at their maintenance facility located at 36 Hill Street, Statesboro, GA on Saturday, September 28, 2924 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm then they will open daily from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.
  • Bulloch County Ag Arena - City drinking water is available 24/7 at 44 Arena Boulevard, Statesboro, GA  30458. Enter the back gate and locate the water hose at the livestock barn.

Want to open a water station or offer other assistance?

If you have water available and would be willing to open a water station, please email your information to [email protected] and we will add you to this list.  If you have any products or resources that you feel may be helpful to our citizens please email

We are also working on getting large quantities of ready-to eat-meals.  Feed the Boro will hold an enhanced food drop on Saturday, October 4th at Statesboro High School for citizens who lost their food due to power outages.

Hurricane Helene Resource Guide

The Grice Connect team is working to continually update a resource guide. The idea is to have one place for you to find updated information and resources.  We know many of you are without power and have limited battery life on your phones. Click here to access this guide. Make sure to benchmark this guide and refer to it often.

Thank you Bulloch!

We are encouraging citizens to be preparing for a multi-day power outage.

Reports of neighbors helping neighbors have been tremendously refreshing. Our community is at its best in times like this.