Tom and Kally Giang are the proud owners of Annie’s Nail Salon (1 & 2). Tom's first time in Statesboro was to visit his mother. She was living here and working at a nail salon. When he came here to visit her, he felt that he could do something so much better. He knew he needed to make a better life for his mother. She missed not being able to see her granddaughters daily.
When he went back home, he and Kally talked about it. She said that she wanted to find a nail salon that they could purchase in Statesboro. But when they came back looking at salons that might be available, there were none. Tom had pretty much given up on that idea of it being a Statesboro location.
When he was leaving Chick-fil-A on Northside Drive during that visit, the GPS for some reason told him to turn right on Northside Drive and directed him over to Gentilly Road. From Gentilly, he was directed to turn left on Fair Road and then right on Bermuda Run. As he was driving down Bermuda Run, he noticed the lovely shopping center on his right side, and there he saw a vacant space.
It was at that time that he decided that was the place for them to build a nail salon. Even though they knew nothing about building a salon from scratch, they felt that God had directed them to that location.
So Tom went up to the second floor of the center, located at the corner of Bermuda Run and Brampton Avenue. As he was walking through an office full of desks, he ran into the gentleman who owned the building. Mr Leonard, as Tom recalls, said that he would talk to him about renting space. But once Tom told him that he was looking to build a nail salon, he told him he wasn't interested. He said he was concerned about the smells that come from nail salons, and he did not want to disturb his other tenants.
But as they talked further, Mr. Leonard noticed that Tom was wearing a UGA shirt. He asked if he was a fan of UGA, and he said, "No sir, I’m not a fan. I'm a DAWG!" Well, that sold Mr. Leonard.
After that, Mr. Leonard told Tom, “Alright, I will lease you the space for a nail salon. But I want you to do all your homework and understand exactly what you're getting into before we sign the lease.” He told him that he would hold the space until he was ready.
Keeping the faith on the plan
Tom headed back to Jacksonville, North Carolina, where they were living at the time, about an 8 hour drive away. He put together a plan for the build out and lined up a contractor. When he came back to Statesboro to get construction started, his contractor bailed on him -- leaving him with no contactor and 60 days to get the shop opened.
Feeling like everything was falling apart, he drove to the Food Wold shopping center on Fair Rd. While sitting there in his car, a young girl walked up to him and said, “Keep going!” Tom knew that this was a message that God had sent him to not give up, but to keep going to see their dream through to completion.
So with that faith and the support of family, Tom and Kally got to work on their dream. Opening in 2015, they worked hard to build the business and created quite a following in the area.
While they were not really looking to open a second location, the developer of the Publix center came to him in 2020 asking him to take the space to open in the center. For quite a while, he resisted opening another store, but in time, they felt that God was directing them to open the second location. And so they did, with a grand opening this past June.
Being a part of the Statesboro community
Tom and Kally love being part of the Statesboro community. They think of their salons as part of the community. Everyone from clients to staff is considered part of their family. Tom’s mother works with him at the Annie’s 2 location. Tom and Kally have 2 daughters. Annie, for whom the salon is named, and Emily. Emmy’s Bubble Tea Lounge, the couple's other business, is named for Emily. Tom says that Annie is the “financial butterfly” and Emily is the “social butterfly” of the family.
Between the two salons, their salon family is 51 members strong and growing.
Tom and Kally wanted everyone to know that whether the OG Annie’s is your favorite or you prefer the newer Annie's 2, it's all the same service, attention to detail, and community connection. They are proud to support area schools and community non-profits. At Annie’s 2, there are rooms that can be reserved for private affairs, such as bachelorette parties, birthday parties, or any event where adding a little glamour will enhance the celebration. A celebration at Annie’s will definitely make you the envy of your friends.
A family business with the best in customer care
Tom and Kally have a passion for what they do and truly love their family, both staff and clientele. They offer all the most popular finishes for nails, as well as waxing options. They feel that safety is very important, and they do everything possible to ensure the health of their clients as well. Nail fungus is a very real issue that they want everyone to be aware of. Both locations of Annie's Nails provide the most sanitary environment possible to prevent nail infection.
Tom has relied on Bulloch Solutions to provide him with his technology solutions for both locations. Annie’s has big screen TVs to entertain guests as they receive their salon services.They offer free WiFi to their guests, as well. To make it easy for them, Bulloch Solutions has created QR codes that send the user directly to WiFi. No more logging in and entering a random password, especially with wet nails! Tom has these QR codes posted in the salons for quick and convenient access. Tom says that Bulloch Solutions help him with technology and communication products so he and Kally can focus on their salon guests.

Tom and Kally want you to become part of their family, too! Visit them at either location. Appointments are available, but not required. Annie’s Nail Salon, the OG, is located at 1098 Bermuda Run Rd, Ste. 4, where you can always find Kally taking care of her family. Annie’s 2 is located at 105 Tormenta Way, between Publix and Crumbl Cookies. Tom is there to make sure you feel like you are at home. While you're there, ask Tom about his Party area.
Both locations are open Monday thru Saturday. The original location is open 9:30am-7:30pm, and the new location is open 9:30am-6:30pm Monday to Friday and 9:30am-5:30pm on Saturdays.