The Georgia Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally-funded program that helps low-income households with their home energy bills. This assistance can reduce the risk of health and safety problems such as illness, fire, or disconnection.
The application period for this season begins on December 2, 2024.
A one-time payment will be made to the home energy supplier on behalf of eligible households. Eligibility for the program is based on the income of everyone living in the home (please see income chart below for maximum annual income per household size.) All eligible households must be responsible for their home heating bill.
Priority month for senior households age 65 and older and homebound applicants begins December 2, 2024.
Eligible to apply:
- All adults in the household are 65 or older OR all adults are homebound, and utility bill has disconnection notice or needs to have service reconnected
- Individual has life-threatening illness, verified by a medical professional and utility bill has a disconnection notice or needs to have service reconnected
The application period for the general population begins January 2, 2025.
Funds are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Eligibility for this program is determined by the income of all adults living in the household (see chart below).

Here are the required documents for applications:
- Social Security card(s) for all household members.
- Valid ID for applicant.
- Most recent electric bill and most recent heating bill if home is heated with source other than electricity.
- Proof of all household income for the past 30 days including these examples:
- Check stubs: MUST have all check stubs showing pay dates and gross income for the last 30 days in consecutive order prior to your appointment date.
- OR, Current SSI/Social Security Award letter
- OR, Unemployment Check Stubs
- OR, Proof of Child Support
- Examples of items which cannot be accepted are previous LIHEAP applications, copies of benefit checks, and 1099 tax forms.
*There may be limited funding for households in crisis. Households who are disconnected or are within 7 days of disconnection should call the action pact Service Center in their county for assistance. Crisis appointments will not be available through the automated or online system.