One of the most ‘CHARMING’ things about the Lodge at Bethany, ‘A Community Redefined,’ is the great sense of happy satisfaction and warmth of the staff and the attention to detail for their residents. At Bethany, their staff is led and made up of highly trained and educated professionals -- a caring staff with an incredible desire to connect with the Residents in a positive and encouraging manner.
Everyday at the Lodge, there is a special program or event planned by skilled individuals that have the ‘HEART for FUN’. Activities like Luau Aloha, Sock Hop, Disco Party or an Educational Program, learning about ‘Honey’ and the importance of the ‘Queen Bee' or perhaps about ‘Fraud Awareness and Prevention’, the Residents are all up for the excitement!
NOW this takes us to the ‘SPECIAL DAY’ when the Staff and Residents made ‘LEMONADE FROM LEMONS.’
On this particular day, like any other Wednesday at the Lodge, the ‘Beloved Bingo’ was on the schedule. It so happened that Hurricane Idalia decided to pay a visit to Georgia, moving right over Statesboro and Bulloch County. She really did not concern herself about ‘What program was happening at ‘The Lodge at Bethany!’
Kimberly Brown, the Director of Activities at the Lodge said, “We are a BIG family and spend a lot of time together having FUN, Exercising, Playing Games, Listening to Music, Watching Movies, having fun Devotions, putting Puzzles together or sometimes just hanging out by the fire after dinner. We always have a good time. We believe in making the BEST out of every situation.”

That Wednesday was no different. When the staff came in that day, not knowing what was taking place with the weather, they decided to meet it head on while playing a game of Bingo. The weather ALERT came, that they needed to take cover because of a TORNADO WARNING. “We all knew our safety zone at the Lodge, so that's where we moved to for further instructions,” said Kim.
Jerri Mathis, Staff Accountant and Director of Engagement, had brought her Ukulele to work that day. Without premeditation, when ALL the residents were in the hall, Jerri was called to an emergency and had to leave. A resident, Lois Jones, brought her guitar ('git fiddle,' as she calls it ) and with everyone in their own thoughts and without hesitation, the strumming began.
Songs broke out throughout the whole body of the residents. Songs like Amazing Grace,You Are My Sunshine, Swing Low Sweet Chariot, and many more. I am sure you could see some concerns and maybe even worry on a few faces, but for the most part, the residents were in a MOMENT making ‘LEMONADE from LEMONS.’
After the spontaneous jam session, the WARNING had passed, and the Residents were safe to return to their rooms. Every one of the residents that had been playing Bingo before the WARNING went back to the tables and continued the game.
"This speaks HIGHLY about our residents, enjoying their time here and getting back to the things they LOVE. Whether they are enjoying golf cart rides, shopping trips, lunch at a favorite restaurant, relaxing in the sun or pet therapy, it really makes no difference," Kim says, "We have so much FUN here at the Lodge.”
Kim summed up our visit saying, “I encourage you to come to some of our events, if you haven't already, and see for yourself what this community means to us. We truly care for each other. Come as a visitor, a volunteer, or a guest. You are always welcome.
Becky Livingston,CEO said, "There is a difference between ‘HAPPY' and 'JOYOUS!’ We want our residents to be ‘JOYOUS!”
You come, see, and make it your next great Senior Moment!
The Lodge at Bethany can be reached by phone at 912.764.7960 or by email at [email protected].