Annie Laura Bailey Wildenradt, born February 27, 1921 in Statesboro Georgia, recently celebrated the BIG 103! She attended Claxton High School and achieved her goal to graduate before training to be a switchboard operator. She was employed with Southern Bell after that.
Sounds pretty common, maybe routine for a woman’s life in 1921-1940, doesn't it? Then in 1942, World War II broke out, and a wonderful sign caught Annie Laura’s eye while on a workbreak. "We Need YOU!" said Uncle Sam.
On that day, Annie Laura made history. She became one of the first women to join the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC), which became the Women's Army Corps on active duty in July 1943.
Holding the rank of Private, she received no medals or recognition for her service at that time. But on June 19, 2024, that all changed. Private Annie Laura Bailey Wildenradt was honored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. It may have been 80+ years later, but it was no less deserved!

Patsy Elizabeth Schreiber, outgoing 77th Commander of Georgia Department of VFW 2023-24/incoming Commander VFW Post 8385 Kingsway, and Dean Rakoskie, 76th Commander of Georgia Department of VFW 2022-23/life member of VFW Post 10825 Statesboro and the seventh Department of Georgia Triple Crown All American Commander, arrived to honor Bailey Wildenradt.
They offered the following recognition and honors for her service in World War II.
- Female Veteran Recognition Pin and Certificate in recognition of her service in the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC) and Women's Army Corps (WAC) during World War II
- Certificate of Recognition for her service in the army during World War II from the VFW National Commander and a belated "Happy 103rd Birthday!"
- WAAC/WAC Service Medal in recognition of her service during WWII
- Triple Crown: Awarded to individuals who have earned recognition as All-American Commanders at the Post, District, Department (levels).
- As of July 29, 2024, only 9 of the 77 individuals who have served as Commanders of the Department of Georgia have been awarded the Triple Crown designated by VFW National. Five of these individuals provided their challenge coins for presentation to Bailey Wildenradt as a symbol of the respect they have for her service.
Private Annie Laura Bailey Wildenradt in uniform - As of July 29, 2024, only 9 of the 77 individuals who have served as Commanders of the Department of Georgia have been awarded the Triple Crown designated by VFW National. Five of these individuals provided their challenge coins for presentation to Bailey Wildenradt as a symbol of the respect they have for her service.
Commander Schreiber stated, “Annie Laura Bailey Wildenradt reminds our generation that women were in uniform and also guaranteed our freedom. She volunteered and took the oath to protect and defend our country and is just as great as the brave men who has been recognized through the years.”
Commander Rakoskie said, “Annie Laura Bailey Wildenradt, a member of America's greatest generation, a generation that did not seek greatness, but without their honor, commitment, and sacrifice, America may not have continued to be the greatest nation on earth. What we are doing here today is a long overdue expression of gratitude for recognizing a call to duty! In conjunction with Commander Schreiber, we speak for all the veterans when we say, 'Thank you and God Bless You!'”
Congratulations, Private Annie Laura Bailey Wildenradt, for ‘paving the way’ and having the courage to step up and say "I want to serve!"
Learn more about Annie Laura's life and service here.