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University-wide mental health services strengthened by Georgia Southern’s JED Campus initiative

Georgia Southern University has been recognized as a full JED Campus Member, highlighting its commitment to enhancing student mental health resources and increasing awareness through a successful four-year partnership with the national collegiate mental health program.

As a result of Georgia Southern’s commitment to increasing student awareness and access to mental health resources, the University has recently been named a full JED Campus (JED) Member university.

Georgia Southern recently completed a four-year partnership with JED, a national collegiate mental health program that guides colleges through a collaborative process of building comprehensive systems, programs and policy development with customized support to build upon existing student mental health, substance use and suicide prevention efforts.

Along with the JED efforts, Georgia Southern has significantly increased student awareness and access to mental health resources. A recent report shows that 83% of Georgia Southern University students agree that the administration is listening to the concerns of students around health and wellness. This is a 15% increase since 2020.

In 2020, the University System of Georgia launched several system-wide initiatives and resources to increase the mental health awareness and resources for all of its institutions.

One of these initiatives was to fund the enrollment of all institutions in the JED Campus program. This included the creation of a JED campus team, an initial campus mental health climate study conducted by the Healthy Minds Institute on behalf of JED, the completion of a Georgia Southern self-study, a campus site visit by JED and the development and completion of a four-year strategic plan.

“Engaging in the four-year JED Campus process has enabled Georgia Southern to strengthen and expand its university-wide commitment to the mental health of our students, faculty and staff,” said Jodi K. Caldwell, Ph.D., Counseling Center executive director & JED Campus team lead. “The JED team remains committed to growing Georgia Southern’s efforts in providing awareness, education, resources and support for the well-being of our community. We are grateful to the University System of Georgia, whose support funded this opportunity for all USG institutions and to the support of our Georgia Southern administration.”

Recently, the University has increased awareness and resources through programs like the H.E.R.O. Folder. Students aware of mental health outreach efforts grew from 40% to 60%, and those knowing where to seek professional help increased from 78% to 84%, according to the JED feedback report. Additional findings can be found in the full report at the bottom of this article.

Georgia Southern will now be considered an alumni of the program, and will continue several of the programs and initiatives launched with JED.

See the full report here.