Encore! Encore! What is CAP? Everyone wants to know more!
Civil Air Patrol (CAP), the official US Air Force auxiliary, is a non-profit organization with more than 6,000 members. CAP is tasked by the Air Force to perform 90% of the U.S. inland search and rescue missions. Adult volunteers also perform Homeland Security, Disaster Relief, and Counter Drug Missions at the request of the government agencies. Members play a leading role in Aerospace education and service mentors to more than 26,000 young people in CAP’s Cadet program.
On August 28th, 2023, the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Statesboro Composite Squadron held an OPEN HOUSE at the Old National Guard Armory off of 301 in Statesboro.
1Lt. JoEllen Flannery, Deputy Commander said, “How excited I was to see so many people come for our OPEN HOUSE. When I was promoting, people would say I've never heard of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP). I realized we need more name recognition and I hope this has done that at least it was a good start.”

Approximately 50 to 60 attendees had the opportunity to visit the table exhibits with all kinds of information. They had STEM kits, Search and Rescue gear on display, and lots of information about the Cadet Summer Camps and Activities, including door prizes from local supporters. At one point, 1Lt. Flannery said, "I saw DRONES flying around! I think everyone had a good time.”
Prior to this OPEN HOUSE, CAP had a Recruiting Fair at three local schools in Bulloch County: Langston Chapel Middle School, SEB Middle School, and Portal Middle High School. They spoke to many students, teachers, and visitors during the meetings.

1Lt. Flannery said, “We are working right now to assist STEM teachers in several schools with STEM kits from CAP. Recruitment efforts will be ongoing through the year. We plan on going to schools’ OPEN HOUSES each year, if they will have us. In addition, we are looking into having booths at community events and letting people know who we are."
Upon my visit to the OPEN House, I met two impressive Cadets.
Cadet Master Sergeant Aiden Propps joined Civil Air Patrol (CAP) 3 years ago shortly before the COVID-19 pandemic. "CAP introduced me to a great number of friends and opportunities I would not have been able to get otherwise,” said Cadet Master Sergeant Propps. “Throughout the years, CAP has helped me grow as a leader and become involved in emergency services. My training within CAP has prepared me to start a career at Statesboro Fire Department.”
The second Cadet I met was Cadet Tech Sergeant Blake Patterson, with CAP GA-45 1st Composite Squadron. Tech Sergeant Patterson said, “I joined CAP last year, because I wanted to learn what it is to be in the military and help my community. One thing I love about CAP is the benefits of getting a pilot's license for a lower cost, while helping save lives at the same time. Even though I am not a pilot yet, I can still serve my community, training to be an SAR ground team member.”

The Squadron is kicking off another recruitment event, so if you missed the OPEN HOUSE, you can still visit Civil Air Patrol meetings. They are always open to the visitors.
"We are revamping and reorganizing! Be on the lookout for more things from CAP to our community,” said 1Lt. Flannery. “Come see what we all are about and see if it's a GREAT fit for you. We are recruiting senior members!!”

CAP Meeting Information
LOCATION: Old National Guard Armory on Highway 301
WHEN: Monday nights, 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
CONTACT: 1Lt JoEllen Flannery, [email protected]
Come check it out and ENJOY another Senior Moment!