Local non-profit, Rebecca’s Cafe, received a donation of $2,500 from Woodmen Life on Wednesday, May 31st, at First Presbyterian Church on Fair Road.
Founded in 2009, Rebecca’s Cafe is on a mission to help end hunger in Bulloch county. Based out of the kitchen at First Presbyterian Church and with the help of volunteers, the non-profit serves more than 250 sack lunches every Wednesday. Rebecca’s Cafe coordinates with the Statesboro Food Bank to help fill every sack lunch with two sandwiches, a fruit, a shelf stable snack, and a dessert.
Woodmen Life is an insurance company owned by its members that focuses on assisting communities nationwide. Statesboro’s local fraternal chapter, #158, has been involved with headstone cleaning, tree planting, and community garden planting. The local chapter also has a heavy focus on military appreciation, specifically working with veterans in need.
Woodmen Life Chapter Vice President Charlotte Malott says, “Wherever we see a need, we try to respond,” and that includes Rebecca’s Cafe.
Ann Henderson, Rebecca’s Cafe President, voiced her appreciation by stating, “We are grateful for continued support. We appreciate Woodmen Life’s dedication to our community, specifically in regards to food security.”
The $2,500 donation will be added into the “new building” fund for Rebecca’s Cafe, which will be donated to the Statesboro Food Bank expansion occurring later in 2023.
If you are interested in learning more about Woodmen Life, you may contact area financial representative Bill Ross at 912-398-1785 or local chapter secretary Glenda Antuna at 912-237-0921.