On Saturday, June 10th, the Statesboro Blues chapter of the U.S. Veterans Motorcycle Club hosted the 9th annual Jesse Hinton Memorial Fundraiser. The proceeds go to help homeless veterans on a nationwide level. The club had a great turnout.
The event started at Statesboro Yamaha. At 10:30, riders took off from the starting point to one of many stops throughout Bulloch county to collect a playing card. Their goal? To collect the best – or even the worst – poker hand.
They ended at Locos for a wonderful lunch-in, set with 65 door prizes of all sorts, from teddy bears to new motorcycle gear.
The event was started by the late Air Force veteran and Statesboro native Jesse Hinton prior to his death in 2014. The Statesboro Blues chapter, whose name was adopted from the famous Willie McTell song “Statesboro Blues,” have assisted Hinton’s family in hosting the motorcycle run each year. Jesse was a friend and classmate of current club Vice President, Phil “Country” Crowley.
Outside of fundraisers, the motorcycle club also donates food through the Veterans Affairs hospital in Savannah. They also work with Goodwill to provide vouchers for food, clothes, and other necessities, as well as assisting in providing shelter and jobs for homeless veterans.
“Being veterans, we want to help other veterans and our community,” Vice President Country said. “We all rely on each other. Even if we just need an ear to listen, we know we have each other.”
For more information on the motorcycle club, check out their Facebook page: U.S. Military Vets M/C GA8 Statesboro Blues Chapter.