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Lighting installed at Brooklet Park Athletic Fields in time for new soccer season

The Brooklet Park Athletic Fields have new state-of-the-art lighting in its soccer fields just in time for the upcoming season.

The Brooklet Park Athletic Fields now have a brighter perspective -- literally! The long awaited soccer field lighting has been installed just in time for the upcoming spring soccer season.

Parks Division Manager Tony Morgan says Bulloch County Recreation and Parks has recognized the need for lighting from the field's inception. When the land was redesigned to create a soccer-specific pitch back in 2010, there were no funds at the time to consider adding illumination; however, it was always a goal.

Once the LED lighting was installed at Mill Creek Park and residents and rec employees saw how bright the output was, the choice to use LED in Brooklet was an easy one.

Morgan says the department decided to employ Musco Lighting, a company that has specialized in sports lighting for over 40 years. The draw was a 25-year warranty and a large support group of over 170 team members that perpetually monitor the system. In addition to the radiance of the LED lights, the state-of-the-art design allows the lighting to stay within the fence lines causing no light pollution for surrounding neighbors and businesses.

"They know about an issue before we know about an issue," Morgan says with confidence.

The Musco pitch system is a win-win for Brooklet, Stilson, and Nevils parents.

"We have been hoping for something like this for a long time," one busy Brooklet mom says. "Previously, if we had a night practice or game in the fall, we would need to go to Mill Creek Park. Now with these new lights, we can have evening activities closer to home."

Georgia Power arrived at Brooklet Park Athletic Fields last week to conduct the final inspection to ensure that the fields are ready for use. Soccer season starts March 5th. Game on!

For more information about Bulloch Recreation and Parks youth sports and activities registration, please visit