Catching your first fish makes for a wonderful memory. Help your kid have a fun day that they will remember by taking them to a Family or Kids Fishing Event, suggests the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division.
“It is a special moment when you see your child catch their first fish, or their second fish, and so on! Fishing together helps build a connection for both of you to remember for years to come,” says Scott Robinson, Chief of Fisheries for the Wildlife Resources Division. “Family and Kids fishing events offer a great place to get started. Volunteers and staff organizing the event are focused on helping your child have a great experience and develop a love for fishing before they try to ‘tackle’ it on their own.”

Family and Kids fishing events are held throughout the year and offered across the state on public and private waterways. They typically take place at a location with a successful catch rate to make the experience even better for new anglers. Many events have on-site volunteers to help those who are new to fishing. Some events even offer additional options, such as lunch or snacks, prizes and educational information.
Family and Kids fishing events are sponsored across the state by multiple partners, such as counties and municipalities, conservation groups and more. The Wildlife Resources Division co-sponsors many events by providing channel catfish or trout to improve fishing, educational materials for participants and guidance for sponsors.
How do you find more information or local events? Visit Here you will find tips on fishing with kids, recommended places to go fish with children, a “kid’s first fish certificate,” and a link to the GO System where you can search for events near you.
For more on fishing in Georgia, visit