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Hickman: Week one under the Gold Dome

Senator Billy Hickman offers his update on the first week back in session in the Georgia Legislature. He will serve as Chairman for the Senate Committees on Higher Education and the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Education and Higher Education and will also begin serving as Vice Chairman on the Senate Committee on Economic Development and Tourism.
Sen. Billy Hickman Credit: GA. Senate

2024 Legislative Session kicked off this week, and I’m honored to be back under the Gold Dome to serve my constituents of the 4th Senate District. This session, I have the privilege of serving as Chairman for the Senate Committees on Higher Education and the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Education and Higher Education. I am eager to begin serving as Vice Chairman on the Senate Committee on Economic Development and Tourism, following my recent appointment by Lt. Gov. Burt Jones.

During last Wednesday's Eggs and Issues breakfast, Governor Brian P. Kemp announced an exciting development that will greatly impact the 4th Senate District. He proposed allocating $178 million in the budget for the design and construction of a dental school at Georgia Southern University, making it the first school of its kind in Georgia since 1969. This new development will provide an influx of jobs and opportunity to our region and I greatly look forward to its construction.

Thursday brought Gov. Kemp’s State of the State Address, highlighting Georgia's accomplishments and outlining his vision for the coming year. Throughout his address, Gov. Kemp emphasized the state’s ability to grow and prosper through increased focus in education, healthcare, public safety and workforce funding. As an advocate for literacy development, I was happy to hear Gov. Kemp highlight an increased effort to double down on investment in K-12 education. Gov. Kemp’s address set the stage for a productive legislative session ahead.

Looking forward, I want to highlight that next week is Budget Week under the Gold Dome. Budget Week is an essential component of a legislative process, since the only measure that is constitutionally required to be passed during session is the budget. The General Assembly will listen to presentations from state agency heads as they advocate for their budgetary needs for the Amended 2024 Fiscal Year and the 2025 Fiscal Year.

As always, if I can ever be of assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office. I am here to serve you.