Feed the Boro's February Food Drop is this Saturday, March 8, 2025, beginning at 8am at Statesboro High School, 10 Coach Lee Hill Boulevard. This drop is presented by Statesboro Food Lion and The Islands in partnership with Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia and sponsored by CORE Credit Union and GAF. The drop will end at 10am unless food runs out earlier.
Volunteer slots are filled for this drop. Please sign up here to volunteer at April's drop.
Volunteers should plan on arriving by 7:45 a.m. for a safety briefing. Parking is across the street in the Big Lots parking lot opposite Statesboro High. Wear comfortable clothes and no open toed shoes. The high school will be open for a warming break if needed.
Food for 1,000 families
FTB volunteers will be distributing enough food to feed 1,000 families for one week on Saturday.
“Our mission is to show our community hope through food, love through volunteerism and compassion through giving the least of these another day to fight,” said Don Poe, FTB Chair. “All people deserve regular, nutritious meals and that is what Feed the Boro is all about.”
ANYONE in Bulloch County who needs food is encouraged to participate, but you are encouraged to get in line early.
Trunks open and cleaned out
When citizens reach the distribution area, they will need to have their trunk open and cleaned out. SUVs will need the rear to be accessible and cleaned out also. Volunteers will not be allowed to touch nor move items around in your vehicle. If it is not cleaned out, they will only place what is possible in the space available. You WILL NOT receive the full distribution if there is not space to put the food items.
Cars will slowly roll through food stations without stopping. Having your trunk cleaned out is imperative to prevent slowing the distribution down for others in line.
Bulloch's high poverty rate
Bulloch County has a 29% poverty rate, which means that close to 1 out of 3 people may go to bed hungry tonight. Even with help from other local sources, this is still a shocking figure. Feed the Boro has been asked to continue the food drops that supply a family of four with two meals a day for a week and to do so, they need the help of our community.
We invite you to volunteer and join in the efforts to feed the less fortunate. If volunteer spots are filled, there is another way you can help. FTB encourages you to sponsor a meal for an individual or a family.
For a contribution of $15 you can sponsor a family of three. $25 – family of five, $100 – 20 people, etc.
Thanks to our generous sponsors, it only costs around $5 per person to provide groceries for a week. Feed the Boro continues to raise funds to help with this and other FTB projects.
Two easy ways to give are through a check made payable to Feed the Boro P.O. Box. 2736, Statesboro, 30459, or online at www.feedtheboro.com.