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Empathy in Action: How Safe Haven's Holiday Drives Are Making a Difference

In response to the community's overwhelming support of its Valentine's drive, Safe Haven announces an Easter Basket drive that will help create special memories for their families this Easter. Adopt an egg from their bulletin board and fill a basket for a child this Easter! The Easter Basket drive will be held March 1st through March 20th.

In a heartfelt initiative this Valentine's Day, Safe Haven launched a campaign inviting the community to act as valentines for survivors of domestic violence by donating comforting items. This effort, aimed at fostering positive experiences for those bravely facing the aftermath of domestic violence, emphasized the organization's dedication to its cause and illustrated the significant impact of communal support in the healing journey. Kim Billings, Public Relations & Legal Services Director, recently shared the purpose behind the drive and spoke to the overwhelming support of the community, with plans to do it all again this March in celebration of Easter.

Billings shared, "Our aim was to create a positive experience for the courageous individuals we are privileged to serve, strengthen, and support. We wanted to demonstrate that they are valued and looked after not only by our organization but also by our community.” This engagement was intended to assure survivors of the extensive support network surrounding them, affirming their cherished status within the broader community.

Holidays, usually filled with joy, can be particularly daunting for survivors, bringing about complex emotions and stirring past memories. "Holidays can trigger a mix of emotions for everyone. For survivors of domestic violence, the holidays can present distinct challenges. These challenges may include being unable to see or communicate with loved ones due to safety concerns, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation during a time when others are connecting with family. Negative memories of past holidays with the person who hurt them can make the season feel tiring and overwhelming," Billings described, highlighting the unique obstacles domestic violence survivors face during these periods.

Every Valentine Claimed within 24 Hours

The community's response to Safe Haven's call was swift and enthusiastic. After the organization's Facebook announcement, individuals eagerly stepped forward to participate, "After our Facebook Valentine's Day post went live, the compassionate members of our community immediately showed interest by engaging with the post through emojis or expressing their desire to participate. Within 24 hours, all the hearts, each detailing favorite candies, and ages (kept confidential for privacy), were claimed," Billings shared, emphasizing the profound gratitude and warmth from those who received these thoughtful gifts. Notably, Safe Haven achieved its goal of receiving all requested donations for Valentine's Day, with every heart being claimed within a day.


Community Support for a Community Concern

Billings further elucidated, "Domestic violence is a community concern, not solely a personal or family matter. It is crucial to understand its definition and how to identify it. Domestic violence is a pattern of behaviors used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. It can take on many forms such as physical, emotional, isolation, financial, threats and intimidation, stalking, using technology and much more. This issue impacts individuals across all economic backgrounds, races, religions, sexual orientations, and professions. Our community plays a significant role in advocating for the safety, support, and resources available to survivors of domestic violence," underscoring the critical importance of collective action in addressing this pervasive issue.

"We were humbled by the prompt response and by each time the doorbell rang with a generous donor bringing their Valentine by. It was nice to greet our Valentines and say thank you! It’s always a pleasure talking with our community about the services we offer and telling them how much we appreciate their support. Our work is made possible by the generosity of our community," Billings acknowledged, appreciating the positive engagement between donors and the organization.

One touching story encapsulates the impact of this initiative; "One of our favorite memories from our Valentines Drive was the joy of a 6-year-old girl who received a new teddy bear. The child quickly let our team know she was going give the teddy bear to her mother because it was her mom’s birthday week. She was so excited that she had a gift to present to her mom for her birthday. Our staff immediately helped this thoughtful child find other items that had been generously donated that would make an excellent birthday gift for her mom and she kept her teddy bear. The overwhelming support received not only provided this child with a sweet valentine but allotted her items to celebrate her mom’s special day. And this is just one example!" This testimony highlights the impactful role community support plays in the lives of the individuals and families Safe Haven assists.

Easter Basket Drive 

Building on the overwhelming success of the Valentine's Day campaign, Safe Haven is excited to announce an Easter Basket Drive. "After receiving numerous requests for another holiday drive, we have decided to organize an Easter Basket Drive," Billings explained. This upcoming initiative invites community members to select an "Egg" from a dedicated bulletin board or request one to be sent directly to them. Each egg will discreetly indicate a child's age and gender to ensure privacy and protection for the families assisted by Safe Haven. "Donors who adopt an egg can personalize and fill their basket however they choose and return it to our Outreach Office by March 20, 2024, for distribution," she detailed, aiming to replicate the Valentine's Day initiative's success and bring joy to those in need during the Easter season.




Billings expressed, "We extend a heartfelt thank you! Thank you for raising your hand and taking a stand against domestic violence. Thank you for supporting our mission to serve, strengthen and support individuals who are experiencing domestic violence right here in our community. Your ongoing acts of service and compassion for Safe Haven and our partner agencies do not go unnoticed. We are fortunate to be part of such a supportive community." 

As Safe Haven forges ahead with its critical work, it invites the community to continue its support, not only during holiday initiatives but all year round. Through collective efforts, compassion, and generosity, the community can significantly contribute to empowering survivors and creating a safer, more nurturing environment for everyone.

Community members can support Safe Haven’s mission by encouraging and referring friends, family members and coworkers who may be experiencing domestic violence in a relationship to call the 24/7 crisis line at (912) 764-4605 or stop by the Outreach Office at 204 North College St. in Statesboro Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm to talk with an advocate about the services offered at Safe Haven.

For information about how to give an in-kind donation, including hours and drop off location, please visit

If you would like to schedule a presentation on Safe Haven and the services they offer our community or to request free outreach awareness materials, please call (912) 259-9255.

If you are experiencing domestic violence, or you know someone who is please call Safe Haven anytime at (912) 764-4605, visit or email [email protected].