The Bulloch County Commissioners approved a rezoning request that clears the way for a third new industry in Bulloch County. The rezoning request was approved at the bi-monthly regular meeting held on Tuesday, December 6, 2022.
The Development Authority of Bulloch County submitted the application to rezone 42.84 acres from LI (Light Industrial) to HI (Heavy Industrial). The property is located on A.J. Riggs Road and between Earl Dabbs Drive and Gateway Boulevard.
Speaking in favor of the project Steve Rushing a Statesboro Attorney and member of the Development Authority said this rezone clears the way for another industrial prospect in the Gateway Industrial Park. Rushing said the prospect is not related to the Hyundai plant. If the prospect selects this site the new industry will bring millions of dollars in two different construction phases and would employ 60 plus in each phase. They hope to complete both phases within the first five years, which would total 120 employees.
Bulloch Employee and Employees Children recognized
Cindy Mallett, Bulloch County Human Resources director recognized one of her staff members Joleen Orfield for completing the certified workers compensation designation. This program and designation educates Orfield in all aspects in workers comp and even requires continuing education to keep the certification. It also enables them to better serve the needs of Bulloch County employees and employers.

Mallett also recognized Bulloch County employees children who participated in a Safety at Work drawing contest. Six of the children were recognized as winners of the contest. Asher Orfield, the overall winner drawing has been featured on a T-shirt promoting workplace safety.
The winners included:
- Asher Orfield, First Place Overall
- Lace Scarboro, Best 3rd - 5th grade
- Bailey Rose Deal, Best K - 2nd grade
- Katherine Sharpe, Honorable Mention
- Jackson King, Honorable Mention
- Gabrielle King, Honorable Mention

APPROVED: Thomas McCormick submitted an application for a conditional use to allow a facility to host private and public functions. The property is located at 3001 Lawrence Church Road.
Tom McCormick in speaking for this variance explained that they operate a haunted forest family fun event on the weekends in October. They also operate for one night for Valentines in February opening for a spooky Valentines. We have done this for two seasons and hope to continue. No one spoke against the conditional use variance.

DENIED: Lewis Properties, LLP submitted an application to rezone 3.57 acres from AG-5 to HC. The property is located at Veterans Memorial Parkway and Westside Road for the construction of a Dollar General.
Attorney Steve Rushing spoke in favor of this rezone. Lewis has sold a 33 acre track to Dollar General developers.
Jack Deal who owns the property adjacent to the proposed Dollar General for 43 years spoke in opposition to the rezoning and building of the Dollar General. Mr. Deal listed a number of objections from flooding potential, increased traffic to light and noise disturbance.
John Dotson represented himself at the meeting. He also has a personal interest in this rezone. His family has owned the property directly across the road from this proposed Dollar General since 1939. He also spoke against this rezone request.
WITHDREW: Bulloch Academy, Inc. submitted an application to rezone 0.8 acres from AG-5 to HC. The property is located at Veterans Memorial Parkway and Westside Road for the construction of a Dollar General. This is additional land needed for the store. It is not two different stores.

APPROVED: The Development Authority of Bulloch County submitted an application to rezone 42.84 acres from LI (Light Industrial) to HI (Heavy Industrial). The property is located on A.J. Riggs Road and between Earl Dabbs Drive and Gateway Boulevard.
Attorney Steve Rushing spoke in favor of this rezone. He said this rezone clears the way for another industrial prospect in the Gateway Industrial Park. This prospect is not related to the Hyundai plant. If they select this site they will bring millions of dollars in two different construction phases and would employ 60 plus in each phase. They hope to complete both phases within the first five years, which would total 120 employees.
No one spoke against this rezone.

APPROVED: Glenn Womack submitted an application to rezone 2 acres of a 7 acre tract to R-80. The property is located at 20700 US Hwy. 80 West.
Glenn Womack spoke in favor of this rezone. No one spoke against the rezone.

APPROVED: JAB submitted an application to rezone 7.86 acres from AG-5 to R-80 to subdivide into 3 residential lots. The property is located on Alford Road.
Don Marsh spoke in favor of this rezone.
The property owner who owns the property adjacent to this property spoke against this rezone.

APPROVED: Public Hearing and Resolution to Abandon a Portion of County Road No. 203 a/k/a B Tucker Road.
Danny Vickery spoke in favor of closing the road to allow them to put in a cattle farm and for a future home site.
No one spoke against

APPROVED: Minutes Approval: Monday November 14th, 2022 05:30 PM
APPROVED: Minutes Approval: Tuesday November 15th, 2022 08:30 AM
APPROVED: Executive Session Minutes of November 15, 2022
APPROVED: Motion to renew the lease for corporate hangar #2 with Statesboro Aviation and Kelly Brown
APPROVED: Motion to renew the lease for corporate hangar #3 with Statesboro Aviation and Kelly Brown
APPROVED: Motion to renew the lease for corporate hangar #1 with Dr. Russell Herrington
APPROVED: Motion to renew the lease for Corporate Hangar #4 with Josh Rogers & JCT Aviation
APPROVED: Motion to renew the lease for Hangar #3 with Justin Barnes
APPROVED: Motion to approve renewing the lease for Building #12 with Jeremy Hill and Southeast Avionics, LLC
APPROVED: Motion to approve renewing the lease for a portion Building #12 to Romulo Toledo, and Pilot Pros d/b/a GATO Flight Academy
APPROVED: Motion to approve renewing the lease for the Maintenance Hangar with Jeremy Hill and Southeast Avionics, LLC
APPROVED: Motion to grant a 2023 alcoholic beverage renewal license for package retail beer and wine sales to certain establishments with a current 2022 license.
APPROVED: Motion to Approve Sole Source from Duffield Aquatics for the Purchase of a BECSys7 Chemical Controller - Splash in the Boro Waterpark
APPROVED: Motion to Approve Sole Source from TNEMEC Company for the Purchase of Pool Paint for Splash in the Boro Waterpark
APPROVED: Motion to Approve Agreements with EAP Consultants, LLC (dba Espyr) for Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Services
APPROVED: Approval of Contract by and between Bulloch County and the State Court of Bulloch County for Probation Services
APPROVED: Approval of Contract by and between Bulloch County and the Mayor and Council of the City of Portal, Georgia for Probation Services
APPROVED: Approval of Contract by and between Bulloch County and the Superior Court of Bulloch County for Probation Services
APPROVED: Reappoint Timmy Rushing, Anthony Simmons, and Jappy Stringer to the Bulloch County Public Facilities Authority for two-year terms commencing on January 1, 2023 and ending on December 31, 2024
APPROVED: A motion to approve a contract with Hawk Construction LLC in the amount of $136,560.00 for an addition the Portal Fire Station.
APPROVED: Motion to accept a grant award for $1,418,082 for CY23 from the Judicial Council of Georgia Ad Hoc Committee on American Rescue Plan Act.
APPROVED: Resolution Declaring Unserviceable and Authorizing Sale by Internet Auction or Disposal of Vehicles and Equipment
APPROVED: Approve a Resolution to Approve the Location of a Paving Project for Hightower Road
APPROVED: Motion to approve execution of a right of way deed for 0.026 acres of property at the Statesboro Regional Public Library to the City of Statesboro for the installation of sidewalk along East Grady Street.
APPROVED: Motion to approve the replacement of the audio- visual system in the Commissioners Meeting Room
APPROVED: Motion to approve the purchase of Solacom 911 Telephone hardware refresh
APPROVED: Motion to appoint Walter Gibson as a non public council member for the Coastal Regional Commission effective January 2023
APPROVED: Motion to approve Resolution approving ACCG GSIWCF Coverage for Calendar Year 2023
APPROVED: Resolution to Approve Updates to Bulloch County Personnel Policy Manual RESOURCE PERSON/FACILITATOR: Cindy Mallett
APPROVED: Approve a Memorandum of Understanding by and among the Development Authority of Bulloch County and Joon Georgia, Inc. This is a supplier for Hyundai that it is building in the Bruce Yawn Commerce Park. This approves incentives including a 10 year 100% abatement of county adverorium taxes. This does not include abatement of Bulloch County School Taxes or Fire district taxes.
Tom Couch, County Manager proposed a special called meeting on Monday, December 12, 2022 to discuss community planning by stakeholders in the community. They will also discuss a legislative agenda for the Georgia State legislative delegation.
Ben Tapley, Bulloch County Fire Chief shared with the commissioners about a graduation ceremony on Saturday in which three new firefighters will graduate. On Monday these new firefighters will begin work staffing fire stations, including the Register fire station, with full time firefighters.