Mayor Pro Tem Shari Barr opened the Statesboro City Council regular bi-monthly meeting honoring two police officer and two citizens for their life saving actions.
Recognition of Statesboro Police Officers APO Arion Waters and Corporal Josh Harris along with two citizens Bailee Brown and Whitney Dame for their life saving actions on March 29, 2023. A woman in our community suffered medical distress. Two family members, Bailee Brown and Whitney Dame immediately began life saving CPR.
APO Waters and Corporal Harris soon arrived and assisted with CPR until the arrival of EMS. The woman was later revived at the hospital and the medical staff has given full credit to the lifesaving CPR these four performed. Citizens Brown and Dame were not available to attend the meeting but were recognized earlier with a presentation at SPD Headquarters.
Below is all of the city business covered at the meeting.
Consent Agenda - ALL APPROVED
APPROVED - Consideration of a Motion to approve the Consent Agenda A) Approval of Minutes a) 04-04-2023 Council Minutes b) 04-04-2023 Executive Session Minutes
Tabled - Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION RZ 23-03- 04: Long Company Limited requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the CR (Commercial Retail) zoning district to the R-3 (Medium-Density Residential) zoning district on approximately 2.65 acres of property in order to construct approximately 7 triplexes at 310 Myrtle Crossing Drive.
After opposition to the rezoning the developer asked to table the rezone to give them time to meet with the homeowners association and attempt to work out an agreeable resolution. The council agreed to table for four weeks.
Joseph Stuckey spoke on behalf of the developer in favor of the zoning request.
Vincent Borkowski a resident of Myrtle Crossing spoke against.
Trent Mauer a resident of Myrtle Crossing spoke against.
Alice Holloway representing Myrtle Crossing homeowners association spoke against.
APPROVED - Public Hearing and Consideration of a motion to approve an alcohol license in accordance with the City of Statesboro alcohol ordinance section 6-13 (a): PSH Stadium Development 100 Tormenta Way Statesboro, Ga 30458 License Type: Event Venue
Darron Van Tassell, the managing partner for PSH Stadium Development spoke in favor.
TABLED - Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2023-18: A Resolution of the City of Statesboro Mayor and Council to permanently change the polling place for the Statesboro One voting precinct from William James Educational Complex to the Luetta Moore building.
Lawton Sack, a member of the Bulloch County Board of Elections and Registration requested of the city to table the selection of Luetta Moore as the new voting site. They have some logistical concerns primarily regarding the location being to small to handle countywide elections.
Len Fatica, Chair of the Bulloch County Democratic Party spoke in favor of locating to the Luetta Moore building.
The current polling place for the Statesboro One voting precinct is the William Ja.mes Education Complex and is no longer available for the use of municipal elections. The Luetta Moore Building is in close proximity to William James and is available for municipal elections. The Luetta Moore Building will provide more space to adequately accommodate poll workers, election equipment, and voters
APPROVED - Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2023-19: A Resolution to award a contract to Gilbert & Associates to provide grant writing and administration services for the FY2023 Community Development Block Grant. 10. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2023-20: A Resolution to award a contract to WSP to provide engineering services for the FY2023 Community Development Block Grant.
At the March 7, 2023 meeting city council approved staff to apply for an FY2023 Community Development Block Grant. Following that meeting staff solicited a Request for Qualifications for grant administration services in accordance with the guidelines and regulations set forth by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs. Following receipt of a single submittal on April 10, 2023 a City evaluation committee reviewed and evaluated proposals received and have selected Gilbert & Associates for recommendation of award.
APPROVED - Consideration of a motion to allow the Statesboro Fire Department to purchase three (3) Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), eighteen (18) SCBA Cylinders and ten (10) SCBA Face pieces for an amount of $44,768.42 from Fisher Scientific.
APPROVED - Consideration of a motion to award a contract for professional engineering and right-of-way services of the West Main Street Intersection Improvements project to Atlas Technical Consultants LLC (Atlas) in the not to exceed amount of $399,800.00. The project work will be paid from TSPLOST Funds.
This project proposes to assess the intersections of West Main Street with Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and Johnson Street and provide a solution for realignment of roads entering these intersections. All three roadways at this intersection are major routes for city traffic and intersect at a skewed angle which also causes sight distance issues and long vehicle queues on Johnson St. and MLK. Further, there are drainage considerations with Little Lotts Creek and an adjacent railroad spur. This project will realign the intersections to improve intersection safety and efficiency, provide drainage infrastructure improvements, and include easements and parcel(s) acquisitions needed to complete the work.
APPROVED - Consideration of a motion to award a contract to Y-Delta Inc. in the amount of $225,667.17 for the Briarwood Road Water Project. The project will be paid from Water Sewer Enterprise Fund Revenues.
In order to provide adequate fire protection to new residential construction, an existing residence, existing offices, and the Wastewater Treatment Plant Office on Briarwood Road, we are recommending the installation of 1400lf of new 8” water main. This area is currently served by a small 2inch “main” that does not provide adequate flow for fire protection in this area.
Other Business from City Council
Council Lady Venus Mack reminded citizens about the business listening session which will be held Monday, April 24th at 6 PM in the City Council Chambers.
Councilman Phil Boyum called out the bad actors that are not being honest about the type businesses they are running as one of the primary causes of violence in downtown.
City Council MUST STOP bad actors from operating businesses under false pretenses
"We have had five shootings in the city in six days. We must as a council step up and stop bad actors from running establishments pretending to be something they are not and operating under false pretenses. A downtown church with a bouncer? This is a problem. We must make sure businesses operate in a manner that is truthful and in our citizens best interest," said Councilman Boyum. "Secondly we need to require all apartment complexes do the right thing and install camera systems in their complexes."
City Manager Charles Penny informed Councilman Boyum that the church building on East Main Street that has been rented out to large parties has been sold. The new owner is very concerned about how the building is being used.
The second trouble spot is owned by local businessman Rick Smith and is rented to a business incorporated as the Shuga Shack Lounge but operates as the Shuga Shack Event Hall. The Shuga Shack operators routinely advertise provocative parties like the one held on Saturday night billed as an after prom party which two high school students were injured after a fight and gunfire in the club. The parties begin at 10 PM and go on for hours. The operators claim that they are renting out the venue and have no idea that these types of events go on there. Even though they continue week after week.
Council Lady Shari Barr saluted the Statesboro Police who just completed a sate rectification process. Out of 414 measures they were judged on they received a 100% score on all 414 measures.
City Managers Comments
Virginia Ann Franklin Waters regarding a historical marker for the train depot which is close to the art park which is the location of the first train depot.
Public Comments (General)
Marshal Webster addressed the city council regarding under funding of the City Police Department which is part of the woke anti police nonsense.
Executive Session
City council went into a brief executive session but returned taking no action.
CLICK HERE to view the agenda and supporting documents
Live stream of the meeting