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Bulloch County Literacy Council hosts 3rd annual Literacy Luau

The Bulloch County Literacy Council had hundreds of people learn about the importance of early literacy for students at the 3rd annual Literacy Luau on Tuesday, March 4th at Statesboro High.
Volunteer and student coloring a bookmark

Hundreds of visitors came to the 3rd annual Literacy Luau on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025, hosted by the Bulloch County Literacy Council. 

The Literacy Luau was held during Read Across America Week at Statesboro High School (SHS). Students and their families were invited to join and enjoy games, food, and prizes. 

Kids World Learning Center table. Photo by Aidan Stacy

Crystal Simpkins is the director of the Literacy Council. 

"The purpose is to provide access to early literacy resources and books for families," Simpkins said. "We have opportunities to talk to families to let them know the importance of early literacy and how it affects brain development."

As families and students walked in, there was a table where volunteers were handing out leis. 

Moving down the hallway of SHS, there were tables from organizations that are a part of the literacy council that each had games for kids to play. 

Volunteer from East GA Medical Center table helping student. Photo by Aidan Stacy

"This is a way for them to highlight their organization as well, but also also, brings it in full circle to being a part of the council and providing the resources for families," Simpkins said. 

The members of the Bulloch County Literacy Council are

Bulloch Solutions is the corporate sponsor of the Literacy Luau. 

At the end of the hallway, there was a table with popcorn, hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, and macaroni salad. For dessert, volunteers handed out ice cream bars. 


Outside, by the door, visitors passed and could make a stop at the Book Bus. Since 2019, the Book Bus has been making stops throughout the community to provide children with free, age-appropriate books.

Providing literacy resources, books, and a good time, the Bulloch Literacy Council and its partners made the third annual Literacy Luau an awesome event.