The Bulloch County Commission met for their regular bi-monthly meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 4, 2022. Commision Chair Roy Thompson presided over the meeting and all commissioners were in attendance.
Zoning was back on the agenda after a brief pause in the last commission meeting. The commissioners approved two zoning request. You can read about these and other county business below.
APPROVED: Franklin Signature Homes has submitted an application to rezone 34.2 acres from AG-5 (Agricultural 5 acres) to R-80 (Residential 80,000 sq. ft.) to divide the property into 10 residential lots. The property is located at 4405 Clifton Road.
Speaking for the project was Don Marsh. No one spoke against the project.

APPROVED: NAK Properties has submitted an application to rezone 12.45 acres from AG-5 (Agricultural 5 acres) to MHP (Manufactured Home Park) to allow for a manufactured home park. The property is located on Foster Williams Road.
John Dotson and attorney Steve Rushing spoke in favor of the project.
John and Dawn Williams who own the property on both sides of the road did not speak against the zoning change but asked for a 35' buffer and a security fence on the property line which is over 1,339 feet.
Rushing rebutted and said they will provide a buffer as prescribed by the ordinance. He also made the commision aware that this was formally Mr. Williams property. Rushing went on to say that Mr. Williams did place in his deed that the land should continue to be zoned as Ag 5 when he originally sold the land, but later in 2015 released this stipulation.
Mr. Williams rebutted and said that this was correct, but the reason he released the land was for the property owners son to build a home on the property and not for a trailer park.
Mr. Rushing rebutted again and said this change in zoning was not needed to build a home.
Mr. Williams made no final rebuttal.

APPROVED: Public Hearing and Resolution to Abandon a Portion of County Road No. 617 a/k/a Old Manassas Foy Road.
Brad Deal, County Engineer explained that Mr. Clayton Anderson submitted a petition to abandon a portion of this road. All property owners signed the petition to abandon the road. This was to prevent vandalism and trespassing.
No one spoke for or against the abandoning the road.

APPROVED: Public Hearing and Resolution to abandon a portion of County Road No. 556 a/k/a Garretts Lake Road.
Brad Deal, County Engineer explained that Mr. Brent Nevil submitted a petition to abandon a portion of Garretts Lake Road. All property and homeowners signed the petition to abandon this portion of the road. It was also done to prevent trespassing, vandalism and improper fishing in a pond off the road.

Two citizens signed up to speak the the commissioners during the public comments section of the meeting. Shari Barr and Keith Howard signed up to speak.
Statesboro City Lady Shari Barr came to share good news. She wanted to remind citizens about Friday night's the DSDA has pulled together Ag Night Out downtown.
Also she invited everyone out to the Statesboro Farmers Market each Saturday.
Keith Howard, shared that on August 31 family and friends of Terry Harville, a long time employee of Bulloch County Sheriff's office died. Harville had given 28 years of service to the Bulloch County Sheriff's office. He asked the commissioners to consider a way to honor her. Possibly an annual award. He also noted that the Bulloch County Sherriff's trick or treat event had changed the name of the event. She always went above and beyond to help anyone he went on to say.
Chairman Thompson agreed and told Howard that they will look for opportunities to honor her. "She is certainly deserving of this suggested recognition. Thank you for bringing this forward. We will discuss this and get back to you," said Roy Thompson, Chair, Bulloch County Commission."
2022 Red Ribbon Week Proclamation was read and signed.
Belle Mathis, with the Bulloch County Drug and Alcohol Council and youth members of her organization attended the meeting to receive the 2022 Red Ribbon Week Proclamation. The proclamation helps kick off Red Ribbon week which will be held October 23 through October 30.

APPROVED: Minutes Approval: Tuesday September 20th, 2022 08:30 AM
APPROVED: 2483: Motion to adopt a resolution for the acceptance of roads for Plantation Trail, Brentwood Circle, and Yorkshire Court in Irongate Subdivision.
Developers have requested that the County accept dedication of and title to the above-referenced roads. County Engineer Brad Deal has inspected the roads and determined that they comply with all applicable County requirements. Adoption of the attached resolution will implement acceptance of these roads and authorize Chairman Thompson to accept a deed from the developers.
APPROVED: 2486: Motion to approve purchase of a Kubota SSV75 rubber tire Skid Steer from Shea Tractor and Equipment in the amount of $46,600.00.
The Ag Complex is requesting the approval to purchase a Kubota SSV75 rubber tire Skid Steer. The current machine, Bobcat A300, is inoperable and unrepairable. This purchase is currently scheduled in the FY2023 CIP budget (32562200-542500-AG03) with an allocation of $60,000.
Using the specifications from the Bobcat A300, Billy Springer, Ag Complex Manager, compiled specifications for every manufacturer’s comparable model. He contacted all local vendors, as well as any dealers within 75-mile radius of Statesboro. Based on the quotes received, local vendor Shea Tractor & Equipment, submitted the lowest cost machine at $46,600.
Estimated delivery date from Shea Tractor would be late 4th quarter 2022 or early 1st quarter 2023. All other manufacturers date of delivery is either 1st or 2nd quarter of 2023.
APPROVED: 2487: Motion to approve a Lean-To Addition for Parks Division Building in the amount of $38,890.00 from Hawk Construction.
The addition of a Lean-To to the rear of the Parks Division Building at Mill Creek is currently scheduled in the FY2023 CIP budget (32562200-541300-PG13). The budgeted amount is $45,000. The addition will be 90’ long, 15’ wide, and will tie into the existing roof line.
Since this falls under the guidelines of the Public Works construction, Tony Morgan, Parks Division Manager, sent out a Request for Quote on 9/14/22 to companies that install steel buildings similar to the current building we are tying into. He received three quotes: Tyson Steel Building Products ($29,391.65 - quote good for 5 days); Bax-Steel Buildings ($38,803 - quote good for 15 days); and Hawk Construction ($38,890 - quote good for 30 days).
Hawk Construction is the only vendor that met all specifications that were requested, including a certificate of Liability Insurance and Contractor Affidavit. Tyson Steel and Bax-Steel will not pour the concrete footers and set the rebar and anchor bolts, which was specified in the request for quote. This would have to be done separately. Hawk Construction was the only company to supply all info requested.
Even though Hawk Construction was the highest quote, they are the only ones that met all specifications requested, as well as offering a quote good for 30 days. It is Tony Morgan’s recommendation to accept the quote from Hawk Construction, a local vendor, in the amount of $38,890.
APPROVED: 2488: Motion to approve the sole source purchase of Academic Enrichment & Imagination Kits from Mindworks Resources in the amount of $66,082.00.
In July of 2022, Bulloch County Recreation and Parks AfterSchool Program received a $250,000 grant to better enhance the academic enrichment of our participants. With this additional funding, our goal is to provide students with STEM based activities to help incorporate an academic level within the AfterSchool Program.
We are seeking approval to purchase Academic Enrichment & Imagination Kits. They are supplied by Mindworks Resources, who provide age-appropriate language arts, math, and science activities. This purchase would allow the program to introduce fitness, social emotional learning, creativity, inclusion activities, etc., to our participants. This curriculum was used in our AfterSchool program last year with great feedback and growth within our students and parents.
Mindworks Resources is a sole source provider and owns the copyright for their products.
APPROVED: 2489: Motion to approve the purchase of piston intakes to be used with TurboDrafts from Fireline Inc., in the amount of $19,149.00.
Some of the fire engines do not have the appliance to hook up the Turbodraft. This purchase with the recommendation of the Consultant is to outfit each main engine with the piston intake to hook to the Turbodraft. This will show ISO we can pump water out of the approved water sites.
APPROVED: 2490: Motion to purchase I-Vu hvac controls from ACS Controls for $25,683.13 with a budget of $35,000.
Install a web-based Carrier I-Vu system. The cost to install at the County Annex will be $25,683.13. The new system is expandable and can be used to control all County facility HVAC systems remotely via web-based access. Having one HVAC controls system will streamline access and scheduling occupied and non-occupied settings for Bulloch County owned buildings and facilities.
APPROVED: 2491 :Motion to enter into contract with Lavender & Associates for a guaranteed maximum price for North Main Annex renovations.
Following an RFP and approval by the Board of Commissioners to allow the County Manager to negotiate pricing, Bulloch County is entering into a contract with Lavender & Associates to complete the renovations and expansion of the North Main Annex. This contract is for a guaranteed maximum price of $2,000,000. These funds are budgeted and available from the ARPA funding. After working with the contractor to value engineer items, the guaranteed maximum price from Lavender &Associates is $1,867,038.00
APPROVED: 2494 : Motion to engage GMC to design Runway 6/24 Rehabilitation Project.
GMC to design Runway 6/24 Rehabilitation. The total cost of the design is $90,752.00. Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood (GMC) submitted a proposal of $90,752.00 to design the Runway 6/24 Rehabilitation project. GDOT has reviewed and accepted the scope and fees.
APPROVED: 2495 : Motion to approve an agreement with Statesboro-Bulloch Chamber of Commerce.
Upon adoption of the fiscal year 2023 General Appropriations Budget, the Board of Commissioners resolved to reallocate Hotel-Motel Tax Fund proceeds. Financial Impact: The Hotel-Motel Tax is at 5% before administrative allocation accumulates almost $30,000 annually. The Statesboro-Bulloch Chamber of Commerce is being allocated 7.5%.
APPROVED: 2496: Motion to approve an agreement with Statesboro Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Upon adoption of the fiscal year 2023 General Appropriations Budget, the Board of Commissioners resolved to reallocate Hotel-Motel Tax Fund proceeds. Financial Impact: The Hotel-Motel Tax at 5% before administrative allocation accumulates almost $30,000 annually. The Statesboro Convention and Visitors Bureau is being allocated 60.0%.
APPROVED: 2497: Motion to approve an agreement with the Statesboro Arts Council.
Upon adoption of the fiscal year 2023 General Appropriations Budget, the Board of Commissioners resolved to reallocate Hotel-Motel Tax Fund proceeds. Financial Impact: The Hotel-Motel Tax at 5% before administrative allocation accumulates almost $30,000 annually. The Statesboro Arts Council is being allocated 25.0%.
Listening Session Scheduled
The Bulloch County Board of Commissioners will host a Listening Session for southeast Bulloch residents on Monday, October 10th beginning at 5:30 pm in the Commissioner’s Room located at the North Main Annex, 115 North Main Street, Statesboro.
Chairman Nevil attends meeting
Former Bulloch County Chairman Garrett Nevil and his wife Emily attended the meeting. Chairman Thompson welcomed them.
"I just want to thank you all for the job you are doing. I want you to all know what a great job you are doing, said Garrett Nevil. " I do enjoy being on this side of the bench however."