Bulloch County Board of Education met for their regular meeting on Thursday, June 6, 2024. They meeting included a public public comments in which four citizens spoke regarding the BOE budget. They also approved a new school calendar for FY26 that removed the week long break in Februaryand replaces it with a long weekend instead.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chair Elizabeth Williams who led the moment of silence and the pledge of allegiance. At the recommendation of Superintendent Charles Wilson, the agenda was adopted.
Board Member Comments:
Board Member Jay Cook extended congratulations to this year's graduates. “They all did a great job and I’m very proud of all of our graduates,” he said.
Chair Williams congratulated two local educators for receiving grant money for fine arts education at Mattie Lively Elementary School and Statesboro High School.
Excerpt from Bulloch County Schools News:
Two of Bulloch County’s schools each received a $10,000 stART Grant from the Georgia Department of Education to expand and sustain fine arts education programs at their schools during the 2023-2024 year.
Visual arts teachers Lindsey Reid, of Mattie Lively Elementary School, and Kimberly Kaiser, of Statesboro High School, applied and received two of the 20 competitive grants that were awarded by the state in Fiscal Year 2024. The grants, which are funded by Title IV, Part A, fund projects in rural Georgia that increase students’ access to the arts and enhance their fine arts learning experiences during the school day.
Board member Donna Clifton thanked the central office for the time they spent preparing the budget.
Public Participation
Tim Powell spoke on behalf of a group of citizens for the Bulloch Action Coalition, asking that the board conduct an impact study to assess the need for school tax relief for senior citizens in the county, who are living on social security and other fixed incomes.
Lawton Sack implied that teachers don’t feel supported to teach as they'd like to, as there are too many administrative burdens. He echoed Powell’s sentiment that there should be tax relief for senior citizens in Bulloch County that are living on social security payments.
Cassandra Mikell expressed concerns that the increasing annual budget has not evolved equally alongside the student population being served in the county, with the budget growing by tens of millions while supporting smaller margins of student population increase.
Lisha Nevil, incoming BOE board member for District 7, expressed concerns about increased millage rates for people living on fixed income, such as retired teachers like herself.
Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Charles Wilson reminded the board that the work session is scheduled for June 27, 2024.
Consent Agenda: APPROVED
1. Board Minutes
a. May 9, 2024 Regular Session
2. Board Member Payroll for May 2024
3. Financial Report for April 2024
Old Business for Approval
APPROVED 1. FY26 School Calendar
Brad Boykin, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services made the calendar presentation.
From Boykin: In order to develop this calendar decision, we took a variety of factors into consideration, and asked for principal feedback. Principals were then asked to go back to their stakeholders and gather additional feedback while considering the following parameters.
- Discussion around the importance of week long breaks (Fall, Thanksgiving, Winter, & Spring)
- Teachers at different grade bands and contents that have expressed need for professional development and curriculum work (school-level & district-wide).
- A balance of semesters, while considering where the semester breaks at Christmas.
- Teacher burnout due to length between breaks.
- 190 teacher days, no less than 177Sudent days
- What is the benefit of the first day of school being on a Friday
After more discussion with principals regarding the feedback they received and further collaboration, the attached FY26 Calendar is being proposed for board approval.
Board member Clifton asked that the board communicates to the public that the typical February break will not be seen on the FY26 calendar.
New Business for Approval
REVIEWED 1. FY25 Tentative Budget Approval
Superintendent recommended the approval as presented and the budget will be brought back to board members at the work session for approval.
APPROVED 2. Microsoft A3 Licensing Renewal at the cost of $113,587.85
BOE is in year three of our three year contract with Microsoft for licensing. We recommend approving year three of the contract for $113,587.85
he Department of Information Systems recommends approval to continue our existing 3-year contract with CDW-G for Microsoft licensing under the State of Georgia Software Contract (99999-SPD-SPD0000060-0004). This contract expires April 30, 2025.
Pricing is based on the number of "Knowledge Worker" employees. Due to the number of additional employees, we now find our pricing has increased above the $100,000 board approval threshold.
The total recommended pricing is $113,587.85 and includes the following products:
- $78,065.46 - Microsoft 365 A3 Subscription License (1329 knowledge workers @$58.74 each)
- $ 0.00 - Microsoft 365 A3 Subscription License (students @ $0.00 each)
- $ 0.00 - Microsoft Office 365 (Plan A2) Subscription License (1001 @ $0.00 each)
- $ 2,789.12 - Microsoft Windows Server Datacenter Edition License (64 Cores@ $43.58 each)
- $32,733.27 - Microsoft EES Endpoint Defender Plan 2 (1329 knowledge workers@ $24.63
APPROVED 3. Surplus Property from Maintenance
We are requesting that the attached listing be declared surplus by the Bulloch County Board of Education. Once declared surplus, these items will be disposed of in accordance with approved board policy. See the attached memo from Ryan Macy, Director of Facilities Management for more details.
Item #1
Manufacturer: Big Tex
Model: 26" Bumper Pull
Vin# 16V1 F3224N2120676
Explanation: Upon purchasing the trailer we learned of a design flaw in the lift harness specific to this trailer model. We agreed to allow for the manufacturer to re-engineer the harness and provide a solution under warranty. We took receipt of the trailer after the manufacturer completed repairs at the factory. The repair failed and the trailer harness broke after using it half a dozen times. We had the harness repaired again. However, the trailer broke the first time that we used it after the second repair. The manufacturer has agreed to replace this defective trailer with a new trailer. The defective trailer will be returned to the manufacturer and we will take receipt of a comparable replacement trailer.
Item #2
Make : Olympian
Model: G20UH1
Serial #: E 1619A/00 1
Explanation: The AC alternator is not producing AC voltage and must be replaced. Due to the age of the generator, a replacement AC alternator that can be used on this unit is unavailable. The generator is obsolete, with many replacement parts unavailable. This unit is beyond repair. The unit will be scrapped upon replacement.
Item #3
Make : Generac
Model: 98A03611-S
Serial #: 2042571
The generator engine is damaged beyond repair with coolant present in the engine oil. The generator is obsolete, with many replacement parts unavailable. This unit is beyond repair. The unit will be scrapped upon replacement.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Item #4
Refrigerator Condensing Unit
Make: Refrigerated Design , Inc. (ROI)
Model: IM 705, 5L-200
Serial #: R-1044-A, R-1044-B
The condensing unit was part of an old refrigeration system that no longer exists. The two compressors are no longer functioning and obsolete. The refrigerant used in the system was phased out in 1995. The unit is not repairable, can no longer be used, and will be scrapped.
APPROVED 4. Surplus Mobile Unit from Mill Creek Elementary
We are requesting that Mobile Classroom #12 at Mill Creek Elementary be declared surplus by the Bulloch County Board of Education. Once declared surplus, these items will be disposed of in accordance with approved board policy. See the attached memo from Ryan Macy, Director of Facilities Management for more details.
Mobile Classroom Unit #12
Rooms# 315 and #317
Explanation: This mobile classroom unit is a building consisting of all wood construction that was installed at Mill Creek Elementary School in 2001. It was moved from another location and was in used condition. The floor system is decayed and will no longer support weight. The decking is deteriorated and the floor joists are decaying. The ceiling is compromised and beginning to collapse. The building is no longer structurally sound.
The mobile classroom unit is at the end of its lifespan and is no longer used. It is not feasible to repair the unit considering the decay present, failures referenced above, and age of the building. The building will be disassembled on-site and discarded.
New Business to be Placed on the Table
Tabled 1. FY25 Code of Conduct Changes
We are presenting the proposed FY25 Student Code of Conduct, which is included with this memo, to be placed on the table for approval at the July 11th board meeting.
The proposed FY25 Student Code of Conduct includes the following changes:
- Explicitly listing trespassing as a reason law enforcement may be contacted (pg 2)
- Adding language to clarify that unapproved items may be confiscated and not returned (pg 3)
- Adjust wording to state that absences will not count against a student when they are found not guilty at a hearing (pgs 7 and 8)
Click here to review full Student Code of Conduct with proposed changes.
APPROVED 2. Fixed Asset Board Policy
Personnel Recommendations
APPROVED 1. Personnel Recommendations for June 6, 2024
APPROVED 2. Personnel Contract Recommendations for FY25
Lauren Gardner - Teacher
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm.