The November 19, 2024 Statesboro City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Jonathan McCollar and Mayor Pro-Tem Shari Barr led a prayer and the pledge of allegiance.
The meeting began with the Oath of Office Administrated to District 1 Council Member Tangie Johnson.
This meeting marks the first where all council seats have been filled since District 1’s representative Phil Boyum resigned. New District 1 Council member Tangie Johnson was sworn in by Bulloch County Probate Judge Lorna Deloach, after being elected to the seat on November 5, 2024.

Continue reading for all business covered by the Council at the meeting.
Recognitions/Public Presentations
A) Presentation of a Citizen Commendation award to Shadrach Frew.
B) Presentation of a Life Saving Award to SGT. Jennifer Strosnider, Officer Sara Leggett, and Officer David Blythe.
Chief Mike Broadhead presented the Citizen Commendation award to Shadrach Frew for his outstanding actions in saving a man's life by administering medication to treat narcotic overdose. Three officers, SGT. Jennifer Strosnider, Officer Sara Leggett and Officer David Blythe responded to the emergency with life saving resuscitation, and were presented with the Life Saving Award.

Public Comments (Agenda Item):
Consent Agenda
1.) Approval of Minutes
a) 11-05-2024 Council Minutes
b) 11-05-2024 Executive Session Minutes
Public Hearing & Consideration of Approval
APPROVED - 7. Public hearing and consideration of a motion to approve: APPLICATION V 24-10-01: David McClendon requests a Variance from Article 2.5.2 (5i) of the Unified Development Code in order to remove the requirement for pervious pavers in the parking lot at 701 Gentilly Road (Tax Parcel # MS73000003 000).
Kathy Field, director of planning and development, introduced the application which came from the New Covenant Church as a request for removal of the requirement for pervious pavers in the parking lot.
City staff recommended approval of the request, as the runoff water offset will be the reservoir on site and the additional acreage of wetland around the property.
APPROVED - 8. Public hearing and consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2024-32: A Resolution allowing city staff to apply to the Department of Community Affairs for the Community Home Investment Program (CHIP) in order to construct new housing in the Johnson Street neighborhood.
In collaboration with Agape Worship Center, the City of Statesboro demolished a number of dilapidated homes on Pine Street. Utilizing contracting services through the Bulloch County Affiliate of Habitat for Humanity, the City intends to construct new affordable housing on Pine Street to be sold to eligible applicants. In addition, funds would be utilized to replace housing in the surrounding area, not repairable in the Housing Rehab Program.
APPROVED - 9. Consideration of a motion to approve: APPLICATION SUB 24-10-03: Haydon Rollins requests a Preliminary Subdivision PLAT on approximately 67.53 acres of property in order to develop an 84-unit single-family detached subdivision on Lakeview Road (Tax Parcel # MS58000037 000).
APPROVED - 10. Consideration of a motion to approve: APPLICATION SUB 24-10-04: Burbank Pointe LLC requests a Preliminary Subdivision PLAT on approximately 1.97 acres of property in order to construct 11 single-family homes on Zetterower Road (Tax Parcel # S06 000002 000).
In their recommendation for approval, the city staff requested that the development utilize a shared driveway, for which the applicant agreed to.
APPROVED - 11. Consideration of a motion to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Bulloch County and other municipalities for the use and distribution of proceeds from the 2025 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) for capital outlay projects.
SPLOST has been an integral part of City CIP funding for over 30 years. Projected collection over six years is $135,000,000. County will receive $51,000,000 for jail additions; City of Statesboro receives $9,600,000 for purchase of air rights in regional landfill. Remaining proceeds will be disbursed based on population. Voters will approve or deny this in March, 2025. This IGA is essential for the referendum.
City Manager Charles Penny stated that the currently utilized 2019 SPLOST funds will be depleted by fall of next year. There have been multiple intergovernmental meetings for the municipalities in Bulloch County to discuss the allocations of the potential 2025 SPLOST.
The collections are expected to total about $135 million dollars, for which the largest share is currently negotiated to be allocated to the expansion of the jail, at the sum of $51 million. Statesboro would receive an additional $32 million, based on population calculations, which City Manager Penny suggests will go towards areas such as public safety.
He stated that the referendum to adopt the SPLOST will be on the March ballet, and the potential investments that the funds could be utilized on include amenities like fire trucks, patrol cars and an the future fire station #3.
”We need support for this SPLOST because if it fails, first we would not have the funds available that we need in order to be able to continue with the purchase this equipment, and then if we don’t have the funds then we would have to look at our property tax rate in order to be able to purchase those things,” City Manager Penny said.
Project Category | Project Estimates |
A capital outlay project consisting of an addition to the Bulloch County Jail | $51,000,000.00 |
A capital outlay project or projects consisting of joint solid waste projects of the County and Statesboro including, but not necessarily limited to, purchase of space in a regional landfill | $9,600,000.00 |
TOTAL | $60,600,000.00 |
Project Category | Project Estimates |
Public safety facilities and/or equipment | $27,725,000.00 |
Recreational facilities and/or equipment | $9,000,000.00 |
Solid waste facilities and/or equipment | $3,204,066.00 |
Capital equipment for use in voting in official elections or referendums | $320,000.00 |
Capital improvements to administrative buildings and/or capital equipment for use in administrative buildings | $1,500,000.00 |
Capital improvement to the courthouse and judicial facilities and/or capital equipment for use in the courthouse and judicial facilities | $640,000.00 |
A capital outlay project or projects consisting of information technology, which may include but not be limited to servers, computers, and software | $715.00 |
TOTAL | $43,104,060.00 |
Project Category | Project Estimates |
Public Safety facilities and/or equipment | $12,792,000.00 |
Water and Sewer capital outlay projects | $3,210,000.00 |
Natural Gas capital outlay projects | $1,230,000.00 |
Administrative Facilities | $3,500,000.00 |
Cultural Facilities | $400,000.00 |
Parks, Trails, and Greenspaces | $3,300,000.00 |
Public Works and Cemetery | $1,250,000.00 |
Stormwater capital outlay projects | $4,650,000.00 |
Public Parking Lots | $1,000,000.00 |
Economic Development Projects | $1,000,000.00 |
TOTAL | $31,912,020.00 |
Project Category | Project Estimates |
Water and sewer capital outlay projects | $863,160.00 |
Public Works capital outlay projects | $259,500.00 |
Vehicle and equipment purchases | $502,740.00 |
TOTAL | $1,625,400.00 |
Project Category | Project Estimates |
Water and sewer capital outlay projects | $561,460.00 |
Public Safety facilities and/or equipment | $50,000.00 |
TOTAL | $611,460.00 |
Project Category | Project Estimates |
Water main improvement | $100,000.00 |
Office equipment upgrades | $5,000.00 |
Capital improvements to the community center and/or capital equipment for use in the community center | $30,000.00 |
New roof on primary water pump building | $2,500.00 |
Capital improvements to town hall and/or capital equipment for use in town hall | $9,560.00 |
TOTAL | $147,060.00 |
APPROVED - 12. Consideration of a motion to approve the purchase of equipment to “upfit” 6 patrol cars in Statesboro Police Department in the amount of $263,971.48.
During a regular session of the City Council on November 5, 2024, Council approved the purchase of 6 new patrol cars as part of the annual vehicle purchase to keep the patrol fleet in working order. These vehicles are on order, but it is necessary to "upfit" these vehicles with the equipment we use to conduct patrol operations. Upfitting includes all of the equipment that turns a vehicle into a patrol car: on-board computer (and associated software and mounting hardware), cameras (integrated dash cams and body cams), push bumpers, emergency lights and siren systems, prisoner compartment, exterior graphics, etc and the labor to install all of this equipment. This equipment will be purchased following the city's purchasing policy, and includes prices obtained through the state bid
process, a sole source contract (Patrol PC), and by "piggy-backing" on existing government contracts. Cost to upfit these 6 cars, based upon quotes from the vendors we use to keep the equipment consistent is $263,971.48 These funds are budgeted through SPLOST.
Please see attached quotes for up fitting from Patrol PC, West Chatham Warning Devices, and Motorola. These vendors will provide exterior marking, in-car and body worn camera, portable radios, and interior equipment purchase and installation. A summary has been provided below.
- Patrol PC (In-car computers): $38,784.62
- West Chatham: $100,848.62
- Motorola (Radios): $43,338.24
- Motorola (camera): $81,000.00
- Total expenditure: $263,971.48
These vendors have provided service for our fleet for the past several years, and should remain to ensure continuity and compatibility with the rest of the fleet.
APPROVED - 13. Consideration of a motion to award a contract to Xylem Dewatering Solutions, Inc. for the purchase of a Godwin 6 inch diesel backup pump (Model # NC150S) per the Florida Sheriff’s Association cooperative purchasing contract in the amount of $64,930.80. This item to be purchased with funds approved in the 2025 CIP Budget, item #WWD-37, funded by the 2019 SPLOST.
As part of our long range plan to provide backup power or pumping to all of our sewage pump stations, we have budgeted funds each year for installing backup pumps and generators. This year, we are proposing to install a 6 inch backup diesel pump at the Packinghouse Road pump station. This is one of our most critical stations, which serves many customers and takes a high volume of sewage flow. It is vital that we have a reliable source of backup pumping capacity at this location.
We are proposing to purchase this unit using the Florida Sheriff’s Association Contract FSA23-EQU21.0, #313 government procurement process. The Purchasing Department has reviewed and approved this procurement method and has verified that there are no local vendors for this item.
APPROVED 14. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2024-33: A Resolution to authorize City participation in amicus brief filed on behalf of City of Milton for a prior court ruling to be brought before and reversed by the Georgia Supreme Court.
City Manager Penny briefed the council on the basis of approving a letter of support from the City of Statesboro, as participation in the case of Milton County’s appeal to the state Supreme Court. Milton seeks an appeal in the ruling of a 21-year old's death in a car accident, which made the city liable and was ordered to pay $35 million to the family.
City Manager Penny and City Attorney Cain Smith say that the ruling could be costly to municipalities as they could be held liable for similar accidents in the right-of-way, with potential spikes in insurance premiums. The GMA and the law firm representing Milton County have recommended Georgia municipalities ’getting on board’.
Other Business from City Council
The Village Builders will be holding an event from 10 am until 1:30 pm in the Morris Heights Community on Saturday, November 23.
A local Boy Scout, Senior Patrol Leader Matthew Taormina, made a proposal to the Council for a project that he hopes will help him earn the Eagle Scout rank. He wants to place book boxes that would act as small libraries at four locations in the community. The council asked staff to arrange further planning with Taormina.
City Managers Comments
City Manager Penny recognized Fire Chief Tim Grams and Police Chief Mike Broadhead for their initiative in raising fund for the United Way charity, with funds totaling more than $47,000 so far this year, just shy of the their $50,000 goal.
City Manager Penny also recognized the 113th year since the founding of the Omega Psi Phi fraternity by wearing purple and gold to the council meeting.
He also asked the council to approve the expansion of the debris removal contract by $1 million in order to finish the clean up. He said that 70% of removal is done and 75% of the original $1 million budget is used. He says it is likely not all of these funds will be spent, and reminded council that FEMA is going to reimburse the project.
Similarly since FEMA requires monitoring for the project, Thompson Consulting Services will be receiving additional funds, for a total contract sum of $625,000.
Council approved the contract extensions and increases.
Public Comments (General)
Consideration of a Motion to enter into Executive Session
After council convened the meeting, the following actions were taken:
- Audrey Jacobs was appointed to Youth Commission
- Victor Dickey was appointed to Greener Boro Commission
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