The March 18, 2025, Statesboro City Council meeting focused on the termination of the Automatic Aid Agreement with Bulloch County, following the county’s decision to end the Fire District Agreement effective July 1, 2025.
City Manager Charles Penny recommended terminating Automatic Aid to prevent city taxpayers from subsidizing fire protection for the county, while still allowing for Mutual Aid in emergencies. The council approved the termination, with formal notice to be given to the county. Other approvals included infrastructure agreements for sewer expansion, a signage variance, an alcohol license, and funding increases for public works projects.
The meeting also highlighted the Youth Connect Program, upcoming community events, and discussions on updating outdated city ordinances.
The Statesboro City Council met in council chambers for its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 5:30pm. See the agenda and business discussed below, and view the full council packet here.
To read the full in-depth coverage of the meeting, continue scrolling
1. Call to Order by Mayor Jonathan McCollar
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance by Councilmember Ginny Hendley
3. Public Comments (Agenda Item):
4. Consideration of a Motion to approve the Consent Agenda
- A) Approval of Minutes
- a) 03-04-2025 Council Minutes
- b) 03-04-2025 Executive Session Minutes
5. Public hearing and consideration of a motion to approve: APPLICATION V-25-01-03: Whitfield Signs requests a variance from Table 2.5.3-C of the Unified Development Code in order to place a 520.5 square foot sign on a building located at 152 Northside Drive East (Tax Parcel # MS84 000003A001).
A variance request from Whitfield Signs to allow a 520.5 square foot sign on a building located at 152 Northside Drive East was approved with no council discussion. The applicant later reduced the sign to 316 square feet, bringing it within normal allowances.
6. Public Hearing & Consideration of a Motion to approve application for an alcohol license in accordance with The City of Statesboro alcohol ordinance Sec. 6-13 (a): Sports Bar Grill & Lounge 2390 Northside Dr. West Owner: Cynthia R. Wilson License Type: Restaurant
The council approved an application for an alcohol license for Sports Bar Grill & Lounge at 2390 Northside Dr. West, owned by Cynthia R. Wilson. Councilmember Ginny Hendley recused herself from the vote. No opposition was raised, and the motion passed with no discussion.
7. Consideration of a motion to approve an Amended and Restated Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Brooklet to allow for an increase in sewer treatment services.
The council authorized an Amended and Restated Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Brooklet to increase sewer treatment services. City Manager Charles Penny explained that the increase was necessary due to the construction of a new high school. The agreement expands Brooklet’s capacity from 100,000 gallons per day to 150,000 gallons per day to meet growing demand.
8. Consideration of a motion to approve a Water-Sewer Agreement with Burkhalter-GSL, LLC to allow extension of water and sewer utilities to serve the Adelaide subdivision on Burkhalter Road (Tax Parcel 122 000013 000).
The council also approved a Water-Sewer Agreement with Burkhalter-GSL, LLC, to allow for the extension of water and sewer utilities to serve the Adelaide subdivision on Burkhalter Road. The property is outside of city limits, and Penny explained that a lift station would be required, with the city paying an additional $1 million while the developer covers a portion of the cost.
9. Consideration of a motion to approve Amendment #1 to Task Order 7 with Goodwyn, Mills, and Cawood LLC (GMC) increasing the contract from $131,250.00 to $158,750.00 for the Little Lotts Creek tributary stream restoration project. This project will be paid by Section 319(h) grant funds and Stormwater Utility operating revenue funds.
The council approved Amendment #1 to Task Order 7 with Goodwyn, Mills, and Cawood LLC (GMC) to increase the contract from $131,250 to $158,750 for the Little Lotts Creek tributary stream restoration project. The project is funded by Section 319(h) grant funds and Stormwater Utility operating revenue. Penny recommended approval of the increase, noting that it will cover necessary design and environmental impact adjustments. Mayor Pro-Tem Shari Barr asked for an updated project timeline, but no specific date was available at the meeting.
10. Consideration of a motion to approve Change Order #3, in the amount of $174,338.00, to Southern Civil for the Blower and Pump Upgrades Project at the Waste Water Treatment Plant. The project, WTP-24, is paid from Operating and ATC fee funds.
The council also approved Change Order #3 in the amount of $174,338 to Southern Civil for Blower and Pump Upgrades at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
11. Other Business from City Council
Councilmember Shari Barr announced that the city will hold its first-ever Fine Arts Festival on March 22-23, 2025, featuring over 40 artists, food trucks, and vendors. Mayor McCollar will present an award to one of the artists on Saturday night.
Other upcoming events include:
- Tasting Tour Downtown on April 4, 2025 – a ticketed event allowing visitors to sample food from local downtown businesses.
- Farmers Market Opening Day on April 5, 2025.
A correction was noted that the Quail Run public meeting will take place at the BIG Center, not at City Hall.
12. City Manager's Comments
Applications are open for the Youth Connect Program, a five-week paid job training program for youth to work with city departments and local businesses. The application deadline is midnight on March 24, 2025. Mayor McCollar explained that the program provides hands-on work experience in various city departments, including fire, police, public works, and administration.
A public meeting for Quail Run is scheduled for March 25 at 5:30 p.m. at the BIG Center. The meeting will discuss the upcoming installation of sewer lines in the subdivision.
The city refunded an elderly resident after incorrect funds were drafted from her account. Her daughter sent an appreciative email thanking the council for their approval of the refund. Customer service employees received Crumbl Cookies as a token of appreciation.
Brad Deal was announced as the new Director of Public Works & Engineering and will begin his role in April 2025.
A major discussion at the meeting centered on the Automatic Aid Agreement with Bulloch County. The Fire District Agreement was terminated by the county on December 3, 2024, effective July 1, 2025. The Automatic Aid Agreement was approved in 2020 and requires a 90-day notice for cancellation.
City Manager Penny recommended that the city terminate the Automatic Aid Agreement effective July 1, 2025, since Statesboro will no longer be responsible for fire protection in the Fire District after that date. Penny clarified that terminating Automatic Aid does not prevent the city from assisting the county in emergency situations if requested.
Mayor Pro-Tem Shari Barr expressed disappointment but emphasized that Statesboro taxpayers should not have to subsidize fire protection for the county. She noted that the city remains open to negotiating a new agreement but must take legal steps to prevent unfair financial burdens on city residents.
The council approved terminating Automatic Aid, with formal notice to be given to Bulloch County.
13. Public Comments (General)
During the public comment section, Thomas Redfearn raised concerns about Statesboro’s massage parlor ordinance, calling it outdated and inconsistent with state laws. He explained that licensed massage therapists should not be subject to mandatory medical testing as required by the city’s ordinance and urged the council to update the regulations.
Mayor McCollar acknowledged that many of the city's ordinances are outdated and stated that the city defers to state law in such cases. He assured Redfearn that massage therapists in Statesboro are not being restricted by these outdated rules, but updating the ordinance will take time.