In a tie broken by Mayor Jonathan McCollar, Statesboro City Council voted to approve a millage rate of 8.725 mills, after an hour long debate pushed them to set the value between the previous 8.125 mills and the tentatively approved 9.125 mills.
Both Mayor McCollar and Council Member Paulette Chavers advocated for the approval of the higher rate at the September 17, 2024 regular session, with Chavers expressing frustration at the council’s decisions in previous years not to raise the millage rate to the full extent that city personnel recommended.
“We should have raised it to the full amount last year, so we wouldn’t have to be in this spot this year, coming back, talking about increasing taxes… Last year my statement was, let's do it now so we won't be back here again this year,” Chavers said.
Mayor McCollar pleaded the necessity of the increase as a means to afford the expanded budget for city staff’s salary and benefits, as a part of a pay plan implemented this year to help retain essential public works and safety personnel. Mayor McCollar cites this year’s increase of 25 fire personnel and 11 police officers, where both departments were previously battling severe staffing shortages, as a stabilization of the city organization.
“What I know is, a safe city is a prosperous city,” Mayor McCollar said.
All council members agreed that these jobs must remain and that these workers are not at risk of losing employment, but as such, the budget for this city staff must be satisfied, either through increased taxes or by using $1.4 million from the fund balance. The Mayor and City Manager Charles Penny cautioned that this could place the city in a vulnerable position if an emergency were to occur, and potentially erode the fund balance below the 25% policy requirement amount.
Attendee Cassandra Mikell, who disapproved of tax increases similarly in 2023, accused the council of not meeting the requirements of Georgia Law for the quorum to be present during the tapered public tax hearings that were held this month, where the public was informed about the city's intention to increase the millage rate.

“If you want to get the city of Statesboro tax bills out by October 1st, your only option is to pass the full rollback rate of 7.326 tonight. Otherwise, I will be forced to file an injunction from the city billing for the proposed increased millage rate of 9.125,” Mikell stated at the podium.
Mayor McCollar sought clarity from City Attorney Cain Smith, who replied that he would need to verify that the municipality had followed due process. The council proceeded with their deliberation, concurring that they were in compliance as far as they knew.
“I just don’t feel comfortable rolling it up at this point,” Council Member Ginny Hendley stated in a sympathetic stance towards the tax increase's potential impact on business and homeowners.
Council Member John Riggs also voted against the adoption of the tentative 9.125 millage rate, stating that as a real estate appraiser, he has witnessed the unprecedented and steady rise in market values over the past two years in Bulloch County.
Mayor Pro-Tem Shari Barr was insistent upon the council compromising, making a motion to set the rate at 8.625 mills and asking that the remainder of the budget be fulfilled using the fund balance. The Mayor advocated for a higher rate of 8.725 if the 9.125 rate were not to be accepted.
Mayor Pro-Tem Barr amended her motion to reflect the 8.725 rate, for which Council Member Chavers voted in favor of, and Council Members Hendley and Riggs voted against. The Mayor’s tie-breaking vote in favor of the motion set the millage rate for Ad Valorem Property Taxes for the 2025 calendar year at 8.725 mills.
Other Business
The meeting began with the presentation of a Retirement Award to Don Hollingsworth of the Public Utilities Department, who has completed 31 years of service to the city.

APPROVED - Consent Agenda
1.) Approval of Minutes
a) 09-03-2024 Council Minutes
b) 09-03-2024 Executive Session Minutes
B) Consideration of a motion to approve the surplus and disposition of a 1996 Freightliner RV (CAFE 1) in the Statesboro Fire Department.
Around 2007, a 1996 Freightliner RV was donated to the Statesboro Fire Department to support the Community Assistance in Fire Emergencies (CAFE) volunteer group. This vehicle played a key role in responding to structure fires and other emergencies, providing victim assistance and various support functions. However, the vehicle is now outdated, is in need of several costly repairs and no longer fits its intended purpose. Therefore, the Department recommends it be removed from the Fire Department’s fleet.
C) Consideration of a motion to approve the due date of December 20th, 2024 for the City of Statesboro property tax bills.
Public Hearing & Consideration of Approval
REMOVED 6. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve:
(a) APPLICATION AN 24-07-01: Blue Fern Management, LLC requests Annexation of approximately 714 +/- acres of property in order to allow for the development of a mixed-use subdivision on Burkhalter Road (Tax Parcel # 093 000004 000).
(b) APPLICATION V 24-07-02: Blue Fern Management, LLC requests a Variance from Section 2.2.12.F of the Unified Development Code in order to reduce the mixed-use concurrency requirement on a proposed 714 acre development on Burkhalter Road (Tax Parcel# 093 000004 000).
(c) APPLICATION RZ 24-07-03: Blue Fern Management, LLC requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the R-40 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district to the PUD (Planned Unit Development) zoning district in order to develop a 1794 unit mixed housing residential subdivision on approximately 714 acres of property on Burkhalter Road (Tax Parcel # 093 000004 000).
The applicant requests removal of this project from the agenda and the placement of a temporary hold on the request.
The applicant’s letter stated that, “Further due diligence from the applicant team is needed to continue the pursuit of these applications. We will reach back out to development staff in the coming months to reinstate the land use process for this project as required."
8.725 MILLS APPROVED 7. Public Hearing and Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2024-25: A Resolution setting the millage rate for Ad Valorem (Property) Taxes for the 2023 calendar year for the City of Statesboro, Georgia.
Read above.
APPROVED 8. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve:
A. APPLICATION AN 24-08-01: Nesmith Properties, LLLP requests Annexation of approximately 139.2 acres of property in order to develop a single-family detached subdivision on Lakeview Road (Tax Parcel # MS57000012 000).
B. APPLICATION RZ 24-08-02: Nesmith Properties, LLLP requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the R-40 (Single-Family Detached) zoning district to the R-6 (Single-Family Detached) zoning district in order to construct an approximately 253-unit subdivision on Lakeview Road (Tax Parcel # MS57000012 000).
Lawton Sack from district 1 indicated that this is an area that floods frequently as he observed for more than two decades.
APPROVED 9. Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION SUB 24-08-03: Five Guys Development, LLC requests a Preliminary Subdivision PLAT on a portion of a 111-acre parcel, in order to develop the townhome phase of the proposed subdivision at 6922 Burkhalter Road (Tax Parcel # MS108 000002 000).
The section under consideration with this case consists of 214 townhome units. This specific section is approximately 33 acres of property.
APPROVED 10. Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION SUB 24-08-04: Horizon Home Builders requests a Preliminary Subdivision PLAT in order to develop a 220-unit townhome subdivision on approximately 39.97 acres of property on East Main Street & Abbey Road (Tax Parcel # MS82000035 000).
APPROVED 11. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve:
A. APPLICATION AN 24-08-05: Dennis Rhodes requests Annexation of approximately 23.15 acres of property in order to develop a residential subdivision on Cypress Lake Road (Tax Parcel # MS33000023 002).
B. APPLICATION RZ 24-08-06: Dennis Rhodes requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the R-40 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district to the R-3 (Medium-Density Residential) zoning district on approximately 23.15 acres of property in order to develop a residential subdivision on Cypress Lake Road (Tax Parcel # MS33000023 002).
C. APPLICATION AN 24-08-07: Dennis Rhodes requests Annexation of approximately 2.5 acres of property in order to develop a residential subdivision on Cypress Lake Road (Tax Parcel # MS33000023 000).
D. APPLICATION RZ 24-08-08: Dennis Rhodes requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the R-40 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district to the R-3 (Medium-Density Residential) zoning district on approximately 2.5 acres of property in order to develop a residential subdivision on Cypress Lake Road (Tax Parcel # MS33000023 002).
John Washington cites a number of concerns with the traffic patterns that the proposed subdivision would cause, specifically for existing neighborhoods like Whispering Pines. He recommends the the developers will have to asses these issues before moving forward, and city staff recommends denial in accordance with Washington's assessment
John Dottson represented the developer, and presented the third or fourth rendition of this subdivision illustration, which aims to create a plan to please both the developers and city. He stated that somewhere between 35-45% of the development is green space.
Paul Newman, a that is realtor involved in this development, believes this would be a good asset to the city with its proximity to infrastructures, and is aiming to be the most affordable entry home owning in the community
Council Member Chavers asked if the engineer is willing to address all of the staff concerns (density and traffic studies), and Dotson replied that they will comply with cities needs.
Mayor Pro-Tem Barr voted against the item.
APPROVED 12. Public hearing and consideration of a motion to approve APPLICATION RZ 24-08-09: Mitchell Ball requests a zoning map amendment from the R-15/HOC (Single-Family Residential/Highway Oriented Commercial) zoning district to the R-6 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district on a portion of approximately 3.69-acre property in order to develop a residential subdivision on Zetterower Road (Tax Parcel #S06 000002 000)
APPROVED 13. Consideration of a motion to approve an award of contract with the Coastal Regional Commission to complete the City of Statesboro Strategic Plan.
In 2018 the City of Statesboro conducted a 2018-2023 Strategic Plan initiative with Amec Foster & Wheeler, & Ross + Associates. Due to the significant changes in the City of Statesboro since adoption, and the completion of the most recent Comprehensive Plan, it is recommended that the City begin the process of modernizing this plan. After consideration of the planning needs for this and other projects, staff recommends awarding a contract with the Coastal Regional Commission to complete a new Strategic Plan.
APPROVED 14. Consideration of a motion to approve a contract amendment with Insight Planning & Development, LLC to complete remaining Housing Rehabilitation projects.
On January 4, 2022, the City entered into a contract with Insight Planning & Development to provide administrative and management services of the Housing Rehabilitation Program. Due to delays for contracting services throughout the program, it has become necessary to extend the service time associated with the current load of housing units under rehabilitation. Due to the current level of expenditure, it is recommended that the City amend the contract to ensure completion of all considered housing units.
REMOVED 15. Consideration of a motion to approve the purchase of six (6) new patrol vehicle for the Statesboro Police Department in the amount of $272,903.56 from Metter Ford. This purchase will be paid from 2019 SPLOST funds.
Each year the police department needs to purchase patrol cars to keep the fleet healthy. The PD requests that Council approve the purchase of six (6)
new patrol vehicles (5 conventional and 1 hybrid for evaluation). The purpose of this memorandum is to confirm the expenditure of no more than $300,000 from 2019 SPLOST. We received four bids from four sources, and the least expensive was Metter Ford with a total price for
these 6 vehicles of $272,903.56.
Police vehicles were approved as part of the 2019 SPLOST expenditures.
Item was removed due to a 'discrepancy in the numbers"
APPROVED - 16. Consideration of a motion to approve the purchase of one (1) Sutphen 75' Aerial Apparatus and one (1) 100' Aerial Platform Apparatus for the Statesboro Fire Department through Sourcewell contract #113021-SUT from Williams Fire and Equipment in the amount of $3,399,838.67. This purchase will be paid for from 2019 SPLOST funds.
The City of Statesboro Fire Department intends to purchase one Sutphen 75' Aerial Apparatus and one 100' Aerial Platform Apparatus through Sourcewell contract #113021-SUT, with Williams Fire and Equipment as the authorized vendor. The 100' Platform will replace a non-operational 1996 E-One, and the 75' Aerial will replace a 2013 Pierce Fire Engine. The E-One will be surplused, and the Pierce will be placed in reserve. Sutphen has informed the department that a 100' Platform is currently being built and will be ready for delivery in early 2025, earlier than the typical 22-34 month build time. The 75' Aerial has an estimated build time of 22 months. By prepaying in full, the department will receive a discount of $348,370.53.
Other Business from City Council
Mayor Pro-Tem Barr highlighted the opening of application for positions within the One Boro commissions and the Keep Statesboro-Bulloch Beautiful Commission, with the deadline to submit an application ending on Friday, September 27.
City Managers Comments
There will be a public meeting at the YMCA off of Brannen St. on Thursday September 26 from 5:30 pm until 7 pm, for members of the public to discuss the study of the road.
City Manager Penny shared that the old Julia P. Bryant Elementary School is being repurposed for senior living, and Bill Gross and team have been awarded a grant to convert more unused space to build more units and a community center.
City Manager Penny asks that the council consider granting the remaining ARPA funds to the Whitesville park project, in order to utilize the funds before the bid time period expires. The council voted and agreed to allocate the $1.2 million to the project.
Public Comments (General)
Marcus Toole, the resource development coordinator for Bulloch's Habitat for Humanity, addressed the recent closure of the ReStore, stating, “I’m sad to see it go as well.”
He says that the business has been roughly breaking even for years and selling the building offered the organization an opportunity to make cash from the sale, and be able to build more houses.
He reports that nationally, 11,516 homes were built last year by habitat, and world-wide built, the organization repaired and built homes for 13.4 million people in 70 countries.
Around 60 houses have been built in Statesboro, and recently ground has been broken on three additional houses. Toole is hopeful that a partnership with the city will lead to more houses being built.
There was no executive session and the meeting was adjourned at 8:01 pm.
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