Bulloch County Commissioners met for their regular bi-monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 20th at 8:30 AM in the temporary meeting location at Bulloch County Agriculture Center at 151 Langston Chapel Road.
Some of the business covered by the Commissioners accepted a grant to purchase equipment for Bulloch Fire, approved road and parking lot improvements, including the completion of the new entrance into the Bulloch County Work Camp and Bulloch County Public works. The road will continue from the Veterans Memorial Parkway at Hwy. 301 North.

The project includes the addition of a left turn lane on US 301 North, the addition of a through lane on Veterans Parkway, traffic signal modifications, and new roadway and parking lot construction for an entrance road into the new Bulloch County Public Works facility. The entrance road is approximately 1,000 feet in length and is being built to accommodate heavy vehicles. The traffic signal work includes the installation of new traffic signal heads and pedestrian signals, as well as associated conduit and wiring. The project is being done through an encroachment permit with the Georgia Department of Transportation.
Read the story for all action taken by the Commissions.
1. Minutes Approval: Thursday May 25th, 2023 09:00 AM
2. Minutes Approval: Tuesday June 6th, 2023 05:30 PM
3. Resolution to Establish a Special Streetlight District for The Reserve at Brannen Lake Subdivision
The developers of The Reserve at Brannen Lake Subdivision have requested the creation of a special streetlight district for this subdivision. The special streetlight district was previously approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, but a resolution to create the district was not prepared at that time because a final plat had not been recorded. The final plat has now been recorded and approval of the attached resolution will create the streetlight district.
4. Resolution to Establish a Special Streetlight District for Grimball Pointe Subdivision
The developers of Grimball Pointe Subdivision have requested the creation of a special streetlight district for this subdivision. This special streetlight district was previously approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, but a resolution to create the district was not prepared at that time because a final plat had not been recorded. The final plat has now been recorded and approval of the attached resolution will create the streetlight district.
5. Resolution to Establish a Special Streetlight District for Phase 10 of Chatham Place-Section 2 Subdivision
The developers of Phase 10 of Chatham Place-Section 2 Subdivison have requested the creation of a special streetlight district for this subdivision. This special streetlight district was previously approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, but a resolution to create the district was not prepared at that time because a final plat had not been recorded. The final plat has now been recorded and approval of the attached resolution will create the streetlight district.
6. Resolution to Establish a Special Streetlight District for Belmont Estates Subdivision
The developers of Belmont Estates Subdivision have requested the creation of a special streetlight district for this subdivision. This special streetlight district was previously approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, but a resolution to create the district was not prepared at that time because a final plat had not been recorded. The final plat has now been recorded and approval of the attached resolution will create the streetlight district.
7. Resolution to Establish a Special Streetlight District for Farmington West Subdivision
The developers of Farmington West Subdivision have requested the creation of a special streetlight district for this subdivision. This special streetlight district was previously approved by the Plannitn and Zoning Commission, but a resolution to create the district was not prepared at that time because a final plat had not been recorded. The final plat has now been recorded and approval of the attached resolution will create the streetlight district.
8. Motion to enter into a contract with Southern Restore Softwash in the amount of $10,500 for seal-coating and re-striping four parking lots at the Judicial Annex and Magistrate Court, to be funded by TSPLOST.
This contract includes cleaning, crack-filling, double seal-coating, and re-striping four parking lots (two at Judicial Annex and two at Magistrate Court). Four quotes were received for this work on June 5, 2023, as detailed in the attached memo from Jacob Crowley, Civil Engineering Technician. The low quote, from Southern Restore Softwash, met all requirements of the County's specifications. The low quote amount, which was $10,500.00, is below the budgeted amount of $30,000. The project is to be funded using TSPLOST funds. The County Engineer recommends awarding the contract for the Judicial Annex and Magistrate Court Parking Lot seal-coating and re-striping to Southern Restore Softwash in the amount of $10,500.
9. Motion to Approve 2023 Janitorial/Cleaning Bid For Multiple Recreation Locations
Sealed bids were accepted for janitorial and cleaning services for Bulloch County Recreation and Parks locations: Mill Creek 5FC, 4FC, 3FC/Soccer and Brooklet Community Building.
Clean by Lucy submitted the low bid in the amount of $16,020. This would cover period of July 5, 2023 - June 30, 2024. After reviewing the bids, it is the recommendation of Facilities Manager, Darryl Hopkins, that we accept the bid from Clean by Lucy.
10. Motion to Approve County Grounds Contract Renewal from The Groundsmen and A-1 Grassroots
Original contracts for The Groundsmen and A-1 Grassroots were adopted on September 6, 2021. This was for the period of 12 months beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022, with the option to renew for two (2) successive one (1) year periods on the same terms and conditions as the initial one-year term.
The first-year option to renew both contracts for a one-year term ending June 30,2023 was approved at the June 7, 2022 BOC meeting. Contract for The Groundsmen to maintain facilities within the city for $60,225. Contract for A-1 Grassroots to maintain facilities in the county for $36,430.
We are approaching the end of the first-year renewal contract (June 30, 2023). We have had great success using both parties for maintaining the county grounds and would like to continue to do so for FY2024. This was requested and anticipated during the budgeting process this year to allow funds to be appropriated. Email confirmations have been received from both parties agreeing to renew the contract with the same terms.
We would like to make a recommendation to approve the second-year option renewal of the contract for The Groundsmen for $60,225 and A-1 Grassroots for $42,980 (original contract price was $36,430 but it increased by $6,550 due to an amendment made in FY23 to add the entrances of the industrial park and industrial park roadways to their contract). Total cost for both is $103,205.
11. Motorola Radio System Yearly Service and Support Contract
This is our yearly Motorola radio system service and support contract. The contract is for $182,885.68. The contract runs from 07/01/2023 to 06/30/2024. It is a radio system budgeted item and can be listed on the consent agenda.
12. 2834 : Acceptance of FY2024 Drug and Mental Health Court Grant Awards
Ogeechee JC Drug Court and Mental Health Court has been awarded Drug Court and Mental Health Court Grant Awards. Drug Court FY2024 Grant Award for $245,211 ($215,786 State/$29,425 Match) and Mental Health Court Grant Award for $170,231 ($149,803 State/$20,428 Match) from CACJ/CJCC.
13. Motion to Execute Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement with RxBenefits, Inc.
Bulloch County has partnered with RxBenefits, Inc., to assist in the administration and evaluation of our health plan's pharmacy benefits. To allow RxBenefits to maintain the confidentiality of their proprietary and trade secret information, they have requested that we enter into a Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement. The agreement has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney.
14. Motion to Enter into Agreements with Flexible Benefit Administrators, Inc.
As part of our overall review of employee benefits, County staff has worked with our broker, Mark III, to review and evaluate an alternative vendor to administer the Section 125 Flexible Benefits Plan. The recommended vendor, Flexible Benefit Administrators, Inc., has been selected to perform both Section 125 (FSA/DCA) administration and COBRA administration.
The cost of these services is borne by Mark III as part of their broker services arrangement, and there will be no fees to Bulloch County for the performance of these services. However, the County will need to enter into several agreements to formalize the service expectations and to comply with HIPAA privacy requirements.
The agreements include:
- Administrative Services Agreement for COBRA Services
- Administrative Services Agreement for FSA/DCA Services
- Business Associate Agreement
1. Announce the award of 2023 GFSTC Fireworks Tax Grant to the Bulloch County Fire Department.
Bulloch County applied for and was chosen to receive the 2023 GFSTC Fireworks Tax Grant. Pat Lanier Jones and Peyton Fuller applied for the grant to give our volunteers six new sets of PPE (boots, pants, coat, suspender, gloves, helmet, and particulate hood) and 11 extra particulate hoods to help prevent cancer.
APPROVED - 2. Motion to approve a bid and enter into a contract with Sikes Brothers, Inc. for construction of an entrance road into Bulloch County Public Works including intersection improvements at US 301/Veterans Parkway and parking lot construction, in the amount of $885,055.00, to be funded by TSPLOST.
This contract includes the addition of a left turn lane on US 301 North, the addition of a through lane on Veterans Parkway, traffic signal modifications, and new roadway and parking lot construction for an entrance road into the new Bulloch County Public Works facility. The entrance road is approximately 1,000 feet in length and is being built to accommodate heavy vehicles. The traffic signal work includes the installation of new traffic signal heads and pedestrian signals, as well as associated conduit and wiring. The project is being done through an encroachment permit with the Georgia Department of Transportation.
Sealed bids were received on June 8, 2023, as detailed in the attached memo from Faye Bragg, Purchasing Manager. The low bidder, Sikes Brothers, Inc., met all requirements of the County's bid specifications. The low bid amount, which was $885,536.15, is below the Engineer's estimate and budgeted amount of $1,100,000. The project is to be funded using TSPLOST funds. The County Engineer recommends awarding the contract for the Bulloch County Public Works Entrance and Parking Lot to Sikes Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $885,536.15.
APPROVED - 3. Motion to approve a bid and enter into a contract with Ellis Wood Contracting, Inc. for asphalt repairs on various county roads, in the amount of $379,055.00, to be funded by LMIG and TSPLOST.
This contract includes reconstruction of damaged areas of pavement that are damaged too severely to be patched by County Public Works. The work includes asphalt removal and the installation of new base and pavement in these areas on various county roads. The project list includes areas on Arcola Rd, Ash Branch Church Rd, Burkhalter/Cawana intersection, Josh Deal Rd, Sprayberry Ct, Barri Way, Irongate Place, Pretoria Rushing Rd, Pulaski Rd, and South Wynn Rd.
Sealed bids were received on June 1, 2023, as detailed in the attached memo from Faye Bragg, Purchasing Manager. The low bidder, Ellis Wood Contracting, met all requirements of the County's bid specifications. The low bid amount, which was $379,055.00, is higher than the County Engineer's estimate of $250,000. The cost for asphalt was the main difference between the county's estimate and the submitted bids. The County has $1,637,310.10 in LMIG funds and $1,500,000 in TSPLOST funds budgeted for Resurfacing/Road Repairs in FY 23, for a total of $3,137,310.10, which will fund this project as well as a resurfacing project to be bid out later. The County Engineer recommends awarding the contract for road repairs to Ellis Wood Contracting in the amount of $379,055.00.
APPROVED - 4. Resolution to Approve ACCG/IRMA Coverage for 2023/2024
The ACCG – Interlocal Risk Management Agency (ACCG-IRMA) property & liability renewal for the coverage period 7/1/2023 to 7/1/2024. This includes an overview of the pool’s benefits, its coverage and services, a list of fellow members, and a service contact list.
Jeremy Anderson is renovating an old home that dates back to 1880's. In a recent inspection he was told he had to insulate the entire home to meet code. The inspector told him that he had to come to the full commission to request an exception from the code. The county staff will research this and get back to Mr. Anderson.
Will Anderson, a farmer, asked if there was a way to put growth on a ballot to see how much growth the county would like to have. What level of growth does Bulloch County growth want? The problem is people are selling land. If folks would quit selling land, the growth would stop. But I understand that is not going to happen. It is to enticing not to sell.
He pointed out that the Bulloch County Development Authority is buying land on the south end of the county inflating the price of land. He asked does every county need a Development Authority? We have plenty of growth. Why do we need to have an entity promoting growth and development? He asked if there was an expiration date on the authority based on growth.
The majority of farmers only own only about 10% of the farm they farm. Once you loose the land, you loose the farm he noted.
Caroline Brannen Brooks inherited her home place which is over 100 years old. They renovated their home place to make it more comfortable and affordable to heat and cool. Her husband passed away about a year ago which impacted her income. Now with one income it is difficult to pay taxes and insurance and upkeep of the home. She is advocating for help for seniors on fixed incomes. Considering the increase of the millage rates and the school board increases, there should be a point at a certain age, seniors should not have to pay school taxes with no kids in school and be locked into a certain millage rate. She asked commissioners to lead and find a way to protect senior citizens.
County Manager Tom Couch recognized Broni Gainous whose last week with Bulloch County is this week. She is moving on the take a similar position with the Candler County Board of Education. She has served the County for over 19 years. The Manger and Commissioners thank her for her dedication, hard work and committment to Bulloch County for nearly two decades.
Roy Thompson, Bulloch County Commission Chair asked County Engineer Brad Deal to the podium and asked him to share how expenses have increased in his department with the paving of roads specifically. When Chair Thompson was elected 18 years ago paving a dirt road cost $80k to $100k per mile. Deal said that today that cost is $600k per mile.
Commissioners Timmy Rushing and Toby Conner expressed to citizens that they all have the same concerns addressed today and are working to find resolutions that please everyone.
Commissioner Ray Mosley asked County Engineer Brad Deal to give them an update on the 80% threshold to pave roads. Mr. Deal explained that after research that they confirmed that a lot of counties follow the same rules that Bulloch County can use with the exception of the rating system Bulloch County uses.
Commissioners entered into an brief executive session. No action was taken from the session.
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