Bulloch County Commissioners met for their first meeting of 2024 on Tuesday evening, January 2, 2024. The three and half hour meeting kicked the year off with a packed County Commission room and 11 zoning change request.
In a mixture of actions on the zoning agenda the commission approved 7, denied 3 and tabled 1 of the 11.
Two of the largest projects approved at the meeting was the Mac's Landing, LLC 155.47 acre 138 single family home subdivision off Hwy. 67 between Alford Road and Emit Grove Road.
The second was the Burkhalter-GSL LLC 70.37 acre 266 PUD housing development off of Burkhalter Road near Hwy. 80. These two subdivisons, when built out, will add 404 more homes to Bulloch County.
Another 75 acre proposed subdivision located at Brooklet Denmark and Mincey Road across from Brooklet South was tabled at the request of the developer. They would like more time to work through the concerns of citizens in the area.
Keep reading for a report on all the action taken by the Commission.
DENIED - 1. Warren Brothers Investments, LLC. seeks to rezone 6.12 acres from R-25 (Residential 25,000) to R-3 (Residential 15,000) for a multi-family residential subdivision. The property is located on Pats Lane, Parcel No. MS89000017 000.
Lindsey Martin spoke in favor of the rezone request. The property is zoned for four bedroom homes. The change would allow them to build four bedroom duplexes. Which is the same number of bedrooms.
Dennis Nelson lived in this neighborhood for 30 years and spoke regarding to concerns of the neighborhood. They don't object but have concerns. The main road is tar and gravel it is wearing out. They had several request:
- Repave Sweetheart Lane repaved.
- Drainage system improvements.
- Improvements to be made to Billy Mikell road which is a dirt road
- Install sidewalks on Sweetheart Lane
- Install street lights
- Improve fire protection by adding a fire hydrant.
- Allow single family dwellings instead of duplexes
He thanked the County for improvements made by the county since last meeting including signage and road improvements.
Wayne Miracle lived in the neighborhood for over 25 years and spoke on behalf of the neighborhood also. They are concerned with more rental property and the impacts it will have on homeowners property values. He spoke against the rezone and asked the commissioners to keep it as is.
Deon Hendrix says he read that every effort will be made to protect current residents. He also read that streets must be paved to county specifications, but this is not the case in their subdivision. If you are going to do it please make sure everything is up to county code. He is concerned that the County does not know the current condition of the roads in their neighborhood.
Commissioner Timmy Rushing asked Bulloch County Planning Director James Pope to verify that what he understands that this the same number of houses with the same number of bedrooms. The only difference will be one front door versus two. Mr. Pope verified that is correct.
Commissioner Rushing said that the county road issues are the County's concern. He asked County Engineer Brad Deal when they are planning on resurfacing these roads. Mr. Deal said that these roads are on the high priority paving list and should be done in the next 12 months.
Commissioner Toby Conner asked Mr. Nelson for clarification that he does not have issues with the development. Mr. Nelson said that is correct. He just wants the quality of the neighborhood to be as good as it can be. He doesn't think there is an issue with the building however.
APPROVED (with the amendment to remove left turn lanes on Emit Groave and only pave Alford road to the entrance of the subdivision) - 2. Mac’s Landing, LLC seeks to rezone 155.47 acres from AG-5 (Agriculture 5 acres) to R-25 for the purpose of developing a single-family residence subdivision. The property is located on Highway 67, Parcel No. 110 000015 000, 110 000037 000, 110 000034 000 and 109 000016 007.
Haydon Rollings with Hussey, Gay and Bell spoke in favor of the rezone. Property was purchased before the Zoning Moratorium. It has stayed in the suburban development neighborhood. There have been significant additional cost to the developer including paving of Alford Road the length of the property. They asked that paving be reduced to stop at the entrance of the neighborhood. The County also requires turn lanes installed by the developer on GA Hwy. 67. They are OK with the right turn lane, but would like the commissioners to consider not having to put in the left turn lane on Emit Grove road.
Jack Conner spoke in favor of the project. The cost has increased over seven figures. Never had to pave past an entrance. The left turn lanes are excessive and he asked for their consideration on a variance on these two issues.
Chris Shider spoke against the rezone. They have a school problem which are all at capacity. He is concerned about removing the left turn lanes on Emit Grove road.
Tim Powell spoke against. Opposed to all rezoning on the agenda tonight. Concerned for the taxpayers of Bulloch County. Concerned that the tax revenue from all these developments will fall short of the costs they will add to the County. He said all of these rezones will create a $5 million shortfall in County services based on the Counties modeling. His solution is to reject all rezoning and come up with an impact fee that will cover the cost of all of these developments.
One citizen not signed up to speak was allowed to speak and she said Emit Grove is our stomping ground. Would like a solid buffer on the cemetery side of the development if this passes. She also read a poem regarding growth and how she feels will impact the rural life style. Does not want to be the county that was.
Why is Bulloch County not giving these builders impact fees to pay for these cost was asked by another citizen who was not signed up to speak.
APPROVED - 3. Mac’s Landing, LLC seeks to rezone 12.3 acres from HC (Highway Commercial) to R-25 (Residential 25,000 sq ft) for the purpose of developing a single-family residence subdivision. The property is located on Highway 67, Parcel No. 109 000015 000.
Hayden Rollins spoke in favor and said that this was part of item 2.
APPROVE - (amend to pave only to the entrance just past the first entrance versus the entire length of the subdivision). 4. Valnoc, LLC. has submitted a Condition Modification to change condition 3 to reduce the required 60’ ROW to a 50’ ROW due to a hardship created by the existence of a cemetery along the northern portion of the Anderson Cemetery Road, Parcel No. 110 000016 000.
Joey Maxwell with Maxwell Reddick and Associates spoke in favor of the variance.
John Lavendar spoke in favor again and state that they are requesting to pave Anderson Road up to the entrance of the subdivision instead of to the end of the subdivision and reducing the right of way to 50'.
APPROVED - 5. Bridgewater Homeowners Association of Statesboro has submitted a streetlight special tax district application for an existing development. The subdivision is located on Josh Deal Road, Parcel No. 094000022 001. This changes the bill for the streetlights from being included in their HOA fees and move this to be part of their county tax bill.
John Mcdivit representing the HOA was in the audience in favor of the change.
DENIED - 6. Robert Saxon and Shannon Garner are requesting a conditional use to allow McLendon Enterprises to use the subject property for natural resource development at 1015 Highway 80 East, Parcel No. 188000016G000, 188 000016 000. This would be a surface mine and would allow removal of dirt from this land.
Irvine with M.E. Sack Engineering spoke in favor
Three citizens spoke with concerns including concerns about how this impacts their wells, property values, wetlands and the fact the Corps of Engineers study has not been completed.
Marquis Sack with M.E. Sack Engineering addressed concerns brought up by citizens.
It is behind natural buffers, they will follow the Corps recommendations, they have done soil samples. 30' is the max depth based on soil samples. Don't anticipate this will make flooding any worse. It could actually impact flooding in a positive way providing more drainage. It would become a pond. Clients have began working on the entrance way at their risk.
It is not a water consumption project. No wells being drilled. When you remove water from the pit it goes to the water shed. So there is no net change in the water. He does not see this as a concern. We have and will continue to follow all rules put in place by the EPD and Corps of engineers.
APPROVED - 7. Catherine and Lorenzo Holmes have submitted a request for a Conditional Use to place a manufactured home in on a parcel zoned R-40, Parcel No. 082 000022 001.
DENIED - 8. Simcoe Investment Group, LLC. has submitted an application to rezone approximately 99.3 acres from AG-5 (Agricultural 5 acres) to R-25 (Residential 25,000 sq. ft.) for the purpose of developing a single family residential. The property is located at 6181 Mud Road, Parcel No. 151 000025 000.
Eric Minzer spoke in favor. After hearing the concerns of the neighbors they asked for them to table this.
Brian Mcfund spoke against. Spoke about concerns regarding traffic, education and cost impacts. Two years ago he bought land and moved to Bulloch from Effingham to county because of growth there.
Carla Anderson has concerns regarding increase in traffic, safety, farm land is what we need.
Jonathan Collins spoke against this. He moved here five years ago from Effingham to get away from growth. Concerned about public safety.
Jackie Slader spoke against. He has lived in this area for 30 years. He is worried about drainage issues. He moved here also from Effingham and wants to remain in a rural setting and does not want to see this growth.
Kevin Black is against. He is concerned about his property values.
Toby Hutchens is against. Moved here from Richmond Hill due to growth there. He is concerned about the schools. They are not large enough to handle these extra kids.
APPROVED - 9. Burkhalter-GSL, LLC., has submitted an application to rezone approximately for 70.37 acres from R-80 (Residential 80,000 sq. ft.) to PUD-1 (Planned Unit Development 1) for the purpose of developing a mixed residential development including single-family detached units, two-family units, and single family attached units. The property is located on Burkhalter Road, Parcel No. 122 000013 000.
Attorney Steve Rushing spoke in favor of the rezone. It has been mentioned by this group tonight that we should be following the comprehensive plan. This is part of the approved plan in a suburban neighborhood designation. The cost of services are more than the the tax revenue. But this report does not take in a account other tax sources like industry and retail that contribute to the whole picture. If you follow the comprehensive plan, the staff and planning commission have all approved this.
Alex Long the property owner spoke in favor. Their building and development standards are very high. They plan to set a new standard with this development.
Stacey Stanbrow spoke against. She is concerned about the physical impact says this will cost over $2 million. She has crime concerns and impact on public safety and schools.
Lawton Sack spoke against. Concerned about the schools. They don't have the capacity to handle the number of new students.
Cassandra Mikell spoke against. PUD does not belong in our County. It is two many houses for 90 acres.
DEFERRED to February 6, 2024 - 10. KB Rentals LLC, has submitted an application to rezone approximately 75.77 acres from AG-5 (Agricultural 5 acres) to R-25 (Residential 25,000 sq. ft.) to develop a single-family residential subdivision. The property is located at Brooklet Denmark and Mincey Road, Parcel No. 125 000054 000, 125 000054001.
Attorney Steve Rushing asked to table this plan at this time to give them time to work out issues with neighboring property owners. It will be tabled until the February 6th meeting.
APPROVE - 11. Terri Grant (Paul Miller, Gaye Hill and Gwen Stephens) has submitted an application to rezone approximately for 3.57 acres from AG-5 (Agricultural 5 acres) to HC (Highway Commercial) for the purpose of building a daycare facility. The property is located at 8146 Highway 67, Parcel No. 127 00000100.
Sam DiPolito spoke in favor.
1. Motion to grant a 2024 alcoholic beverage renewal license for package retail beer and wine sales to certain
establishments with a current 2023 license.
The Saucy Shrimp – Yu-Ching Hsu
2. Motion to Approve the Purchase and Installation of a New Automated Weather Observation Station
(AWOS) from DBT Transportation Services, LLC
Leisha Nevil just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I hate you. We all see things differently and we have different opinions. We just need to all continue to work together.
No staff comments
Commissioner Toby Conner spoke to Lindsey Martin and the people in that community we need to set a priority to correct Sweetheart Lane.
The Commissioners entered into Executive Session.
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