In the bi-monthly meeting of Statesboro City Council on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 City Manager Charles Penny presented budget assumptions for the fiscal year 2024 which begins July 1, 2023. The $105 million proposed budget includes assumptions including a few below:
- 10% Property Tax Digest growth
- 2 mill increase in property taxes
- 6% increase in Insurance Premium Taxes
- Franchise fees remain flat
- Approximately 10% increase in sanitation, landfill and water and sewer rates
- Increase in base fees, new firm rates, and new generator standy/base fee in natural gas rates
- No increase in stormwater rates
- Assumes that business license renewals will remain close to present levels
The budget also includes $10 to $12 million in one time AARPA funding.
The final vote on the budget is June 20th.
Councilman Phil Boyum stressed the need to grow the tax base with single family housing, not large apartment complexes. City Manager Penny reminded council that a large number of individual owned homes and town houses have been permitted but construction has not began.
Council member Shari Barr is very concerned about the very high increases in property tax valuations which will put more financial stress on citizens. This is something that she encouraged the staff to pay close attention to.
Bel-Air Annexation
After executive session, council voted to approve an intergovernmental agreement with Bulloch County regarding the Beasley Road annexation. The IGA submitted by the county outlined that the City would maintain the infrastructure on Beasley Road from U.S. Highway 80 to State Route 24, which the city already does since it is a city-maintained road.
The vote was 3-1 with Councilman Boyum opposing. Councilman Boyum asked for the record to reflect that IGA requires us to maintain Beasley Road, which the city already maintains.
This hopefully will end the months long annexation battle to finish developing out the Bel-Air Subdivision.
Recognitions/Public Presentations
A) Presentation to the Finance Department for receiving the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Award for the City of Statesboro FY 2023 Budget. This is the 19th consecutive year they have received this award.
B) Recognition of Cindy West, Director of Finance for completing the Carl Vinson Institute of Government’s Public Finance Leadership Academy.
Public Comments (Agenda Item):
Consent Agenda - ALL APPROVED
A) Approval of Minutes
a) 05-09-2023 Budget Work Session Minutes
b) 05-16-2023 Work Session Minutes
c) 05-16-2023 Council Minutes
d) 05-16-2023 Executive Session Minutes
Public Hearing
APPROVED: Public Hearing to solicit input on the proposed FY2024 Budget for the City of Statesboro. Final vote on the budget will be June 20th
APPROVED: Public Hearing & Consideration of a Motion to approve application for an alcohol license in accordance with The City of Statesboro alcohol ordinance Sec. 6-13 (a):
Clarke Beverages II
607 Brannen Street, Suite 1
Statesboro, Ga 30458
License Type: Package Sales: Beer, Wine, and Distilled Spirits
Clark Beverages II was issued a package license (beer, wine, & distilled spirits) located at 607 Brannen Street on June 7, 2022 and renewed for the 2023 year. The business has expanded its footprint and has moved into the old Peachtree Hams location. Section 6-7(h) of the Statesboro Code of Ordinances requires a new application if any changes are made to the footprint of the originally licensed premises.
APPROVED: Public hearing and first reading of Ordinance 2023-05: An Ordinance amending Sections 2-55 and 2-57 of the Statesboro Code of Ordinances in order to expand One Boro Commission membership to sixteen members and to incorporate the mission and scope of authority of the Healthy Boro mayoral ad hoc committee.
One Boro Commission was established in November of 2020 as successor to the Commission on Diversity and Inclusion which was formed in 2018 to advise Mayor and Council on matters concerning diversity, equity, and inclusion. Mayor McCollar established the Healthy Boro ad hoc committee in 2022 to address health concerns and initiatives affecting all City residents.
New Business
APPROVED: Consideration of a motion to approve the Statesboro Police Department Towing Rotation and Wrecker Agreement for FY 2024.
The City maintains a Wrecker Agreement with local businesses that conduct motor vehicle tows. The Agreement provides companies with requirements in order to be used by the City to tow vehicles at the City's request. In order to be placed on the wrecker rotation, companies must agree to, and abide with, the Agreement. As an example, if the police respond to a motor vehicle crash and a driver requires a tow from the scene, and that driver does not have a personally preferred towing service, the City will contact the next wrecker available under the rotation. This Agreement has been adopted annually by City Council. There are no proposed changes to last year's Agreement aside from the dates.
APPROVED: Consideration of a Motion to approve an easement with the Bulloch County Historical Society to place a historical marker on City of Statesboro property adjacent to the Art Park, recognizing the Dover & Statesboro Railroad.
The Bulloch County Historical Society (BCHS) is requesting approval to install a historical marker recognizing the Dover & Statesboro (D&S) Railroad, the first railroad in Statesboro. The railroad provided a transportation connection between Statesboro and the Dover community to the north. Additional railroad lines traversing Statesboro would follow in later years. BCHS would like to place this marker in the vicinity of the Art Park, where the original depot was located. It was recommended to BCHS to place the marker adjacent to East Main Street near Railroad Street. However, one of the BCHS board members would prefer to locate the marker within the Art Park, where the original depot was located. Staff will work with BCHS to determine a suitable location for both parties.
Other Business from City Council
Discussion regarding work session procedure.
In a previous work session the City Council voted on two items. Mr. Penny reminded Council that anytime there are three Council Members together action or business can be voted on. That is why they provide public notice anytime three or more Council Members come together for meeting. He also reminded Council that both votes in the work session were to provide direction to the City staff. Any additional action would require another vote from the Council.
Councilman Boyum and Council Lady Barr expressed concern with any vote that was or is taken during the work session. Mayor McCollar explained that the votes during a work session only provide direction, not craft policy. Any ordinances, policy decisions or vote impacting policy will only occur during a City Council meeting not in a work session.
City Managers Comments
This is the third year of Youth Connect program. There are 33 young people working in the program. They began with three days of training at City Hall and now have been placed in City departments and in private businesses throughout the City. The five week summer program ends on June 30th.
Downtown Statesboro Live was a huge success. The next concert is June 29th with the Grapevine Band. He praised city staff or their work on these events.
The Elks Lodge on James street had a fire about three years ago. They have been closed and now have reopened and are seeking to get their alcohol license restored. Because they are a non-conforming type establishment, it will require City Council approval to start the process. They will be required to go through the application process including public hearings. This vote only allows them to begin the process.
Councilman Boyum asked about violations or previous history of the establishment before they vote on moving forward. The staff will research this establishment and will bring it back at the next meeting.
The City has contractors working on six homes as part of the city revitalization program and will be putting some amendments on the agenda for policy concerning replacement housing.
Statesboro Police are training some interns to experiment with providing motorist assistance in the city limits. This will help free up officers for more urgent calls.
An update on the Whitesville CDBG application to the Department of Community Affairs. DCA has responded to the application and due to a couple of technical issues with the application they are not able to continue the application this year. They can apply again next year.
Mr. Penny followed up with information on Council Pay. Council Pay has not been increased since 2006. He provided a survey of similar communities pay for council. If they decided to move forward with a pay increase it has to be done before qualifying for the new council in August. The Council decided to defer to the next meeting. Of 16 cities surveyed, Statesboro City Council pay was the lowest.
Appointments are needed for boards including GreenerBoro, KSBB and will be advertising these opening soon.
Public Comments (General)
Michael Pratt, recently moved to Statesboro. He owns a not for profit and is seeking a license for his ice cream truck named "Tag Team Ice Cream." He can't seem to get an answer for the truck. Has tried multiple cities and can't get a license for his truck. They want to place him under a food truck regulations. The City doesn't currently have a provision to regulate an ice cream truck.
Mr. Penny asked staff to do more research and see if their are policy revisions they can make it possible to have ice cream trucks in the city.
Kevin Lewis said that we seem to have a gang problem in Statesboro. He asked what is in the toolbox to help fix this. There have been gunshots in aunts house. One hit her car and house. He heard gunshots last night. Kids not from Statesboro he feels are causing the issues and seem to be located in one spot which is Morris Heights apartment complex. He asked why is it so hard to control one complex until you get control of it. He then went on to say that he makes more money at a warehouse than our police officers are making. That is not right.
Council Lady Chavers concurs with him. "It is sad. I don't have the answers. We do need more officers so we can patrol that area more heavily."
"Public safety is more than just the police department. If you see something illegal going on in your neighborhood, you must tell someone. If someone is selling drugs in your neighborhood, it will lead to more dangerous activity, illegal activity and violence," said Mayor Jonathan McCollar. "Citizens have to actively take a roll in helping with this. We also must invest into young people. They need to see there is a better way to make a living than a life of drugs and crime."
Executive Session
Consideration of a Motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss “Personnel Matters” “Real Estate” and/or “Potential Litigation” in accordance with O.C.G.A 50-14-3(b)
The Mayor and Council entered into a lengthy Executive Session. They returned to voted to approve an intergovernmental agreement with Bulloch County regarding the Beasley Road annexation.
CLICK HERE to view the agenda and supporting documents
Live stream of the meeting