Shari Barr, Mayor Pro Temp for the City of Statesboro presided over the bi-monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, November 21, 2023. Mayor Jonathon McCollar was not able to attend the meeting.
The council meeting followed a two hour work session where one of the items presented to the Council was a report by Kathy Fields, City Planning Director.
Fields reported that there are currently 48 commercial constructions projects that have been permitted in the City with a value of $61 million. She estimated there is an additional $35 million in commercial projects that are in different stages of the permitting.
She anticipates these will move forward bringing the total to over $90 million in commercial development. This is in addition to the $400 million in residential construction the has been permitted or working through the permit process inside the City limits.
Continue reading for a full report on all city business covered during the meeting.
APPROVED - Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
a) 11-07-2023 Council Minutes
b) 11-07-2023 Executive Session Minutes
B. Consideration of a motion to approve the surplus and disposition of a 2003 Ford F150 in the Planning and Development Department.
Public Hearing
APPROVED - 5. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION SUB 23-09- 04: Mitchell Ball requests Preliminary Subdivision PLAT approval on approximately 32.6 acres of property in order to develop a single-family detached subdivision of approximately 90 units on Timber Road & Stockyard Road (Tax Parcel # MS38 000068 001).
Hayaden Rollins, Hussey, Gay and Bell spoke on behalf of the developer in favor of the project.
TABLED to January 16, 2024 meeting - 6. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve:
(a) APPLICATION AN 23-09-05: Five Guys Development requests Annexation of 0.78 acres of property located at Burkhalter Road in order to provide contiguity for a Residential Subdivision (Tax Parcel # 108 000001 000)
(b) APPLICATION AN 23-09-06: Five Guys Development requests Annexation of approximately 113.4 acres of property located at 6922 Burkhalter Road in order to construct a mixed single-family detached and townhouse subdivision (Tax Parcel # 108 000002 000).
(c) APPLICATION RZ 23-09-07: Five Guys Development requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the R-40 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district to the R-2 (Townhouse Residential) zoning district of approximately 113.4 acres of property in order to construct a 335 unit mixed single-family detached and townhouse subdivision at 6922 Burkhalter Road (Tax Parcel # 108 000002 000).
APPROVED - 7. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve:
(a) APPLICATION AN 23-10-01: Hadden Capital LLC requests Annexation of 13.43 acres of property in order to construct a townhome subdivision on Langston Chapel Road (Tax Parcel # MS76000010 000).
(b) APPLICATION RZ 23-10-02: Hadden Capital LLC requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the R-40 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district to the R-2 (Townhouse Residential) zoning district on 13.43 acres of property in order to construct a townhome subdivision on Langston Chapel Road (Tax Parcel # MS76000010 000) for a total of 108 townhouses.
Attorney Steve Rushing represented the developer Kyle Hadden speaking in favor of this project.
APPROVED - 8. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION SUB 23-10- 03: Burbank Point LLC request a Preliminary Subdivision PLAT on 1.21 acres of property located on Hill Street (Tax Parcel# S39 000043 000).
Hayaden Rollins, Hussey, Gay and Bell spoke on behalf of the developer in favor of the project.
APPROVED - 9. Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance 2023-19: An Ordinance amending Chapter 66 Solid Waste, Article V Collection Practices of the Statesboro Code of Ordinances in order to amend the text in Section 66-91 (c) (1).
This item has been referred back for public hearing and first reading by Mayor and Council due to substantial revisions at the November 7, 2023 Council meeting. Residents will be provided with a written warning from Code Enforcement for failure to remove polycarts after the assigned collection date. Staff is recommending the following initiated action for violation of this section: initial warnings from Code Enforcement for first offense, $25 for second offense (following initial warning from Code Enforcement), $50 for third offense, and $75 for subsequent offenses. If approved, the fine violations will be referenced in the City’s Schedule of Fees.
Marcus Toole, with Habitat for Humanity spoke against this. He is concerned that this will not solve any issues and impact elderly and lower income neighborhoods.
Residents who have mobility issues can call the City Sanitation
Sue Palmer, was the citizen who made the complaint originally that is the reason for this ordinance update. She is in favor and asked that the fine be higher than $10.
Don Armel, spoke in favor of this. He lives in the neighborhood with lots of rentals and this is an issue. He suggested that they notifiy the property owner and the renters.
APPROVED - 10. Second reading and consideration of a motion to approve Ordinance 2023-17: An Ordinance amending Chapter 6 Section 6-5 (f) and (r) of the Statesboro Code of Ordinances to allow for consideration of application prior to having a certificate of occupancy and waiving background requirements for certain applicants.
Mayor and Council directed drafting of revision at October 17, 2023 work session for first reading at the November 7, 2023 meeting where it advanced to second reading
APPROVED - 11. Second reading and consideration of a motion to approve Ordinance 2023-18: An Ordinance amending Chapter 82 Article IV of the Statesboro Code of Ordinance creating a sewer lateral assistance program.
Mayor and Council voted to advance Ordinance to Second Reading at the November 7, 2023 meeting.
APPROVED - 12. Consideration of a Motion to Approve: Resolution 2023-46: A Resolution adopting the third amendment to the City of Statesboro Schedule of Fees, Rates, and Fines for Fiscal Year 2024.
The current Building Permits only has three tiers. Due to the cost of development unseen in the City of Statesboro, the current three tier format could cause a tremendous burden on developers. Planning staff recommends creating two more tiers to reduce the upfront development impact for larger scale projects and reduce the negative impact caused by these fees.
On September 19, 2023, the Statesboro City Council amended Chapter 18 Businesses of the Statesboro Code of Ordinances in order to implement Article XI creating licensing and operational requirements for event centers.
On November 7, 2023, the Statesboro City Council created a sewer lateral assistance program. This program assists property owners that are occupants of single-family residential homes inside the City limits to mitigate a portion of the cost to repair a private sewer lateral within the public right away.
Therefore, an amendment to the FY2024 Rates, Fees and Fines Schedule needs to be amended to reflect the additional building permit tiers, the Event Center Fee and the Sewer Lateral Replacement Assistance. The changes are highlighted in yellow.
APPROVED - 13. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2023-47: A Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the City of Statesboro, Georgia to rename Brown Street to Loretta’s Way.
Public hearing brought forth pursuant to City 58-9 was held on November 7, 2023
APPROVED - 14. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2023-48: A Resolution approving the City of Statesboro’s proposed FY2024 Street Resurfacing Program, and authorizing the Mayor to execute the GDOT Local Maintenance Improvement Grant (LMIG) Application. Grant matching funds will be provided from 2018 TSPLOST Funds.
The LMIG is an annual program in which GDOT allocates transportation funds to local governments. The City uses these funds to supplement the Street Resurfacing Budget. The Public Works & Engineering Department staff evaluates City streets pavement conditions annually to prioritize and select streets for the annual LMIG resurfacing list that is submitted to GDOT. The list compiled considers streets from all council districts and is specific to the available funding for this GDOT LMIG program. Additional streets (long list) will be added to this list to be resurfaced with TSPLOST funds prior to project bidding.
APPROVED - 15. Consideration of a motion to amend the contract with American Engineers, Inc. (AEI) to perform engineering services for the East Main Street Sidewalk project in the amount of $38,090.38. This project is paid from the 2018 TSPLOST Fund.
The City of Statesboro experienced hurricane Idalia in September 2023. GDOT SR24 was overtopped in the area of the proposed sidewalk improvements and washed out areas of the project. GDOT has since requested changes made to the project plans. The cost includes additional survey data to extend the drainage pipe approximately 150 lf, updating the plans to accommodate GDOT’s typical curb and gutter detail and driveway aprons, extending the hydraulic calculations to include and updating the right-ofway limits and quantities impacted by these changes.
The City of Statesboro needs final bid documents by the end of the year to meet LMIG obligations and will fast track these changes to meet this deadline. The city will file the encroachment permit with GDOT and subconsultant, Edwards-Pitman, will file the required USACE Section 404 permit. This work is a subsequent phase of development to provide sidewalk connectivity from downtown Statesboro to Mill Creek Park and to provide connectivity to adjacent residential areas.
APPROVED - 16. Consideration of a motion to award a contract in the amount of $235,502.50 to Tim Lanier Construction, LLC for the Brannen Street Sidewalk Improvements project. This project will be paid by 2018 TSPLOST funds.
The City of Statesboro issued requests for proposals for construction proposals once before in FY 2022. With only one bidder, the project had to be sent to bid again. After some input from community stake holders and ROW acquisition the project was successfully rebid. The work in this contract includes the installation of sidewalk along the Southside of the road from the Gentilly Road and Brannen Street intersection to Clairborne Avenue.
Additionally the installation of sidewalk along this corridor will require the demolition and reconstruction of existing driveways, and the relocation of various incidental items such as trees on the ROW, street signs, and fiber optic utility infrastructure (guy wires, and subgrade utility boxes).
Other Business from City Council
Council Member Venus Mack, addressed street closures. Last year the Turkey Trot run came and a lot of businesses downtown were not notified. Business downtown were not made aware that the street was closing. This happened again this year and she encouraged the City to develop a policy notifying businesses of the closures.
Charles Penny, City Manager said that staff will develop a plan including approved routes.
Council Member Phil Boyum said the City and the County need to find a way to work better together. Especially when all of this growth is coming. They need to work together.
Council Member Shari Barr reminded citizens about the City's Annual Toy Drive began today. Can bring a new unwrapped toy until December 8th.
City Managers Comments
Charles Penny, City Manger reported that the City employees United Way campaign is complete and they raised $37,498.
The Norris Hotel at 9 Hill Street has been accepted as a new member of the National Historic register.
He congratulated Allen Muldrew and Elena Mclendon and the Downtown Development Authority for receiving their GEMS (Georgia Exceptional Main Street) designation again.
Public Comments
Annie Bellinger, $2 million for a food bank and no money for affordable housing. I reported them and then someone reported me. It caused my boss to loose my job because I came up here and told you all there were homeless people and special needs people live out on the Westside. I want to see my tax money to help people. People come to me daily and say they are homeless. All they can find is $1,500 per month and she doesn't even make that per month.
Sue Palmer, thank you all for addressing the trash can situation.
Len Fatica, congratulate you for all you do for the City for the youth but for serving on City Council. A previous Council raised the age to 25 to run for council. Most other City's it is 18. I ask you to review this and lower this.
Cain Smith, City Attorney said this would require a Charter review. This is something Council does want to review.
Marcus Toole, commended City and staff regarding being forward thinking on transportation and infrastructure. "I am encouraged that the City and County is working together more than that has been in the past. Let's see more of that."
Consideration of a Motion to enter into Executive Session
CLICK HERE to view the agenda and supporting documents.
The live stream of the entire meeting is below: