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City Council approves new pay plan for all city employees beginning January 1, 2024 at meeting Tuesday

All city employees will be moved to a new pay plan beginning on January 1, 2024. The employees will see the new pay rates reflected in their January 25th paycheck. Council Member Venus Mack says farewell to Council. Click on the picture to read more about this and all city business covered in the meeting.
Statesboro City Council

Statesboro City Council met for their last meeting of the year on Tuesday, December 19, 2023.  In what took two votes, the council voted to approve the new play plan effective January 1, 2024 for all employees.  The recommendation on the agenda by city staff was to adopt the pay plan for public safety beginning January 1, 2024 and the remainder of the city employees beginning on July 1, 2024. 

However, Council Member John Riggs made a motion to move forward with all employees receiving the new pay plan starting January 1, 2024.  Instead of only public safety beginning in January. 

Council members Mack, Chavers and Riggs voted in favor.  Council member Barr voted against and Council member Boyum did not record a vote. Boyum challenged the process of voting and said there was not enough discussion.  After more discussion regarding Roberts Rules of Order and whether or not the vote was taken properly and a proper amount of discussion was given to the council before the vote, Council member Riggs made a motion to rescind his original vote. 

Council member Riggs voted to rescind his vote, Council member Boyum and Council member Barr voted to rescind the previous vote and reopen discussion.  Council member Mack and Chavers voted against

After reopening for discussion, there was very little additional discussion.  Council Member Riggs pointed out that they had discussed this extensively in the work session before the last meeting.  The Mayor gave each Council Member the opportunity to discuss this vote again.

After this, again Council Member Riggs made the same motion again to move forward with the new pay plan on January 1, 2024 for all employees.  Councilmember Mack seconded.  The vote passed unanimously.  Employees will see the pay raise in the January 25th paycheck.  

It will cost $1.1 million to implement the new pay plan.  This will be divided between the general fund, fire fund and enterprise fund to fund this.  City staff feels that the tremendous amount of both residential and commercial growth will help make up the budget difference going into the new year beginning in July 2024.  

50% of the city's employees have been with them less than five years.  This shows the movement they are experiencing and having competitive salaries will hopefully stabilize retention and help them recruit important positions like for the police department.

Council member Venus Mack says goodbye

Prior to the meeting the City hosted a reception for retiring City Council member Venus Mack.  Mack was elected to City Council four years ago in a history making election which saw three women elected to the five member body. 

"We laid out a vision for this city when Council member Mack joined the Council," said Mayor Jonathan McCollar.  "Through her hard work and this council we have been through a lot of positive change. We have seen a lot of growth in this city.  Thank you so much for having the courage to put your name on the ballot and being able to serve.  It has not been easy.  But it takes a lot more than two meetings a month to be successful as a council member.  This is a huge commitment and sacrifice to serve in this way.  For that we want to say thank you."

Council member Mack with Mayor and City Council. DeWayne Grice

Council Member Venus Mack addressed the Council with her farewell:

"Statesboro thank you for granting me the privilege to serve you.  Making history, and serving on council is one of the greatest accomplishments of my life.  The legacy I’ve created not only makes me proud but it makes my family and our community proud . It lets the generations under me know anything is possible with hard work and dedication . To the incredible staff, your dedication has been the cornerstone of our progress over the last four years. To the Mayor, thanks for your leadership and support.  I wouldn’t be in the seat if it wasn’t for you. To my council sisters, together, we've made history. We've redefined what local government stands for and what it can achieve. To the rest of the council, your perseverance and dedication to our town is commendable. I can't wait to see how you will continue to make Statesboro a place people are proud to live, work and play. Serving in this capacity is no easy task. Remember, greatness is within reach. Statesboro, relies on your continued dedication. Again Statesboro thank you all for your support and belief in our vision. Let's continue pushing the boundaries, striving for the betterment of our beloved town.

Thank you for granting me opportunity to serve. Anything is possible with hard work and dedication,"  said Council member Venus Mack.

Council member Mack with her family. DeWayne Grice

Recognitions/Public Presentations

A) Presentation of a retirement award to Keith Perkins Water & Sewer Superintendent who is retiring effective January 1, 2024 after 36 years of service.

Mr. Perkins was not in attendance but he was recognized by the Mayor and Council for his dedicated service to our community.

B) Presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation to Councilmember Venus Mack for her dedicated service to the City of Statesboro. 


C) Presentation of a Certificate of Achievement from the Georgia Municipal Association to Mayor Pro Tem Shari Barr for her completion of 72 hours to training. The award was presented by Pam Helton, GMA Director of Member Services.

Council member Shari Barr with Pam Helton, GMA. DeWayne Grice

D) Presentation of a Certificate of Dedication from the Georgia Municipal Association to Council member Phil Boyum for his completion of 276 hours of training. The award was presented by Pam Helton, GMA Director of Member Services.

Pam Helton, GMA with Council member Phil Boyum. DeWayne Grice

APPROVED - Consent Agenda

1. Approval of Minutes

a) 12-05-2023 Council Minutes

b) 12-05-2023 Work Session Minutes

Public Hearing

APPROVED - 6. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION RZ 23-11-01: Danny Jones requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the PUD/MX (Planned Unit Development/Mixed-Use) zoning district to the R-2 (Townhouse Residential) zoning district on approximately 2.63 acres of property located on Gentilly Road.

Cody Rogers, EMC Engineering spoke in favor of the project.

Arthur Sparks is not opposed but has concerns.  His property adjoins this development by 300 feet.  Russell Jones has met with him twice and we have walked over the property and discussed my concerns and have come to a basic agreement.  He thanked Mr. Jones for working with him in providing:

  • adequate natural buffer
  • 8 foot privacy fence
  • consideration of drainage


APPROVED - 7. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION SUB 23-11- 02: Karen Lovett requests a Preliminary Subdivision Plat of approximately 16.47 acres of property located on Brannen Street.

John Dotson, Maxwell Reddick and Associates spoke in favor of the project.  

Allen Gross, City Business Recruiter spoke in favor of the project and commended local realtor Todd Mannack for his work on putting this project together.  Gross said they have significant interest in this prospective development.



APPROVED - 8. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION SUB 23-10- 03: SLA Communities LLC, request a Preliminary Subdivision Plat of approximately 36.55 acres of property in order to construct a 124-unit Single-Family detached subdivision on Beasley Road.

Ashley Durrence with Smith Family Homes spoke in favor of the request.




APPROVED -  9. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION RZ 23-11-04: West District Development requests an amendment to an existing PUD (Planned Unit Development) in order to complete the phase 2 development of the West District located at 40 East Cherry Street.

Josh Whitfield spoke in favor of the project.




APPROVED - 10.  Public Hearing and Consideration of a motion to approve application for an alcohol license in accordance with the City of Statesboro alcohol ordinance Sec. 6-13(a):

Express One Stop
190 Northside Dr. W.
Statesboro, Ga 30458
License Type: Package Sales – Beer and Wine Only

APPROVED - 11. Second Reading and consideration of a motion to approve Ordinance 2023-20: An Ordinance amending Chapter 10, Article I of the Statesboro Code of Ordinances.

Bulloch County handles animal control in the City under SDS. City and County are working on an animal control IGA to replace the outdated one in place since 2007. In order to streamline prosecution of violations in Magistrate Court it is necessary for City and County to have substantially similar animal control ordinances. Council directed drafting of this revision at November 21 work session. First Reading was passed on December 5, 2023.

APPROVED - 12. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2023-51: A Resolution to approve the Employee Compensation Plan for Public Safety (Police Officers and Firefighters) effective January 1, 2024 and General Government employees effective July 1, 2024.

At the Council Retreat in March 2023, City staff highlighted challenges with recruiting and retaining employees and recommended a compensation and classification project. On June 20, 2023, the Elected Body approved the recommended consultant, Condrey and Associates. The results of the compensation project were presented to the Elected Body during a Work Session on December 5, 2023.

APPROVED - 13. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2023-52: A Resolution authorizing the opening of a separate bank account for the 2023 TSPLOST.

The City of Statesboro entered into an intergovernmental agreement for the use and distribution of proceeded from the 2023 TSPLOST with Bulloch County on July 12, 2022. Per the agreement, the City is required to open a separate bank account for the 2023 TSPLOST proceeds. Therefore, it is my recommendation to open the 2023 TSPLOST Bank Account.

APPROVED - 14. Consideration of a motion to approve a Temporary Special Event Permit in accordance with the City of Statesboro alcohol ordinance Sec. 6-8(d)(3) issued to the Blue Room for December 31, 2023 from 7pm to 12am. The location of the event is 1830 Chandler Road.

APPROVED - 15. Consideration of a motion to approve an amendment to the contract with Tyler Technologies Software for cloud storage service.

In 2020, the City signed an agreement with Tyler Technologies to move toward cloud storage. The amended contract updates the cost for software maintenance and support services.

APPROVED - 16. Consideration of a Motion to approve the purchase of one (1) 2023 or newer Ford F-450 Super Duty XL 4WD 7.3 L V8 or equivalent at a cost, not to exceed, $80,000. If approved, this purchase would be funded out of Natural Gas operating funds.

The Purchasing Division has requested for written quotes for several heavy duty trucks over the past few months. These trucks have specific requirements based on their use for the requesting department. Since there is a high demand for these types of trucks, few dealerships are able to stock them and most of them have no service body. If a truck has a service body, it is sold quickly. Commercial dealerships and state contractors have participated in our process, but are unable to assist us because of the lack of availability or not able to commit to a purchase. Therefore, if a vehicle becomes available that meets the department’s specifications. If approved, this vehicle would be purchased using operating funds from the Natural Gas Department.

APPROVED - 17. Consideration of a motion to approve a Water - Sewer Agreement with Blanchard Equipment not to exceed $325,350.00 to extend a 12” water main approximately 3800’ on Miller St. Extension to Veteran's Memorial Parkway. Work to be paid for with funds from System Revenues in the Water Sewer Fund.

Blanchard Equipment Company, located on the corner of Stockyard Road and Williams Road, is moving to a new location. They have recently purchased property on the corner of Miller Street Extension and Veterans Memorial Parkway. Engineers working for the company contacted us about the possibility of extending water service to their new site in lieu of a private well, tank and booster pumps for fire protection.

This location is outside of the City Limits, approximately 3800 feet from the closest available connection point which is at the intersection of Miller Street Extension and Stockyard Road. Their engineers have determined that the customer would need to extend an 8 inch water main to the site to serve their needs. However to provide for future growth and improved fire protection we have requested that a 12 inch main be installed instead of an 8 inch and that eight (8) additional fire hydrants be installed. The engineer has determined the cost to construct a 12 inch water main and hydrants is $325,350.00 more than an 8 inch water main. Blanchard Equipment has requested that the city pay the additional cost we are requesting.

APPROVED - 18. Consideration of a motion to award a contract for professional engineering services for Phase 2 of the South Main Street/Blue Mile Streetscape Improvements Project to T.R. Long Engineering in the not to exceed amount of $399,420.00. The project will be paid from 2018 TSPLOST Funds.

The City of Statesboro has completed Phase I of the Blue Mile Streetscape Improvements project. This project will continue the theme of improved drainage, sidewalks, landscaping, street lighting, resurfacing, and utility relocation along South Main Street. Phase 1 began at the intersection with Tillman Road and ended near the intersection with Fair Road. Phase 2 will start at the Fair Road intersection (with accommodation for a proposed roundabout) and terminates at the intersection of East and West Grady Streets.

There is expected ROW conflicts and utility concerns that will be identified through this initial planning and design process. Also, all storm infrastructure will be upgraded to GDOT standards.

The City of Statesboro issued Requests for Proposals (RFP) for engineering services for the subject project. The RFPs were evaluated and ranked on each qualification based selection on the criteria of cost, experience of staff, experience of firm, project approach, and references. TR Long ranked highest.

Other Business from City Council

"Thanks to Olympia Gaines and her team for the Christmas Toy Drive.  They served over 100 families and 250 children.  They raised over $7,800 for the drive," said Mayor McCollar.  "It was a beautiful opportunity for our children and families.  This was the fifth year we have done this.  We thank you the citizens and our staff for making this possible.  This event made Christmas possible for so many."

City Managers Comments

Charles Penny, City Manager gave an update on the housing rehab program.  The cost for the rehab cost was set at $50k.  However we need to consider moving to a $70 per square foot funding model.  $50k has been very challenging to get these projects done.  The cost of inflation has made this challenging at $50k project budget.

Public Comments (General)


Executive Session 


CLICK HERE to view to agenda and supporting documents 

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