Mayor Jonathan McCollar and the Statesboro City Council opened their bi-monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, September 19, 2023 by moving quickly to agenda item 6 which opened the third and final public hearing on the proposed millage rate increase from 7.3080 mills to 9.2120 mills.
City Manager Charles Penny presented the same budget overview he has presented at the previous two public hearings. After closing the public hearing the council members expressed their concern about raising the taxes. However, the understood the need to increase public safety and remain competitive with employee salaries.
Council member Shari Barr recommended dipping into reserves and lowering the millage rate increase.
Council member Phil Boyum felt the presentation and numbers only showed the extreme. He noted that they have raised fees across the board and are now having an increase in the millage rate. He agreed with Council member Barr that the City should dip again into reserves and lower the millage rate increase. With the amount of growth Boyum feels the numbers will catch up. He didn't feel that has been adequately factored in. He wanted to stay at the current 7.3 millage rate.
Mayor McCollar said this is a very tuff moment. We have invested in this city and their people. We took all $17 million of ARPA funds and put those funds directly back into the City and its people. All the things the experts predicted would happen has happened. We provide over 500,000 meals to the people of our entire county. Our country is in a very difficult space at this time. Our City is in a stiff competitive environment to keep our employees. Last year we spent down our fund balance. Our fund balance allows us to have the resources in a time of disaster to put our city back together. It is our hope that down the line we can roll back taxes. If I was casting a vote, my vote is to do what the staff is recommended. This budget takes care of our employees and provides us the funds to protect our city from disaster.
Council member Boyum asked how much of the budget is actually focused on increasing the police department with this budget. City Manager Penny said there will be six new positions added to the police department, but it also allows them to increase salaries to stay competitive.
Council member Barr made a motion to set the millage rate at a compromise rate of 8.125. Council member Boyum seconded. Council member Riggs voted in favor. The motion carried effectively lowering the increase from 9.2120 to 8.125 mills.
This will require dipping into city reserves by a little over $1 million to balance the budget this coming year.
Millage Rate Increase Public Hearing
Three citizens spoke at the public hearing.
Cassandra Mikell - owns rental property in the city, but is not a city resident. She has spoken at every public hearing for tax increases including Bulloch County, BOE and now the City. She asked for them to cut the budget and expenses in lieu of raising the millage rate.
Lawton Sack - he is a citizen of Statesboro and is a candidate for City Council. He has also spoken at every public hearing for tax increases as well. He also asked them to not increase the millage rate.
Sam Jones - a citizen of the city and former City Councilman expressed concerns about senior citizens. He asked the Mayor and Council to find a way to protect the senior citizens.
Melissa Dixon - lives in Statesboro. The numbers are low. We are one of the lowest paid cities and counties in the State. I think the numbers are still to low. How can we please both. It is a tuff job. Not hear to complain. My concern is there will be a breaking point. She is concerned about allowing the city and the county to become wet. Times are tuff, rent is high. Please figure it out.
APPROVED - 6. Public Hearing and Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2023-43: A Resolution setting the millage rate for Ad Valorem (Property) Taxes for the 2023 calendar year for the City of Statesboro, Georgia.
APPROVED - Consent Agenda
A) Approval of Minutes
a) 09-05-2023 Council Minutes
b) 09-05-2023 Executive Session Minutes
c) 09-12-2023 Public Hearing Minutes 12:00 pm
d) 09-12-2023 Public Hearing Minutes 6:00 pm
B) Consideration of a motion to approve the due date of December 20th 2023 for the City of Statesboro Property Tax Bills.
Public Hearing
APPROVED - 6. Public Hearing and Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2023-43: A Resolution setting the millage rate for Ad Valorem (Property) Taxes for the 2023 calendar year for the City of Statesboro, Georgia.
APPROVED - 7. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION CUV 2308-01: Brenda O’Quinn requests a Conditional Use Variance to allow for the operation of a treatment residence in the R-20 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district at 401 West Parrish Street.
June Dipilito, CEO of Pineland spoke in favor of this variance.
Mary Blount spoke against this and said that James Ward and Marcia and Frank Parker disapprove as well.
APPROVED - 8. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve:
(A): APPLICATION SUB 23-08-02: David Pearce & Mitchell Ball requests preliminary subdivision approval of approximately 0.64 acres of property to establish a single-family attached subdivision at 224 East Main Street.
(B): APPLICATION SUB 23-08-03: David Pearce & Mitchell Ball requests preliminary subdivision approval of approximately 3.06 acres of property to establish a single-family attached subdivision at 17 Gordon Street.
Hayden Rollins with Hussey, Gay and Bell spoke in favor of the approval.
David Pearce, the developer, spoke in favor of approval.
APPROVED - 9.Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve:
(A): APPLICATION RZ 23-08-04: KB Rentals LLC requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the HOC/R15 (Highway Oriented Commercial/Single-Family Residential) zoning districts to the R4 (High Density Residential) zoning district on approximately 15.46 acres in order to develop a single-family attached subdivision on Miller Street Extension.
(B): APPLICATION RZ 23-08-05: KB Rentals LLC requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the HOC(Highway Oriented Commercial) zoning districts to the R4 (High-Density Residential) zoning district on approximately 1 acre in order to develop a single-family attached subdivision on Miller Street Extension.
Hayden Rollins with Hussey, Gay and Bell spoke in favor.
Mark Konter, the developer, spoke in favor. He said these will rent in the $1,400 to 1,800 per month rental range.
APPROVED - 10.Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION SUB 23-08-06: Tim Stone requests preliminary subdivision approval of approximately 54.06 acres of property to establish a 144 lot single-family detached subdivision at Cawana Road.
Hayden Rollins, Hussey, Gay and Bell spoke in favor. The approximately 2,500 sq. ft. homes are projected to sale in the low to high $300K range.
APPROVED - 11.Second Reading and Consideration of a motion to approve Ordinance 2023-12: An Ordinance adopting the Statesboro Unified Development Code
At the request of City Council in 2022, the City hired TSW as consultants for the creation of a new Unified Development Code, which incorporated items both directly and indirectly related to zoning. It is now requested that Council adopt this newly created Unified Development Code.
APPROVED - 12.Second Reading and Consideration of a motion to approve Ordinance 2023-13: An Ordinance amending Chapter 22: Cable Communications.
At the request of City Council in 2022, the City hired TSW as consultants for the creation of a new Unified Development Code, which incorporated items both directly and indirectly related to zoning. It is now requested that Council adopt this newly created Streaming Broadband Deployment Ordinance.
APPROVED - 13.Second Reading and Consideration of a motion to approve Ordinance 2023-14: An Ordinance amending Chapter 26: Cemeteries.
At the request of City Council in 2022, the City hired TSW as consultants for the creation of a new Unified Development Code, which incorporated items both directly and indirectly related to zoning. It is now requested that Council adopt the amended Cemetery Ordinance.
APPROVED - 14.Second Reading and Consideration of a motion to approve Ordinance 2023-15: An Ordinance amending Chapter 38: Environment.
At the request of City Council in 2022, the City hired TSW as consultants for the creation of a new Unified Development Code, which incorporated items both directly and indirectly related to zoning. It is now requested that Council adopt the amended Environment Ordinance.
APPROVED - 15.Second Reading and Consideration of a motion to approve Ordinance 2023-08: An Ordinance amending Chapter 18 Businesses of the Statesboro Code of Ordinances in order to implement Article XI creating licensing and operational requirements for event centers.
Mayor and Council voted to advance Ordinance to First Reading at the June 20, 2023 work session. Amendment was also be presented at the August 15, 2023 work session and requested to return for First Reading. First Reading was advanced at September 5, 2023 regular meeting.
APPROVED - 16.Second Reading and Consideration of to approve Ordinance 2023-11: An Ordinance amending Chapter 18 Businesses of the Statesboro Code of Ordinances in order to implement Article XII creating a regulatory structure to allow for mobile public vending on City right of way.
Second Reading and Consideration of Ordinance 2023-11 amending Chapter 18 Businesses of the Statesboro Code of Ordinances in order to implement Article XII creating a regulatory structure to allow for mobile public vending on City right of way
APPROVED - 17.Consideration of a motion authorizing the Mayor to execute a purchase agreement for right-of-way acquisition on Brannen Street for the Brannen Street Sidewalk Project. Funding is provided from 2018 TSPLOST.
The Brannen Street Sidewalk project is proposing to install sidewalk along the street from Gentilly Road to Clairborne Street. Right-of-Way Acquisition is needed to facilitate this work and to allow construction where an insufficient width of ROW currently exists for such improvements. The following has a negotiated purchase agreement: Brannen Street Sidewalk 102 Prince Way $2,200.00
APPROVED - 18.Consideration of a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign two contracts with Flock Safety for the lease of Flock License Plate Reader Equipment.
The police department currently leases 4 stationary license plate readers (LPR’s) through a program with Flock Safety, Inc. Through the receipt of a recent grant already approved and accepted by City Council, the police department intends to lease 39 additional license plate readers for deployment throughout the City. There are two contracts for approval: the first is an agreement on behalf of Flock to “lock-in” our current lease rate for the four current Flock LPR’s (and the associated software) at $10,000 per year for the next five years. The second contract is the agreement to lease the 39 additional LPR’s (and associated operating system software, etc) for a total of $519,150 for 3 years. These funds are available through a recently obtained grant.
APPROVED - 19. Consideration of a motion to authorize the mayor to execute a contract with Quality Tire Recycling, LLC for extension of a used tire disposal contract.
City council has extended annual agreements for disposal pursuant to the 4% annual fee increase clause. That agreement, under section 3 of the existing contract, has an annual adjustment equal to the Consumer Price Index plus a 4% increase of fees. In consideration of the recent landfill disposal of solid waste, the vendor has requested an existing agreement renewal with price change. This adjustment will increase the fees for these services from $140.00/ton to $160.00/ton. This remains below the cost of other tire disposal facilities (which are limited) in the region.
APPROVED - 20. Consideration of a motion to purchase one (1) 2023 Ford F-150 XL SuperCab 4X4 and one (1) 2023 Ford F-150 XL SuperCrew 4X4 for the Public Works and Engineering Department from Metter Ford for the total amount of $89,989.64 based upon written quotes received. The funding source is Solid Waste Disposal Operating Income and the CIP is SWD-16-R.f
APPROVED - 21. Consideration of a motion to amend our contract with Utility Services Company Inc. to add the Bruce Yawn Industrial Park elevated storage tank to our annual maintenance contract, in the amount of $40,740.00. To be paid for with funds included in the FY2024 Water and Sewer Operating Budget.
The tank at Bruce Yawn Park was constructed in 2014 and has been in use since that time. However, due to the lack of customers in the park, it has been of limited benefit to the system. With the recent commitment of five large manufacturers to locate in county industrial parks this tank is now central to our water distribution system in this area. We are requesting to add this tank to our existing contract with Utility Service Company in order to assure that it is properly maintained and inspected.
Other Business from City Council
Public Hearing from 5-8 PM on Monday regarding the shared City and County transportation plan.
City Managers Comments
A letter has been sent to apartment complexes to encourage them to use grant funds to enhance security.
Dr. Stacy Smallwood applied for a grant through Georgia Tech. We are one of four cities who were awarded the grant for $127,000 to study employees indoor environment.
Notice of Election cancelation for District 3 and District 5 will be published soon. There will be an election for District 2 at Luetta Moore Park.
Public Comments (General)
Pastor Carlos Kelly, Thomas Grove Baptist Church. There is a problem with the ditch that sits behind the sanctuary. They are asking for a culvert to be placed to help eliminate this erosion problem.
Sue Palmer spoke again about garbage cans being left out in the city. Recommended increasing the fines to from $10 to $50. She feels the fine is to low. She feels this should go toward the owner of the complex.
Marcus Toole commended city on the unified ordinance. This is a game changer for a lot of older neighborhoods in Statesboro. This is a huge thing for Statesboro. This is one of the most important things this City Council has done in the past decade. Habitat for Humanity just received a $9,000 grant to help promote the bus service.
Executive Session
Consideration of a Motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss “Personnel Matters” “Real Estate” and/or “Potential Litigation” in accordance with O.C.G.A 50-14-3(b)
The Council returned from Executive Session and appointed the following to the One Boro Commission.
- Enola Mosley
- Tracy Linderholm
- Stacy Smallwood
- Nandi Marshall
- John Gamble
- Yolanda Tremble
CLICK HERE to view the agenda and supporting documents
Live Stream of meeting