The Statesboro City Council, once again voted to approve the annexation for the Bel-Air subdivision in their monthly meeting Tuesday, June 20, 2023. They also approved the zoning amendment to allow the construction of 124 single family homes. This clears the way for Smith Family Homes to move forward with the proposed $40 million development.
The Council also approved the City budget. This action does not approve the 2 mil increase proposed as part of the budget. The decision on the 2 mil increase will be made and voted on in September.
Read the full story to see all City business covered at the meeting.
Recognition/Public Presentations
Presentation of a retirement award to Jerry Lee Mikell (Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator) who is retiring effective July 1, 2023 after 30 years of service.

Consent Agenda - ALL APPROVED
A) Approval of Minutes
a) 06-06-2023 Council Minutes
b) 06-06-2023 Executive Session Minutes
B) Consideration of a motion for approval of surplus and disposition of multiple items (e.g. vehicles, equipment, etc.) in the Public Works Streets and Parks Division.
The Items on these attached list have exceeded their useful life and need to declare surplus and approved for disposition:
Street Division
- 2003 Ford Truck F-150 Vin# 1FTR17W13NA13577
- 2009 Ford F-350 Tool Body Vin# 1FDSF34559EA28810
- .2001 John Deere 450H Bulldozer Vin# TO450HX901084
- 2014 Brown Bush Hog Mower Vin3 6C4175
- Three (3) Echo Back Blowers (Missing parts;non running)
- Two (2) Stihl Handheld Blowers (Missing parts;non running)
- One (1) Echo Handheld Blower (missing parts;non running)
- Five (5) Echo Weedeaters (Running)
- Three (3) Echo Curved Edgers (Running)
- Two (2) Echo Straight Edgers (Running)
- One (1)-Echo Straight Edger (Doesn’t Run)
- 2011 Wilspread Road Widener (Side Dresser) Vin# 01156.
Park Division
- Two (2) Echo Backpack Blowers (non-running)
- Two (2) Echo Weedeaters (non-running)
- One (1) Echo Stick Edger (non-running)
- One (1) Echo Hedge Trimmer (non-running)
- Five (5) Husqvarna Push Mowers (non-running)
Public Hearing
APPROVED - 6. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION AN 23-04- 01: Bel Air Estates Inc. requests Annexation of an approximately 36.55 acre property in order to develop a single-family detached subdivision located on Beasley Road (Tax Parcel # MS91000013 000).
APPROVED - 7. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION RZ 23-04- 02: Bel Air Estates Inc. requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the R-40 (Single Family Residential) to the R-6 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district in order to develop approximately 124 homes on approximately 36.55 acres of property located on Beasley Road (Tax Parcel# MS91000013 000).
Lamar Smith spoke in favor of the annexation and rezoning.
Susan Riley asked that they hold Mr. Smith to all of the requirements and promises that they have made. She asked for 30 feet buffers. She asked for improvements made to Beasley Road including bike lanes and sidewalks.
APPROVED - 8. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION RZ 23-05- 01: Joseph Lanier requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the R-15 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district to the R-6 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district on a portion of an approximately 2.59 acre property in order to develop single family homes at 218 Hill Street (Tax Parcel S39000043 000).
APPROVED - 9. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION RZ 23-05- 02: Jamee & Michael Chalker requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the CR (Commercial Retail) zoning district to the LI (Light Industrial) zoning district in order to place a higher intensity granite fabrication shop at 2735 Northside Drive West (Tax Parcel# S08 000072 000).
APPROVED - 10. Public Hearing and Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2023-24: A Resolution exempting certain vehicles from marking requirement for one year.
2001 Session of the General Assembly amended O.C.G.A. 36-80-20 to limit the duration of such an exemption to one year, requiring an annual exemption instead of doing it one time as under the previous statute.
APPROVED - 11. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2023-25: A Resolution to adopt the second amendment to the fiscal year 2023 budget for each fund of the City of Statesboro, Georgia, appropriating the amounts shown in each budget as expenditures/expenses, adopting the several items of revenue anticipations, and prohibiting expenditures or expenses from exceeding the actual funding appropriated
State law requires the City of Statesboro to adopt a balance budget every fiscal year. The City of Statesboro fiscal year runs from July 1st to June 30th of each year. The Mayor and City Council were presented the capital budget at the March 18th Council Retreat and the operating budget at the May 9th budget work sessions.
APPROVED - 12. Consideration of a Motion to approve Resolution 2023-26: A Resolution to adopt the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget for each fund of the City of Statesboro, Georgia, appropriating the amount shown in each budget as expenditures/expenses, adopting the several items of revenue anticipations, and prohibiting expenditures or expenses from exceeding the actual funding available for appropriations.
In June 2015, the City of Statesboro adopted its first comprehensive Schedule of Rates, Fees and Fines. This document is updated and adopted every year based on any changes of rates, fees and fines and is effective July 1. The document may also be amended during the fiscal year if the need arises. The FY2024 Schedule of Rates, Fees and Fines includes the increases discussed at the Council Retreat in March and at the Budget Work Session in May.
APPROVED - 13. Consideration of a Motion to Approve Resolution 2023-27: A Resolution adopting the Statesboro Schedule of Rates, Fees and Fines.
APPROVED - 14. Consideration of a Motion to Approve Resolution 2023-28: A resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an FY24 Operational Service Agreement with the Coastal Regional Commission of Georgia for public transportation services in assistance with the Georgia Department of Transportation.
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) provides federal funding to support the capital and operating assistance activities for rural transit systems. Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is the designated recipient of these federal funds in Georgia and is responsible for the program oversight and administration and ensuring compliance with all applicable federal regulations. Currently, the Coastal Regional Commission (CRC) is GDOT’s designated subrecipient of these funds for the coastal region. Staff working with CRC has developed an operational service agreement for our transit program under the new CARES Act protocols and FTA guidelines for funding assistance.
APPROVED - 15. Consideration of a Motion to approve Resolution 2023-29: A Resolution accepting the right of way of "Gesmon Neville Lane" as a public street to be owned and maintained by the City of Statesboro.
The property was rezoned in 2010 for the proposed development Bethany Assisted Living, Inc. In 2012 a MOU was created for utility improvements and included the description for limits of road construction of Bethany Way and Gesmon Neville. A portion of Gesmon Neville Lane was dedicated to the City at that time. The developer now desires to dedicate the remaining portion of the road, Gesmon Neville Lane, to the City of Statesboro. The Bethany Assisted Living development expansion was constructed 2022-2023 with the road completed in 2023.
TABLED - 16. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2023-30: A Resolution amending the Housing Assistance Policy of the City of Statesboro.
It has been recommended that the Housing Rehabilitation Program allow for the Reconstruction of additional housing with the accrued interest from the ARPA funds (approximately $300,000). It is noted that the policy change increases the affordability period related to any of the homes accepted for Reconstruction, which at this time reflects a 5 year affordability period. It is recommended that this policy be amended to a 10 year affordability period for reconstruction.
APPROVED - 17. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2023-31: A Resolution to accept a grant from the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget for the City of Statesboro Police Department in the amount of $565,942.30.
On December 20, 20222 the City Council passed a Resolution approving the application of a grant through the police department. The grant was offered by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget, Public Safety and Community Violence Reduction. The police department applied for $514,493 to purchase crime-fighting technology improvements, including the expansion of our Flokk license plate readers (LPRs), Fusus core processors, pole cameras, and gunshot detection sensors that integrate with the Flokk system. The Flokk LPR’s and sensors are through a lease program and this grant would pay for those leases for three years. The Fusus cores would be owned by the City. We were notified on June 8th, 2023 that the granting authority has authorized $565,942.30 for our technology improvements.
APPROVED - 18. Second reading and consideration of a motion to approve Ordinance 2023-05: An Ordinance amending Sections 2-55 and 2-57 of the Statesboro Code of Ordinances in order to expand the One Boro Commission membership to sixteen member and to incorporate the mission and scope of authority of the Healthy Boro mayoral ad hoc committee.
One Boro Commission was established in November of 2020 as successor to the Commission on Diversity and Inclusion which was formed in 2018 to advise Mayor and Council on matters concerning diversity, equity, and inclusion. Mayor McCollar established the Healthy Boro ad hoc committee in 2022 to address health concerns and initiatives affecting all City residents. Ordinance revision was advanced at First reading on June 6, 2023.
APPROVED - 19. Consideration of a Motion to Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for services with the Statesboro Arts Council, Inc. to market downtown Statesboro by operating and managing the Averitt Center for the Arts, using proceeds from the Hotel/Motel Tax.
Averitt Center for the Arts will receive 25.1% of the Hotel-Motel excise taxes collected pursuant to City Ordinances 74-32 et seq. to fund the general operating budget. The percentage remains the same as Fiscal Year 2023.
APPROVED - 20. Consideration of a Motion to Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for services with the Downtown Statesboro Development Authority/Main Street to market downtown Statesboro, using proceeds from the Hotel/Motel Tax.
Downtown Statesboro Development Authority (DSDA) will receive 19.9 % of the Hotel-Motel excise taxes collected pursuant to City Ordinances 74-32 et seq. The percentage remains the same as Fiscal Year 2023.
APPROVED - 21. Consideration of a Motion to Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for services with the Statesboro Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc. to market Statesboro and Bulloch County, using proceeds from the Hotel/Motel Tax.
Statesboro Convention and Visitors Bureau (SCVB) will receive 50.0 % of the HotelMotel excise taxes collected pursuant to City Ordinances 74-32 et seq. The percentage remains the same as Fiscal Year 2023.
APPROVED - 22. Consideration of motion to approve an Amendment to Probation Service Contract between City and Judicial Alternatives of Georgia to increase monthly fees paid for regular supervision to $45/ month and intensive probation to $55/ month, both representing $10 monthly increases.
Current contract for services between City and JAG was entered August 3, 2021 and expires August 3, 2024. JAG has requested amendment due to inflationary concerns.
APPROVED - 23. Consideration to approve a contract with Tyler Technologies software adding Content manager, ERP Pro Community Development Suite and Tyler payments, in the one-time amount of $31,990.00, with an annual support fee of $4940.00. This is a sole source purchase and will be paid from Central Services and City Clerk budget.
In 2015 after a lengthy request for proposals (RFP) process Tyler Technologies was awarded a contract for integrated public sector financial management software and included Energov a program for business licensing. Energov is outdated and in need of an upgrade. An upgrade to the software would require a server upgrade as well. Tyler Technologies has business licensing module known as ERP Pro and includes an online citizen-facing portal as well as credit card processing. With the purchase of ERP Pro Licensing we will be able to move licensing from a separate program (Energov) into Incode 10. The attached contract includes ERP Pro, Content Manager and Tyler payments. This software is an integral part of the City of Statesboro’s day to day operations and is involved in numerous data management processes. This is a sole source purchase due to our current contract with Tyler Technologies.
APPROVED - 24. Consideration of a motion to approve the updated contract for Municipal Court Software with Justice One formerly Courtware Government Software Solutions to increase per paid citation from $6 to $9 (paid by the violator), or $1500 per month, whichever is greater.
The City of Statesboro’s Municipal Court uses Justice Once software to assist in their daily management and records keeping functions. This software is utilized to manage case files, records of fines and various other court processes. This software is compatible with all other required programs utilized concerning Municipal Court’s daily functions.
APPROVED - 25. Consideration of a motion to approve an agreement with Condrey and Associates in the amount of $52,500.00 to conduct a classification and compensation study beginning July 2023.
Since February 2022, several employers have announced plans to build manufacturing facilities in Bulloch County and hire over 1500 employees. Given the challenges exposed during the COVID pandemic and the eventual opening of the new manufacturing facilities, the City of Statesboro must take steps to retain its existing workforce while also addressing recruitment challenges. Condrey & Associates completed the City’s last classification and compensation study in 2019 and has provided technical support at no additional cost for approximately four years. Condrey & Associates has provided human resources consulting services to various local and state governments for over 24 years. The two principals assigned to this project, Dr. Steve Condrey and Ms. Jan Hansford, have collaborated on over 500 similar projects. Also, Condrey & Associates employs several subject matter experts with knowledge in the areas of local government administration, public safety, public utilities, public works, fire, finance, human resources, and information technology. Given the current relationship with Condrey & Associates, and the firm’s extensive background in human resources consulting, I support partnering with Condrey & Associates to complete the classification and compensation study. Assuming the motion is approved by the Elected Body, Condrey & Associates is prepared to begin the classification and compensation study in July 2023.
APPROVED - 26. Consideration of a motion authorizing the Mayor to execute purchase agreements for right-of-way acquisition to perform sidewalk construction on W. Main Street. Right-of-way and easement acquisition will be funded by 2018 TSPLOST funds.
The West Main Street Sidewalk project is proposing to install sidewalk along the south right-of-way between Ivory Street and Foss Street. Right-of-Way Acquisition is needed to facilitate this work and to allow construction where an insufficient width of ROW currently exists for such improvements. The following are the parcels with agreements:
West Main St. Sidewalk
- Parcel 3, 328 W. Main St. $850.00
- Parcel 4, 328 W. Main St. $500.00
- Parcel 5, W. Main & Bay St. $1,300.00
- Parcel 9, 306 W. Main St. $500.00
- Parcel 10, 302 W. Main St. $500.00
APPROVED - 27. Consideration of a motion authorizing the Mayor to execute purchase agreements for right-of-way acquisition on Gentilly Road for sidewalk construction. Right-of-way and easement acquisition will be funded by 2018 TSPLOST funds.
The Gentilly Road Sidewalk project is proposing to install sidewalk along alternating sides of the corridor. Right-of-Way Acquisition is needed to facilitate this work and to allow construction where an insufficient width of ROW currently exists for such improvements. The following are the parcels with agreements:
Gentilly Sidewalk
- Tax Parcel ID S52/021 $5,300.00
- Tax Parcel ID S52/130 $2,000.00
APPROVED - 28. Consideration of a motion to amend contract in the amount of $18,677.70 with McLendon Enterprises for concrete work to correct curb & gutter conditions not found during project design with the West Main Street Drainage Improvements project. This project will be paid for by the Stormwater fund balance.
This project is serving to upgrade existing stormwater infrastructure from an undersized terracotta pipe to an industry standard reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), and reestablish the curb and gutter for stormwater conveyance. From observations made in the field by the contractor and engineering staff, the flow line of the curb and gutter in this area of work is not uniform presenting a challenge to retaining existing portions of curb and gutter. This is not feasible without making the driveways problematic for access to businesses and customers in the area. In essence low to the ground vehicles may drag the bottom of their car.
APPROVED - 29. Consideration of a motion to approve an amendment to the current Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank agreement for an extension of spend down date. The city would like to request a 2-year spend down extension. Funds will be used to supplement eligible costs to include right of way (ROW) acquisition and construction costs.
Fair Road and South Main Street Intersection Improvements
Grant Agreement Effective Date: 8/31/20
Grant Spend Down Date: 8/31/23
Grant Award: $1,000,000 ($150,000-ROW; $850,000-CST)
APPROVED - 30. Consideration of a motion to approve an award of contract to Hubbard and Hudson Construction for renovations of Fire Station 2 in the amount of $443,800.00. This project will be funded from 2019 SPLOST.
This bid process is for the renovation of Fire Station 2 on Fair Road. This is a re-bid as the initial bid produced higher than expected results as well. The renovation includes the renovation of a utility room, technology closet, the addition of a shower to the existing bathroom and the renovation of approximately 2,000 square feet of living quarters and kitchen /day room areas. In addition, an outside privacy wall and HVAC improvements will be included in this project. These improvements are greatly needed as they will make the facility more versatile, but structural issues will also be remedied. If approved, this project will be funded out of 2019 SPLOST for fire services and funding will be available for the budgetary overage amount derived from the 2019 SPLOST as well.
APPROVED - 31. Consideration of a motion to approve a Development Agreement with GATA Partners LLC to use $119,572.00 in TAD funds for installation of private infrastructure within the development commonly known as Mulberry on the Mile located at 233 South Mulberry Street within the South Main Tax Allocation District (TAD 1).
On June 8, 2023, the TAD Advisory Committee recommended that $119,572 in TAD funding be approved by Mayor and Council as redevelopment agency for the South Main TAD.
At the June 8, 2023 meeting of the Statesboro Downtown Tax Allocation District Committee, the above referenced proposal was reviewed and unanimously approved. Specifically, the proposal includes the following work items and estimated costs, all of which are on the exterior of the project:
- Lights ($9,739)
- Pavilion ($8,735)
- Fence ($50,662)
- Wall ($37,750)
- Tree islands in the parking lot ($12,686)
These elements were part of the developer’s original scope of work but due to supply chain issues and additional work required during the housing rehab phase of the project, an additional $119,572.00 is needed to finish it. The total building and renovation costs for the project is $2,292,616.00 (excluding the TAD financing request). An analysis of this application was also performed by the City’s financial advisor, Davenport & Company, who have determined that said application meets the parameters of the TAD Program.
APPROVED - 32. Consideration of a motion to approve the purchase of a Freightliner knuckle boom Collection truck with a 2024 Freightliner M2 Chassis per Source well (formally NJPA) contract from Solid Waste Applied Technology (SWAT) in the amount of $212,000.00.
At the June 8, 2023 meeting of the Statesboro Downtown Tax Allocation District Committee, the above referenced proposal was reviewed and unanimously approved. Specifically, the proposal includes the following work items and estimated costs, all of which are on the exterior of the project: Lights ($9,739) Pavilion ($8,735) Fence ($50,662) Wall ($37,750) Tree islands in the parking lot ($12,686) These elements were part of the developer’s original scope of work but due to supply chain issues and additional work required during the housing rehab phase of the project, an additional $119,572.00 is needed to finish it. The total building and renovation costs for the project is $2,292,616.00 (excluding the TAD financing request). An analysis of this application was also performed by the City’s financial advisor, Davenport & Company, who have determined that said application meets the parameters of the TAD Program.
33. Other Business from City Council
No business from Council
34. City Managers Comments
City Manager Charles Penny asked the Council to approve an exception to allow the Elks Lodge to apply for an alcohol application due to it being located in a residential neighborhood. The Lodge was originally grandfathered but it was closed for a period time which voided the grandfather clause.
Council Lady Venus Mack asked for a review of council pay. Council pay has not been increased since 2006. They shared data from other communities and where the city pay ranks. Current pay is $7,500 for council, $11,000 for Mayor Pro Tem and $18,500 for Mayor
The staff recommended increase would be $10,000 for council, $13,500 for Mayor Pro Tem and $27,000 for Mayor. This would be a roughly 45% increase. If they vote to increase their pay it will not increase until after the next municipal election. Mayor McCollar declined a raise and asked for the Mayor salary to remain $18,500.
APPROVED - 3 - 2 vote - The council made a motion to move forward with the raises above. This will begin the process and does not automatically raise their salaries. They will need to advertise this in the legal organ and have another vote.
The City Manager and council discussed the cities funding of the BIG center downtown. They had initially committed $500K. For this investment, they would have increased meeting capacity in the building to hold 75 to 100. The current revised plan presented in the work session does not have space to accommodate this size group. They have asked them to review with the architect and see if they can increase meeting space to meet the cities needs.
They reviewed Ice Cream truck ordinance. They will need to created a new ordinance for the Ice Cream truck which will allow them to sell prepackaged food or ice cream out of the truck.
35. Public Comments (General)
No public comments
36. Consideration of a Motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss “Personnel Matters” “Real Estate” and/or “Potential Litigation” in accordance with O.C.G.A 50-14-3(b)
After returning from a brief Executive Session the Council approved the following board members:
Greener Boro:
- Beth Harrell
- Charly Kinship
- Helen Rosko
- Helen Sanders (currently serving and is interested in serving another term)
Tree Board:
- Bob Townsend
Keep Statesboro Bulloch Beautiful Advisory Board:
- LaDowndra Robbs
- Holly Sawyer
- Ellen Murphy
APPROVED - Council voted to authorize the City Attorney to move forward with the Apartment Security and Event Hall ordinances.
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Live stream of the meeting