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Bulloch County bids farewell to Chair Roy Thompson, Commissioners Curt Deal and Jappy Stringer at retirement reception

Bulloch County honored the retirement of Commission Chair Roy Thompson, Commissioner Curt Deal, and Commissioner Jappy Stringer at a reception filled with gratitude and reflection. Colleagues, family, and community members gathered to celebrate their years of dedicated service and lasting contributions to the county.

A community farewell was held in honor of Bulloch County Commission Chair Roy Thompson, Commissioner Curt Deal, and Commissioner Jappy Stringer, who are retiring after years of dedicated public service. Friends, family, staff, and community members gathered to show their appreciation for the retiring commissioners at a reception filled with gratitude, reflection, and emotion.

Cindy Steinmann, interim county manager, opened the event by recognizing the legacy left behind by the three commissioners. “You’ve made a lasting impact on all of us,” Stein said, addressing the retirees and their families. “You’ve done the best you could for this county, and you’ve left a legacy.”

Interim County Manager Cindy Steinmann speaking at reception. DeWayne Grice

Bulloch County Sheriff Noel Brown echoed the sentiment, praising the commissioners for their courage in making difficult decisions, particularly regarding the county’s employee retirement system. “You made some tough calls, but they were the right ones,” Brown said, noting the positive impact the changes have had on retaining employees and improving lives. “I love you, and I thank you for your service.”

Sheriff Noel Brown speaks at reception. DeWayne Grice

Other speakers reflected on the commissioners’ leadership and achievements. One attendee emphasized the commissioners’ pivotal role in addressing the county’s fire and EMS services, specifically ensuring timely emergency response across rural areas. “People may not realize it now, but in 10 or 20 years, they’ll look back and know it all started with your leadership,” Ben Tapley, Bulloch County Fire Chief said.

Fire Chief Ben Tapley speaking to Commissioners. DeWayne Grice

For Chair Roy Thompson, the event carried personal meaning as his family reflected on his service to the community. Thompson’s daughter, Janie McCranie expressed pride in her father’s legacy while acknowledging the challenges that come with public service. “Decisions you make aren’t always going to be popular, but somebody’s always going to complain,” she said. “I’m proud of my daddy for standing up for what was right.”

Jennifer McCranie in white, Chair Thompson's daughter speaks at reception. DeWayne Grice

Several attendees highlighted the commissioners’ efforts in expanding county services, including EMS stations in rural areas, the full-time fire department, and the county’s highly regarded agriculture center. “When you look back at the monumental achievements that have been accomplished in this county, we say thank you,” Comissioner Ray Mosley stated.

Commissioner Ray Mosley addresses Commissioners. DeWayne Grice

Commissioners Deal, Stringer, and Thompson were honored for their integrity, resilience, and dedication to Bulloch County. Their colleagues reflected on the impact of their work and the challenges they faced. “These men made hard decisions,” Sheriff Brown noted. “They took the hits, but they stood firm for the betterment of this county.”

As the reception concluded, attendees mingled, shared memories, and expressed their appreciation. Steinmann closed the event by encouraging everyone to enjoy the refreshments prepared by the BCCI inmates and celebrate the commissioners’ years of service.

The reception served as a testament to the leadership of Roy Thompson, Curt Deal, and Jappy Stringer, whose contributions have set a foundation that will benefit Bulloch County for generations to come.