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Bulloch Commissioners honored Retiring Judge Braswell at Tuesday's meeting

Commissioners honored retiring Chief Magistrate Judge June Braswell and presented a proclamation to DAR for Constitution Week at their bi-monthly meeting on Tuesday. Read the story for the full report.

Bulloch County Commission Chair Roy Thompson opened the bi-monthly meeting of the Commission on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 morning meeting by honoring retiring Chief Magistrate Judge June Braswell with a proclamation.  Judge Braswell has served the county for over 40 years.

Chair Thompson presents Judge Braswell with proclamation . BOC

Chair Thompson then presented a Constitution Week Proclamation to members of the Daughters of the Revolution (DAR) members.

Grice Connect covered the meeting remotely today.  The Commission experienced audio issues during the live stream which impacts our remote coverage.


1)  Minutes Approval: Tuesday August 15th, 2023 08:30 AM

2) Motion to approve a bid and enter into a contract with Pro-Line Pavement Markings, LLC, for road restriping and sign replacements on approximately 50 miles of County roads, in the amount of $198,093.67, to be funded by TSPLOST.

This contract includes restriping pavement markings, installation of raised pavement markers, replacement of faded road signs, and installation of rumble strips on approximately 50 miles of county roads. The complete list of roads is attached in the agenda packet.

Sealed bids were received on September 8, 2023, as detailed in the attached memo from Purchasing Manager Faye Bragg. The low bidder, Pro-Line Pavement Markings, LLC, met all requirements of the County's bid specifications. The low bid amount, which was $198,093.67, is below the budgeted amount of $225,000. The County Engineer recommends awarding the contract to Pro-Line Pavement Markings, LLC., in the amount of $198,093.67.

3) Motion to approve quote from Musco Sports Lighting, LLC (purchased through Sourcewell) for Athletic Field Lighting at Mill Creek Regional Park 3FC and Brooklet Park Soccer Fields

During FY2023, athletic field lighting on nine baseball/softball fields and four soccer fields at Mill Creek were replaced with Musco LED light system. The only ball complex that did not get replaced was 3-Field Complex, which was originally installed in 2001. The concrete poles and wiring from the hub to the poles are still in good condition, but the lighting has deteriorated over the years. It uses 1500-watt metal halide light bulbs, which may be impossible to purchase in the future with everything going to LED bulbs. We are already having trouble at times getting the ballast and bulbs when we need them. The lighting levels are now below the recommended level, which is causing a safety concern.

Eddie Canon, Recreation & Parks Director, met with Musco Sports Lighting, LLC about finishing the ball fields at Mill Creek Park, plus also the installation of a new lighting system in Brooklet for the soccer fields. The soccer fields were built in Brooklet in 2010 but due to limited budget, we were not able to install field lighting at the time. With soccer participation increasing in the Brooklet area, we are now in need of lighting. Evening hours are limited due to lack of lighting.

Musco Sports Lighting has given us a quote of $944,500 for lighting projects. This could be purchased through Sourcewell with a Master Project number 199030 and Contract number 041123-MSL. This quote would allow us to finish upgrading all athletic fields at Mill Creek Park and install new athletic field lighting on Brooklet Soccer Fields.

We have a budget of $1,000,000 for athletic field lighting upgrades in the FY2024 CIP budget (Project ID PARK 17). Mr. Canon is requesting the approval for purchasing and installation of LED lighting for the 3- field complex at Mill Creek Regional Park for $309,500 and installation of new lighting system on Brooklet Soccer field for $635,000 for a total of $944,500 using Musco Sports Lighting LLC and purchasing through Sourcewell using Contract number 041123-MSL.

Our experience with Musco and their electrical contractor during the initial lighting project was incredible. There was little to no disruptions in field use. The fields are now brighter and safer.

4) Motion to Approve Solid Waste Purchase of GAB from Vulcan Materials Company in the Amount of $29,999.00.

GAB purchased in Solid Waste is used for upgrades to Bulloch County Collection Centers.

5) Motion to Approve Transportation Purchase of GAB from Vulcan Materials Company in the Amount of $29,999.00. 

GAB purchased in Transportation is used for repair of county maintained dirt roads in emergency or special circumstances in which additional structural stabilization is necessary.

6) Motion to Approve Transportation Purchase of Number 4 Stone from Vulcan Materials Company in the Amount of $15,000.00.

Number 4 stone purchased in Transportation is used for repair or installation of drainage systems(ie. crossdrains) in county maintained roads.

7) Motion to Approve Solid Waste Purchase of Eleven(11) Twenty(20) Yard Roll Off Containers in the Amount of $58,056.00.

Motion to Approve Solid Waste Purchase of Eleven(11) Twenty(20) Yard Roll Off Containers in the Amount of $58,056.00. Price provided via Sourcewell Quote #WQ-10286312, Contract #040621-WQI

8) Motion to purchase 20 sets of PPE for the Bulloch County Fire Department from NAFECO for $63,593.00. 

The need to replace older gear is imperative to improve safety of our firefighters and the people we serve. The ability to have gear that we can use when our other gear is soiled with cancer causing byproducts of fire cannot be understated and has in fact been identified by ACCG as an inherit risk to firefighters. Providing firefighters with another set of gear decreases that risk and reduces Bulloch County's liability risk in the long run.


APPROVED 1) Motion to approve a contract with Maxwell-Reddick and Associates, Inc., in the amount of $218,030 to perform surveying and engineering design services for the Old Happy Road Paving Project, to be funded by TSPLOST.

TSPLOST funds are budgeted in FY 24 for surveying, design, right of way acquisition, wetlands delineation, and permitting for the paving of Old Happy Road, from Old Highway 46 to Mud Road. Citizens living on the road have submitted a petition for paving the road, with signatures of over 60% of the property owners. This dirt road was rated as a high priority for paving by the Engineering Department's priority scoring system. The road is approximately 2.5 miles long and has approximately 70 residences who use the road for access. The traffic on the road includes school buses and delivery vehicles, and the road experiences frequent maintenance problems due to poor drainage and soil conditions. This contract includes surveying the road as well as the development of preliminary plans, right of way plats, wetlands delineation and permitting, a hydrology report, and construction plans to be used for bidding the construction work.

Maxwell-Reddick and Associates has worked on similar design and surveying projects, such as the paving of Rocky Road, and are qualified to perform this type of work. The County Engineer recommends approval of this proposal. Agenda


Dink Butler, Bulloch County Director of Public Works reported on storm damage repairs.  His crews are still working to recover all of the county roads from Hurricane Idalia.  They have several motor graders that will need extensive repairs.  They were replacing them every seven years but have been trying to extend the use for ten years.  Due to the high cost of repairs and extended downtime they need to revisit this plan.

County Manager Tom Couch said they staff will soon be recommending an increase of the spending limit the County Manager can sign off on.  Currently the limit is $15,000.  But the inflationary environment we need to be able to respond more quickly on expenses like the motor grader repairs.

Bulloch County Engineer Brad Deal said Brannen Pond Road remains closed now as they work through ways to improve drainage which will involve surveys and design.  This road will remain closed for a few months as the County works through the best long term solution for this repair.

Bulloch County Assistant County Manager Cindy Steinmen welcomed Dal Cannady as the new Communications Director for the County.


Bulloch Commissioners entered into a brief executive session with no action taken.

CLICK HERE to view the agenda and supporting documents