Board member Heather Mims called the September 12, 2024 regular session Bulloch County Board of Education meeting to order, in place of Chair Elizabeth Williams.
The agenda was amended to reflect a change suggested by Superintendent Charles Wilson, to move item #2 (City of Brooklet Water and Sewer Intergovernmental Agreement) to the superintendent's report.
D. Special Recognition

The Southeast Bulloch High School Advanced Chorus performed a rendition of “God Bless America” for the attendees of the meeting, during the week of national arts and education.
Director Brent Whitaker leads the award-winning program, and the group will soon be taking part in the Southern Invitational.
E. Board Member Comments
Board member Donna Clifton presented a check from her church, Leefield Baptist, that raised money for the literacy bus and vending machines that service Bulloch County schools.
Clifton also mentioned how important it is, in light of the recent tragic events at Apalachee High School, that teachers lock their doors and resource officers are walking the halls checking the doors. She mentioned the concept of metal detectors at the high school stadiums, and suggested adding more at front doors and at the front of bus reception.
“Its wonderful to have a plan,” said Clifton, adding though, that the plan is only good if the drills have been practiced.
Glenera Martin commended the SEBHS Advance Chorus and Director Whitaker for their performance and hard work. She also thanked those providing services through ‘The Button’ program, which helps students that are in need acquire personal hygiene items.
Board member Jay Cook thanked Leefield Baptist Church and thanked the chorus for performing at the meeting.,
Mims thanked Whitaker for bringing the ‘phenomenal’ performance to the board meeting and Charles Wilson thanked the chorus for singing a ‘national treasure’.
NONE - F. Public Participation
G. Superintendent's Report
1. Mattie Lively Elementary School Spotlights
Principal Bernard Bodison introduced the group of teachers from Mattie Lively Elementary school, who reported on the initiatives taking place within the school to promote good student behavior and learning growth.
A video of a student named Carson explained to the board how SOAR awards work, stating “When you have good behavior, you can get a Soar ticket from anyone in the school.”
Tickets then get put into a drawing, giving students the chance to earn prizes, extra recess, snacks and movie time.
Teachers report that the SOAR initiative has transformed student motivation, reduced stress and improved teacher-student relationships. Governor Deal recently visited the school and congratulated SOAR achieving students.
New data about kindergarten through fifth grade students' English language arts scores was explained to the board, with improvements in testing like GMAS attributed to new reading programs and practice structured in the daily schedule of every class.
For vocabulary, teacher training has been initiated to enrich everyday vocabulary and student content knowledge.
For math improvement, daily spiral reviews are being used to reinforce previously taught math skills. Teachers report increases in content retention and say they are able to identify gaps in skills and address them.
2. Portal Middle High Track Update

Brad Boykin, assistant superintendent of business services, presented pictures and descriptions of the progress on the newly constructed track and field at Portal Middle High School.
The field extends over a 13-foot retention wall and is adjacent to the older football field. This week, the rubber-like track surfacing is being installed and grass has been planted in the middle of the field.
The old field house was also repainted and new field goals were installed on the football field, which are more suitable for placing soccer goals. The old football goal posts were reinstalled on the practice field in the center of the track. Multiple hills around the football field, that were eroded by weather, have been refinished with the addition of more soil.
“This has been a vision for a long time,” said Superintendent Wilson.
Upcoming work on the track:
- Complete irrigation outside the track and grassing to begin
- Track Surfacing began Monday and should be complete
Boykin also reports that grassing in the infield of the track will continue to be monitored and supported. Track & Field Equipment has been delivered and stored for future use.
3. Southeast Bulloch High School Update
Craig Buckley, President and Principal Architect of James W. Buckley & Associates, returned to present the newest developments in the Southeast Bulloch High School planning process.
Mainly, he highlighted the continual compacting of the proposed school’s footprint, with the intentional shrinking of the layout once again in order to be most cost efficient yet still allow space for growth of the student population.
Amendments to the site plan include a reorientation of the arena style gymnasium, a reduction in the size of the courtyard, the addition of a separate parent drop off for the CTAE Pre-K program, and the reduction in the size of each two-story academic wing. This current drawing includes approximately 111 instructional units in the first phase, with compatibility for 150 in potential future phases.
Buckley reports that the site plan is much improved because there is even more room for growth with the reorientation of some of the key facilities, in alignment with a ‘pinwheel’ shape.
The plan still includes 30-50 acres of drainage fields as a part of a ‘worst case scenario’ if the intergovernmental sewage agreement between the BOE, Statesboro, and the City of Brooklet were to be non-viable.
Wilson says there is an unfortunate history in Bulloch County schools, in which facilities have to be stretched to accommodate the student population outgrowing new schools. He says this is why main facilities like the cafeteria, gym, and media center need to be able to fit the larger populations in the new SEBHS.
Buckley is hopeful to finish the site drawings by next summer and to finish the construction of the building in 2029.
“We’ve found that you need to plan for four years for something like this,” he said.
Complete Building Schematic Design
- Include and Locate all program elements
- Finalize Square Footage
- Include Correct Number of Stairs and Exits
- Prepare Exterior Façade Concepts Begin Building Preliminary Design
Begin Building Preliminary Design
- Large Scale Layout of Spaces
- Solidify HVAC Discussions
- Submit to DOE Preliminary Site Design Drawings Finalize Building Site Utility Decisions
Finalize Building Site Utility Decision
MOVED FROM NEW BUSINESS. City of Brooklet Water and Sewer Intergovernmental Agreement
Superintendent Wilson says that there are two options for the wastewater plan at the new SEBHS; an intergovernmental agreement or drain fields.
“Right now the City of Brooklet is working through what those details look like,” said Wilson, who furthered that the BOE is working with attorneys to get specifics on what a draft agreement would look like.
“This will probably go from moving slowly for a long time to moving very quickly,” he said.“It has to be a good business relationship that makes sense for the stakeholders.”
4. Facilities Capacity Update
Superintendent Wilson presented the following chart to help the board members get a better idea of the student population compared to the capacity of each school, adding emphasis to the increasing demands on the facilities.
There will be a tipping point, says Wilson, with the cost efficiency and time stability of mobile units. He says that the school board must be very intentional moving forward, regarding mobile units, while having to remain nimble and able to adjust to the growing student body.
Superintendent Wilson made further comment relating to the shooting event that occurred at Apalachee High School, pointing out that the most important barrier between students and an intruder is a locked door.
“The doors have to be locked. And I want our public to know, I want our parents to know that is the expectation that will be reinforced, because there are going to have to be consequences for those issues (unlocked classroom doors) for our children’s safety,” he said.
APPROVED - H. Consent Agenda
I. Old Business for Approval
APPROVED - 1. Paid Parental Leave Board Policy Revision
APPROVED - 2. Adoption of 2024 Tax Digest and M&O Millage Rate for FY25
J. New Business for Approval
APPROVED - 1. FY26 Capital Outlay Project Application
Project Details:
- Priority Project: Statesboro High School.
- Modification: Replace HVAC system.
- Cost Breakdown:
- Total Estimated Cost: $3,845,380.
- State Eligible Funds: $1,820,170.
- Required Local Funds: $377,190.
- Additional Local Funds Needed: $1,648,020.
- Total Local Funds: $2,025,210.
MOVED - 2. City of Brooklet Water and Sewer Intergovernmental Agreement
APPROVED - 3. FDRESA Warehouse Purchase
Parties Involved:
- RESA (First District Educational Service Agency), located in Metter, Georgia.
- BOARD (Bulloch County School District), represented by its Board of Education.
- On September 30, 1999, the BOARD leased the site of the former Brooklet Elementary School to RESA for housing its personnel and programs.
- The lease was renewed on September 10, 2019, and is set to continue until June 30, 2025.
- Under the lease extension, RESA constructed a warehouse on the premises. The warehouse was considered RESA’s personal property, with the option for the BOARD to purchase it or for RESA to remove it at its own expense.
Decision to Sell:
- RESA has opted to sell the warehouse to the BOARD due to the high cost and logistical issues of removing and relocating the warehouse.
- The BOARD believes purchasing the warehouse would enhance the value of its property by keeping the warehouse on site.
Terms of Sale:
- Purchase Price: The BOARD will buy the warehouse for $30,000.
- Payment: The full amount is due within 30 days of signing the agreement.
- Transfer of Title: The warehouse will be transferred via a bill of sale.
Condition of Warehouse:
- The warehouse is sold "as is," meaning RESA does not guarantee or make any representations about the condition of the warehouse.
- The BOARD acknowledges that they are accepting the warehouse in its current state without any assurances from RESA.
- The sale is contingent upon receiving approval from the respective Boards of both RESA and the BOARD.
APPROVED - 4. FY 25 Coastal Plains High School MOU
K. New Business to be Placed on the Table
TABLED - 1. Regulation IFCB-R(1): Field Trips and Excursions -Revision
To be placed on the table for a month for discussion
L. Executive Session
M. Return to Open Session
APPROVED - N. Personnel Recommendations
Name | Position | Effective Date | ||
Bailey, Katelyn | Secretary | 06/12/2024 | ||
Cummings, Dorothy | Bus Monitor | 08/30/2024 | ||
Dobson, Derek | SPED Paraprofessional | 09/09/2024 | ||
Hoyle, Stephen | 49% Assistant Principal | 06/30/2024 | ||
Moseley, John | 49% Teacher | 08/26/2024 | ||
Rollins, Catherine | 49% Teacher | 06/30/2024 | ||
Williams, Terika | Autism Paraprofessional | 09/06/2024 | ||
Name | Position | Effective Date | ||
Beasley, Susan | Transportation Secretary | 09/06/2024 | ||
Brown, Kenyana | School Nutrition Assistant | 08/30/2024 | ||
Name | Position | To Replace | Effective Date | Work Days |
Boyd, Portia | SPED Paraprofessional | Robins, Shekeria | 09/13/2024 | 190 |
Chappell, Phillip | Bus Driver | Foman, Rhonda | 09/13/2024 | 180 |
Dodson, Edith | Dedicated Paraprofessional | New Position | 09/13/2024 | 190 |
Grantham, Ashley | SPED Teacher | New Position | 09/13/2024 | 190 |
Jackson, Katelyn | Music Teacher | Copeland, Megan | 09/13/2024 | 190 |
Kirkland, John | Bus Driver | Brown, Wyman | 09/13/2024 | 180 |
Van Houtan, Kristie | Autism Paraprofessional | Hall, Phiona | 09/13/2024 | 190 |
Last Name | First Name | Position | ||
Sherrod | Jennifer | Teacher |
O. Adjournment
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