Georgia Power Company reported a large power outage Saturday morning which effected over 1,000 homes, a few businesses and some red lights on the north side of Statesboro.
The power outage began at 5:15 am on Saturday morning, July 2, and most of the homes were restored by 7:45 am. Many homes reported the power remained unstable for a few more hours, coming off and on.
Approximately 179 homes were impacted for over five hours. All of the power had been fully restored by 10:30 AM Saturday.
According to Matt Sawhill, Georgia Power Company, Area Manager, crews arrived in the area pretty quickly and began trying to determine and isolate the problem and restore power as quickly as possible.
"A large tree fell and pinned down distribution lines at the corner of Miller Street Extension and Stockyard road," said Matt Sawhill. "The tree was so large, GPC crews had to call in a tree crew to cut the tree off the lines. Then the lines had to be repaired."
Sawhill said that intermittent power is usually caused as they are testing lines when restoring power.
Current weather is not believed to be an issue in the outage. However the ground is very wet because of recent rains.
GPC Monitoring Hurricane Elsa
Sawhill did want customers to know that they are watching Hurricane Elsa which may impact our area beginning on Wednesday according to the most recent NWS Hurricane message when the article was written.

Prepare now for Storms
He reminded customers that now is the time to visit Georgia Power's storm preparedness tips which are on available on their website by clicking here.