Updated 3/4/20 – 9:00 pm: Bulloch County Schools will be open on Friday, March 5th.
Due to the excessive rainfall the school system has suspended school bus services to certain dirt roads for Friday.
Please note that additional dirt roads have been added.
Bulloch County Schools serves 11,000 students. The suspension of bus services affects approximately 150 children of the more than 5,500 students we transport each day.
Please continue to monitor Bulloch County EMA and school district communications for updates.
We understand that the heavy rains have affected some families more than others. School attendance is always a parent’s right and decision. When parents make the decision for their child to be absent from school for any reason, then when the child returns to school, the parent submits a written excuse as to the cause of the absence. Absences which the state of Georgia considers to be excused are listed in the Attendance Expectations area of the Bulloch County Schools Student Handbook . One of the reasons listed is “conditions rendering school attendance hazardous to student health or safety,” so this would refer to students in areas most affected by the heavy rain. Our school officials will always review parent notes and work with them to excuse legitimate absences.
These are the roads for which school bus services have been suspended for Friday.
Cleary Road
Iller Road
Jackie Hart Road
Buie Driggers (Holloway to Bryant Still)
Cox Futch at Peppercorn
1737 Bryant Still to Stilson Leefield
W.D. Peacock from Clarke Farms to Cedar Lawn
Honey Bowen Road at Ben Grady Collins
Arcola Road
Sinkhole at South Jodan
Miller Street Extension
Riverview at Old River
Buie Driggers at JR Cribbs to 80E
Old Portal Road below Moore Road
EC Hunnicut at Faith Deal to Metts Road
Alex Knight Road
Mill Branch Road
Twin Forks Lane
Brannen Farm Road
Shaw Road
Lee Rd
Chapel Rd in Portal
Bell Rd
Jo Dan
Gator Rd in Portal
Old Donaldson Rd from Hwy. 67 to Red Hill Church
Two Chop at Rocky Ford
Lake Collins at W.D. Peacock
Colbrook Lane off of John D. Lanier
Five Chop Road from Hwy. 24 to Zetwell Road
Homer Branch Road
Families on these roads have been notified.