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Type of Assistance:  Advocacy, Child Abuse, Children & Youth Services, Family Services, Foster Care Services

Our vision is to fulfill God's promise "to set the lonely in families." We work toward this goal by mobilizing church communities to care for vulnerable children.

We know many people are unaware of the child welfare crisis. We also know when people become aware, they many times would like to get involved but aren’t sure where to start.

That’s where we come in.

Promise686 equips churches to:

Raise awareness around the needs of vulnerable children
Help prevent children from going into foster care by supporting biological families in need
Recruit and equip foster & adoptive families
Create Care Communities for those caring for at-risk kids

We call this model Family Advocacy Ministries (FAMs). Ultimately, our hope is to see every child in a safe, loving family, forever. FAMs help us get closer to this goal by creating support systems for foster & adoptive families, and biological families in crisis.

Fees: No