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Type of Assistance:  Women's Services

We will realize our Vision by serving each party of the adoption triad with excellence as we actively pursue strong, professional relationships with pregnancy service providers in Georgia.

We will serve expectant mothers by equipping them to make a loving and life-affirming plan for their child. We will honor them on their journey, whether they choose adoption or parenting.
We desire for our adoptive families to be marked by Christ’s example of humility, with an outward focus looking for opportunities to serve others. We prepare families for the unique realities of domestic adoption, equipping them to partner with us as they wait to adopt.
Believing that life begins at conception and that the ideal place for a child to flourish is in a two-parent, Christian home, we educate women to see adoption as a good option for their child. By serving expectant mothers, birthmothers and adoptive families well, we in turn serve the child.

Programs and Services: We envision Covenant Care Services glorifying God as we become known to all pregnancy service providers in Georgia as the premier agency providing quality, Gospel-driven adoption services to women experiencing unexpected pregnancies.

Description:  Our first priority is the expectant mother and her baby: we find a family for a child in need, rather than find a child for a family. We never pressure mothers into choosing adoption over parenting.

Fees:  Covenant Care places children into two-parent, Christian homes, and we work diligently to raise funds and keep adoption fees low. Our adoptive families typically pay about one third of what it costs to make an adoption happen

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