"The Averitt" as many call it, brings people from across the region, state, and even state lines to downtown Statesboro.
Tony Phillips, Deputy Director and Education Superintendent for the Averitt Center stated, "The main thing people give us credit for is in bringing people downtown." He continued, "There have been families who have moved to the area for the sole purpose of having their children participate in the Averitt's programs. There have been kids who have grown up with us."
The Averitt Center for the Arts has many buildings downtown. Also, the arts offerings at the Averitt Center run the gamut from paintings to pottery and music to theater and more, including arts classes and programs.
Art Galleries of Averitt in Downtown Statesboro
The Averitt Center has eight distinct art galleries in various buildings downtown, and those galleries have featured artists of both international and regional acclaim as well as the experienced and the young.

Phillips said, "We have a main gallery that is dedicated to professional art located at 33 E. Main Street. Two of the more internationally well-known artists that have shown here are illustrator Norman Rockwell and pop artist Andy Warhol."
The main hallway on the 2nd floor of the Main Building of the Averitt is called Presidential Pathways. Phillips said, "The Presidential is a permanent exhibit that includes photographs taken by the late New York Times photographer George Thames that were never published."
On the yellow wall of the outside of the second-floor elevator is a gallery space devoted to the works of Roxie Remley. After Roxie's passing in 2019, her family graciously gifted the Averitt Center with many of her personal paintings, some of which were unfinished, and those she had acquired from other artists.
In addition, the third floor of the Main Building is a gallery for the SRAA and a youth arts gallery which, during the school year, has a rotation of student art every two to three months.
Next, The Averitt's Rosengart Gallery is located at 41 W. Main Street. Phillips said, "This gallery is used by the Statesboro Regional Arts organization."

41 E. Vine is home to the Roxie Remley Center for Fine Arts, which is currently featuring work from Statesboro artist Bunyan Morris. The Roxy Remley also contains a second distinct gallery of its own on the main floor curated by Art Director, Kim Riner.
Theaters and Productions of the Averitt
The Averitt Center for the Arts houses the Emma Kelly Theater and the Black Box Theater for various theatrical productions and concerts. Robert Faller, Director, said, "The next concert at the Emma Kelly Theater will be by renowned classical pianist and composer Dr. Michael Braz on February 3rd."

Faller stated, "The next theatrical production slated for February 23-26 is 'Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka,' a Broadway musical version."
Past productions at the Averitt such as 'Young Frankenstein' and 'Christmas Belles' have included elaborate set design and lighting. Youth and adults participate in the productions at Emma Kelly Theater.
"On March 25th at the Emma Kelly Theater will be a concert by Wallace Green, part of a Hometown Reunion Tour. Wallace Green Band was founded in the 90's by Chris Mitchell along with other members, Brian Hendrix and Larry Summerlin," said Faller.

Faller continued, "The theatrical and music department of the Averitt has a 'ONE Series' of solo acts. They include not only performances, but guest host interviews, and family members are often involved. The next person slated for the 'ONE Series' is Dr. Dan Larkin, professor of philosophy at Georgia Southern."
Next, the Whitaker Black Box Theater of the Averitt on 41 E. Main Street had a performance by the Statesboro Chamber Orchestra toward the end of last year and serves multiple purposes for the Averitt Center for the Arts.

Faller elaborated on the Black Box Theater, "When we highlight a musician or musicians, the Whitaker Black Box Theater maintains simplicity. It also serves as a proving ground for theatrical productions and some concerts. At one point it was used for smaller reoccurring ticketed events. The smaller reoccurring events have now surpassed the Black Box Theater's capacity and have moved to the Emma Kelly Theater, which has more sound and lighting equipment."
"We also audition at the Black Box Theater and rehearse in the facility."
Robert Faller, Director of the Averitt Center
Educational Programs at the Averitt
Tony Phillips added, "We have classes, camps, and workshops at our campuses at the Averitt Center. 'Art Adventures' are classes every day after school that have a set curriculum. We are teaching art through art history." Tony continued, "If an artist has a birthday, we will teach from that artist."
"The afterschool program teachers lead hands-on projects based on the artist the students are studying that day. Content areas of the overall, non-afterschool-program classes include visual arts, theater, dance, and music. The Averitt also has day camps focused on the arts during school breaks," stated Tony.
"The afterschool program is 95% art. The other 5% is theater, dance, and music."
Tony Phillips, Deputy Director and Education Superintendent at Averitt
Memberships and Sponsorships at the Averitt
Why should you become a member of the Averitt Center for the Arts? Because, as stated on the Averitt website, "The arts play a significant role in the social and economic health of our community. Designated as a core academic subject, the arts are central to youth development. Students with an education rich in the arts have better GPAs, score better on standardized tests, and have lower dropout rates."

Phillips said, "The membership program is a way for people to participate in the arts. There are also various incentives for joining as a member. Companies and individuals can also purchase different levels of sponsorships."
"You'll see a lot of businesses on our sponsor list. They are not looking for the benefits. For example, they may want to sponsor a show or gallery opening."
Tony Phillips, Deputy Director and Education Superintendent
The mission for the Averitt Center for the Arts is to provide quality arts opportunities for Statesboro-Bulloch County and surrounding areas as well as serve as the centerpiece for a vibrant, historic downtown Statesboro.
As part of that mission, the purpose of the Averitt Center for the Arts is to make available a broad range of experiences in the performing arts, visual arts, heritage arts, and general arts education for the citizens of Statesboro-Bulloch County and surrounding areas, regardless of socio-economic status, cultural, racial, physical, or religious differences.
For more information on "The Averitt," please visit https://www.averittcenterforthearts.org/.