Long acknowledged as a leader in the study of light in and on the landscape, Clyde Butcher won the prestigious Ansel Adams Award in the early 2000’s. He develops his photographs in his studio, turning them into large-scale environmental expanses that pull the viewer into the image. Butcher has exhibited throughout the country and his work is widely collected. The works on exhibition currently in the Averitt Center for the Arts are on loan form the Foosaner Museum of Art, Eau Gallie and Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, Florida. The Clyde Butcher exhibit is underwritten by Ed Rushton and Kris Yager-Rushton.

Averitt Curator, Sheila Stewart-Leach is personal friends with Butcher. She has visited him in his studio in the Everglades and has long been an admirer of his photography. “Clyde’s work is magnificent. It is a must see exhibit for any lover of art. The detail and beauty of his photography will warm your soul”, said Leach.
The exhibit is featured in the main gallery of the Averitt Center for the Arts at 33 East Main Street in Downtown Statesboro and will continue through January 2, 2019.