Tormenta FC Academy player Jared Rivas trains with Honduras National Team

Jared Rivas | Photo Courtesy Tormenta FC

Tormenta FC Academy player Jared Rivas was called up to train with the Honduras U16 National Team. Rivas will train with the team for one week on site in Honduras and is among the first in the Academy to train with a national team prior to turning 18-years-old. 

Rivas is a player on the Tormenta FC MLS Next team, which is a prestigious team intended to develop players to their highest playing potential. The Tormenta FC Academy is the only soccer academy offering an MLS Next team in the region.

The Tormenta FC U16 MLS Next team is affiliated with the national MLS Next organization, owned and overseen by the professional Major League Soccer organization, which is the highest level of soccer in the United States.

Jared is a shining example of how we strive to live our mission each day at the Tormenta FC Academy,” Vice President of the Tormenta FC Academy said. “We want to develop each player as an individual and elevate them to their highest playing potential, and we are able to see the fruits of this practice truly blossom here.”

Rivas has acted as an attacking player with the Tormenta FC Academy for four years, where he has grown in his skillset, commitment and game strategy. In this most recent season, Rivas played under the guidance of MLS Next coach Philip Neiland.


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