VIDEO| Statesboro honors 9/11 with Remembrance, Unity, and Courage

9/11 remembrance ceremony
Chief Grams giving his speech
Deputy Chief Duggar leading in prayer
Bulloch Memorial Gardens providing food and refreshments

At the 9/11 remembrance event, Statesboro Fire Chief Tim Grams delivered a heartfelt speech emphasizing the importance of remembering the tragic events of September 11, 2001. He spoke of the collective memory shared by many, recalling the confusion, fear, and sorrow that day brought, but also highlighted the heroism of first responders and ordinary individuals who rose to extraordinary acts of bravery. Grams stressed that this day is not only about reflecting on the past but also about teaching future generations about sacrifice, courage, and unity. He called on everyone to ensure the nearly 3,000 lives lost are never forgotten, and to carry forward the legacy of those who served selflessly.

"...they did not become heroes because they had to, but because chose to," said Chief Grams.

"We gather not only because it marks the anniversary of a tragic day in our history, but because it is our duty to ensure that the sacrifices of those brave souls are never forgotten. We must ensure the stories are told their courage celebrated, and the lessons of the day are passed on to future generations. We must resist letting time diminish the memory of the nearly 3000 lives that were lost in an instant, the families that were shattered and the countless lives forever changed for those of us in the fire service, September 11 holds personal significance."

Firefighters lowered the flag to half staff, along with ringing the bell in honor of those who lost their life.

Following Grams, Statesboro Fire Deputy Bobby Duggar shared his thoughts, focusing on the spiritual response to the tragedy. He recalled how many turned to God in the aftermath, seeking comfort and understanding. Duggar led the attendees in a prayer, thanking God for His presence and for the men and women who stand against evil. He expressed gratitude for the strength and courage of those who serve and asked for continued guidance and protection. The ceremony concluded with an invitation to join in refreshments and a final note of appreciation for the attendees.

Bulloch Memorial Gardens provided refreshments and Daylight Doughnuts after the ceremony.

Watch the livestream in full here.

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