Public works honored in proclamation by Board of Commissioners

​Chairman Roy Thompson called the meeting to order and commissioner Toby Conner led the invocation and pledge of allegiance. All board members except for commissioner Ray Mosley, who had to attend to familial matters, were present.


1. Proclamation: National Public Works Week

Commissioner Curt Deal read the proclamation that thanked engineers, managers and employees for rebuilding, improving and protecting the essential facilities and structures for citizens. This year is the sixty-fourth annual national public works week, designated the week of May 19 to 25. Public works employees were presented with the proclamation, signed by board members.


APPROVED 1. Andrea and Brian Hendley have submitted an application for the conditional use to allow for a home occupation cottage industry. The property is located at 789 Henry Futch Road, Parcel No. 098 000023 001.

Director of Planning and Development James Pope presented the conditional use request for a machine shop where the current zoning is Ag5. He noted that this usage is not unlike other machine shops that would be seen in agricultural areas and that staff recommended approval

Brian Hendley says he has been machining as a hobby since 2008 and is wanting to expand business.

Kathy Smith is an adjacent property owner who was unable to attend first reading and is seeking clarity of intentions and work operation hours.

Pope answered that the ordinance requires hours be limited from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. seven days a week.

CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVED with addition of item No. 2 to new business- 

County Manager​ Tom Couch proposed a modification under new business to renew concession contracts for Splash in the Boro so that they may be updated by opening day on May 18.

APPROVED 1. Minutes Approval: Tuesday April 2nd, 2024 05:30 PM

APPROVED 2. Minutes Approval: Tuesday April 16th, 2024 08:30 AM

APPROVED 3. Motion to approve Pyro Shows East Coast bid for annual Firecracker Fest Fireworks Display

Due to a lack of contact or communication from the company that was awarded the bid in September, the board had to re-bid the fireworks show. The board made several unsuccessful attempts to reach out to them and never received a contract or invoice for services, therefore the purchase order was canceled.

Bid opening was held on 4/22/24. Of the bids submitted, two top contenders based on reviewed references are being considered. Based on the higher shell count of the show and references, it was recommended to approve the bid submitted by Pyro Shows East Coast in the amount of $20,000 for a fireworks display for the annual Firecracker Fest to be held on June 29, 2024. Pyro Shows East Coast bid meets all requirements.

APPROVED 4. Motion to award a contract in the amount of $34,020.00 to Perkins Concrete Finishing, LLC for the materials and labor to layout the form and pour a monolithic slab for the BCSO Drug Task Force Evidence Building.

Three quotes were obtained for materials and labor to layout a form and pour a monolithic slab for the BCSO Drug Task Force Evidence Building. Perkins Concrete Finishing, LLC provided the low quote. It is recommended to award the contract for this project to Perkins Concrete.

APPROVED 5. Motion to approve RPSS Yearly Service and Support Contract for 911 telephone system.

This motion is to approve the yearly service and support contract with RPSS for the 911 telephone system as well as approve the yearly service and support contract for the 911 telephone system. . The yearly contract is $22,760.


APPROVED 1. Motion to enter into a contract with JA Long, Inc. for the paving of Bethel Church Road, in the amount of $199,371.53, to be funded by TSPLOST.

County Engineer Brad Deal explained that GDOT will be realigning and repaving 375 feet of Bethel Church Road as a part of the construction of a roundabout at Harville Road/Langston Chapel.

Bethel Church Road, County Road No. 507, is a county-maintained dirt road, approximately 1,250 feet  in length. There are approximately 15 residences, as well as a Church on the road. A section of the road, where it connects to Langston Chapel Rd, is already scheduled to be realigned and paved as part of the GDOT project for Harville Road/Langston Chapel Roundabout construction. The roundabout construction leaves approximately 875 feet of the county-maintained portion of Bethel Church Road as unpaved. The road is on a hill and experiences frequent drainage problems and washouts. It is a dead-end road so there is only one way in and out for residents.

The Engineering Department proposes to pave the remaining 875 feet of the county-maintained portion of Bethel Church Road. The design is being done by Engineering Department staff, and utilizes the existing prescriptive easement for the road, so that no additional right of way will be acquired.

Quotes were requested from two separate contractors who are working on the roundabout project. The quotes include grading, storm drain installation, road base installation, and asphalt paving, as well as some additional items. The work can be completed during the construction of the roundabout project, so as to minimize traffic interruptions to the public.

The low quote is from JA Long, Inc. in the amount of $166,367. Staff proposes to include some of the add alternates on the quote (stabilization of roadside ditch and replacement of an existing drainage pipe), which brings the total for the project to $199,371.53. JA Long is also the prime contractor for the Harville/Langston Chapel Roundabout project, and would be able to complete the Bethel Church Road paving while working on the roundabout project. The County Engineer recommends approval of this contract.

Staff has spoken with all property owners and they are supportive; no opposition has been spoken according to Deal. 

APPROVED 2. Recreation Concession Agreement- Splash in the Boro

County Attorney Jeff Akins presented the concession agreements. Blue Mile Pizza will pay $60,000 and Chicken Salad Chick will pay $30,000.


Bill Emily is a Bulloch county resident.  He identifies himself as a representative of Bulloch County Senior property owners. He spoke about his concerns for senior citizens and rising cost of living for seniors without much of an increase in their social security.

Lisha Nevil, from Register, Georgia, is running for election as a member of the Board of Education. She says the biggest problem right now is the division in the county, and she blames the Board of Commissioners for said division. Nevil says this election has changed people.

Tim Powell is concerned about the destruction of the railroad crossing on Stuckey Lane between Middleground and Clito. He also asked about the decommissioned firetruck sitting outside of the firehouse near this railroad crossing, and if the truck could be sold to benefit the county. Finally, he asked if there were any updates about the water agreement between Bulloch and Bryan county and about the potential profits that would come from the agreement. 

Thompson asked Public Works Director Dink Butler for clarification on the railroad issue. Butler says that technically this is the railroad company's responsibility and would be a liability to the county to encroach on this jurisdiction, but also recognized the company's slow reaction to correcting this issue.

Assistant Public Works Director Robert Seamans says complaints made by calling and reporting the Crossing ID Number could help to urge the company to take care of the issue.

County Engineer Brad Deal said staff has met with the railroad company who requested that the county repave the adjacent area. Due to failed coordination between the county and railroad company, improvements have not been made. Deal says he will see what can be done by making further contact.

Fire Chief Ben Tapley addressed the inquiry about the fire truck. He says that it is a 1996 Spartan that was sent to the shop about a year ago because it wouldn’t go into pump gear. It was then sent to a technician at the county shop and was taken out of service because the frame was rusted. It will be going to surplus or salvage as soon as it can. Another van is also in the process of being salvaged.

County Manager Couch addressed the water agreement concern, stating that negotiations are somewhat in suspense as Bryan county is trying to secure land for 2 wells, as well as Bryan county having to take on tasks quicker for water facilities because Hyundai is accelerating production opening by one quarter. Bryan county is “Drinking from a fire house” according to Couch, who says there have been no new developments since an open records request was filed a couple of weeks ago. He says that conversation with Bryan county will likely reopen in a couple of weeks.

Commissioner Deal says that at the operational capacity of the Metaplant, revenue will be approximately $1.875 million a year, and possibly higher according to County Manager Couch. There is potential to reinvest this revenue in the county's proposed water system to make utilities affordable for future development. This will be an ongoing revenue stream for another generation and beyond. By 2028 the potential for yearly revenue will be $3.5 million annually.

“If we don’t put the wells in, we get zero dollars,” Chairman Thompson added. More negotiation are to come about wells, as surface water is the future of the plants operation.


Robert Seamans mentioned the “Touch a Truck” event at the Bulloch County Ag Arena on May 22 from 3 P.M. until 7 P.M. This event will showcase public works equipment and public safety departments will be in attendance.

From May 20 to 25 the Cypress Lake Collection Center will be closed for extensive renovation and the public should use Langston Chapel or other collection centers.  They will be updating security cameras and making improvements to rectify improper and illegal dumping on site. Reminders will appear on social media and on message boards the week before.

Dink Butler reports that $76,000 was received for FEMA recovery efforts out of the $83,000 that was requested. He reports that FEMA has been inconsistent, but as of this afternoon staff have submitted for approval for two projects, totaling $1.4 million submitted for recovery.

County Manager Couch thanked Butler for his persistence, patience and thoroughness in the pursuit of these funds.

Commissioner Timmy Rushing thanked the men and women of the transportation and public works department that accepted the signed proclamation. Commissioner Conner echoed that statement and further thanked the community and county staff for their thoughts and prayers for his family.

Chairman Thompson thanked the department and safety personnel once again. “We don’t know how fortunate we are here in Bulloch County,” he said. 

“I always say we have the best staff, the best workers in Georgia,” said commissioner Anthony Simmons. “Thank y’all for everything y’all do.”

The board then entered into executive session to discuss real estate, and upon returning to the regular session, Chairman Thompson adjourned the meeting with no action taken.

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